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Operational Strategies: Lean Production A2 Business Studies.

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Presentation on theme: "Operational Strategies: Lean Production A2 Business Studies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Operational Strategies: Lean Production A2 Business Studies

2 Aims and Objectives Aim: Understand time based management Objectives: Define lean production Explain Time Based Management Analyse TBM Evaluate TBM

3 Starter Define TBM. Explain how TBM can reduce waste and increase productivity. What doe the success of TBM depend on?

4 Simultaneous Engineering An approach to project management that helps firms develop and launch products more quickly. All parts of the project are planned together. Everything is considered simultaneously rather than separately.

5 Simultaneous Engineering s&feature=pyv&ad=4354207466&kw=engineering s&feature=pyv&ad=4354207466&kw=engineering Product teams are set up to include people in all areas that are relevant to the new product – design, development, production, marketing etc. Suppliers are involved in the new product development so that potential delays in resourcing of raw materials, components and services can be anticipated and avoided A teamwork approach is used, with all areas involved in the project working on the project at the same time.

6 Simultaneous Engineering - New product brought to market quickly - Firm may be able to charge a premium price to recoup R&D costs - Greater sense of staff involvement motivates employees - As all functions involved in decision making it can be long - Time estimates can be miscalculated resulting in a time delay in the projects completion

7 Cell Production A form of team working where production processes are split into cells. Each cell is responsible for a complete unit of work.

8 Cell Production Flow production line split into a number of self-contained units. Each team or ‘cell’ is responsible for a significant part of the finished article Rather than each person only carrying out only one very specific task, team members are skilled at a number of roles, so it provides a means for job rotation.

9 Cell Production - Team working should improve communication - Workers become multi- skilled -Greater motivation from varying work - Quality improvements - Allocation of work to cells has to be efficient. - May not allow a firm to use its machinery as intensively as in flow production. Ac

10 Cell Production Evaluation Culture and ethos of the business and the relationship between managers and workers! What does the success of implementing a cell production system depend on?

11 Just In Time (JIT) JIT aims to ensure that inputs into the production process only arrive when they are needed, reducing stock holding costs and waste.

12 JIT Aims to reduce waste by limiting stock holding at each stage of production. Materials delivered as required. Time stock spends as work in progress or finished is minimised. Resulting in a reduction in costs due to less holding costs of materials or stock. GVQQs GVQQs

13 JIT Collective memory game. Advantages and disadvantages of JIT production.

14 JIT

15 JIT Evaluation Supply chain being efficient Deliveries being on time Efficient workforce What does the success of implementing a JIT system depend on?

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