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Chapter 25. 1: Exploring the Solar System & 25

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1 Chapter 25. 1: Exploring the Solar System & 25
Chapter 25.1: Exploring the Solar System & 25.5 The Origin of the Solar System

2 GeoCentric vs. Heliocentric Model
Geo = “Earth” Centric =“in or at the Center” Most Ancient Greeks thought that the EARTH was the center of the Universe. *In a GEOCENTRIC Model, Earth is stationary while other objects in the sky move around it. Helio = “pertaining to the Sun” Aristarchus developed a heliocentric model--- In this model, Earth and the other planets revolve around the SUN. In the 1500s, with evidence supported by Copernicus and Galileo, this Heliocentric Model was proven Correct!

3 Heliocentric Evidence…
The apparent motions of the sun, moon, and stars result from Earth’s daily rotation on its axis.

4 *Isaac Newton realized that the Sun
Planetary Orbits What keeps the planets in their orbital paths? *Isaac Newton realized that the Sun Exerts a Gravitational Force on the planets that keeps them in orbit. Otherwise, the planets’ Inertia would cause them to fly off into space* GRAVITY and INERTIA combine to keep the planets in orbit around the SUN!

5 25.5 The Origin of the Solar System
This is the generally accepted explanation for the formation of the Solar System. *The Nebular Theory states that the solar system formed from a rotating cloud of dust and gas. A large, thin cloud of dust and gas like the one that formed our solar system is called a Solar Nebula. The Nebular Theory

6 Nebular Image

7 Nebular Theory Continued….
According to the Nebular Theory, the solar nebula formed from the material expelled by previous stars. Nearly all of the mass of the solar nebula, about 99.9% became concentrated near the center –where the SUN would form in this region. 10 million years after this solar nebula formed, Nuclear reactions began and OUR SUN was born!

8 Additional Points about the Nebular Theory
It also explains how the planets could have formed--- Balls of dust collided and grew larger & larger and eventually these asteroid-like bodies combined to form planets! The theory provides an explanation for the Current motions of the Sun, Planets, and most Moons.

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