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Extended theories of gravity and the acceleration of the Universe I

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1 Extended theories of gravity and the acceleration of the Universe I
Francisco S. N. Lobo Centro de Astronomia e Astrofísica da Universidade de Lisboa Modified Gravity Theories: Beyond Einstein's Legacy 16th September 2013 Lisbon

2 Finally published in the September issue, 1998
On the 13th March 1998, “The Astronomical Journal” received the paper “Observational Evidence from Supernovae for an Accelerating Universe and a Cosmological Constant” Finally published in the September issue, 1998

3 Finally published on 1st June 1999
On the 8th September 1998, “The Astrophysical Journal” received a paper entitled “Measurements of Ω and Λ from 42 High-Redshift Supernovae” Finally published on 1st June 1999

4 The 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Adam Riess, Brian Schmidt, and Saul Perlmutter
(for their discovery of the accelerating expansion of the universe)  The Supernova Cosmology Project & The High-z Supernova Search Team

5 Forced theorists and experimentalists to pose the question:
The Nobel Prize was attributed to the intriguing discovery that the expansion of the universe was not decelerating, but accelerating!! Forced theorists and experimentalists to pose the question: Is General Relativity (GR) the correct relativistic theory of gravitation? GR facing so many challenges indicative of a need for new gravitational physics!

6 Outline of the lectures:
First Lecture: Cosmology in nutshell; Alternative approaches to the ΛCDM model; Basic criteria for the viability of a Gravitation Theory; Foundations of Gravitation Theory; Modified theories of gravity: f(R) gravity; (Modified) Gauss-Bonnet gravity; Dark gravity from braneworlds; Etc,etc; Revision of recent work. Second Lecture (18th Sep.): More detailed and technical analysis of recent work.

7 Introduction Indeed, a central theme in modern Cosmology is the perplexing fact that the Universe is undergoing an accelerating expansion. This represents a new imbalance in the governing gravitational equations. Cause? Remains an open and tantalizing question Historically, physics has addressed such imbalances by either identifying sources that were previously unaccounted for, or by altering the governing equations. The standard model of cosmology has favored the first route to addressing the imbalance by a missing stress-energy component. One may also explore the alternative viewpoint, namely, through a modified gravity approach.

8 1. Cosmology in a nutshell
Assume the Universe to be spatially homogeneous and isotropic, governed by the FLRW metric: k = -1,0,+1 (open, flat, or closed Universe)

9 1. Cosmology in a nutshell
Assume the Universe to be spatially homogeneous and isotropic, governed by the FLRW metric: k = -1,0,+1 (open, flat, or closed Universe) Matter content described by a perfect fluid:

10 Einstein field equation: Friedmann equations:
Ordinary matter obeys Energy Conditions: Accelerated expansion: Violates the SEC!! Introduce cosmological constant  vacuum energy: ----- Meeting Notes (18/07/13 22:25) ----- 1. Note that for k=0, the Universe is spatially flat and becomes inifinite, with the energy density approaching zero, in order for the expansion to halt. 2. For k=1, the expansion can halt at a finite density, where the matter contribution is balanced by the k-term. 3. For k=-1, even if the energy density is dissipated, the k-term will continue the expansion, so that the Universe will expand forever.

11 Problems with the ΛCDM model
Simplest model Compatible with all data so far No other model is a better fit However, theory cannot explain it!

12 Problems with the ΛCDM model
Simplest model Compatible with all data so far No other model is a better fit However, theory cannot explain it! Why so small? (note a difference of 120-orders-of-magnitude. EMBARRASSING!!!) Why so fine-tuned?

13 2. Alternatives to ΛCDM? or Dark Gravity?

14 “Modified matter models” – Dynamical Dark Energy in General Relativity (GR)

15 “Modified matter models” – Dynamical Dark Energy in General Relativity (GR)
“Modified Gravity models” – Modify GR on large scales

16 Is GR wrong on large scales ?
Modified (dark) gravity Is GR wrong on large scales ? Example from history: Mercury perihelion – Newton + ‘dark’ planet ? no – modified gravity! Today: Modified Friedman equations (schematic)

17 General Relativity (GR): Hilbert-Einstein action
GR is a classical theory, therefore no reference to an action is required; However, the Lagrangian formulation is elegant, and has merits: Quantum level: the action acquires a physical meaning, and a more fundamental theory of gravity will provide an effective gravitational action at a suitable limit; Easier to compare alternative gravitational theories through their actions rather than by their field equations (the latter are more complicated); In many cases one has a better grasp of the physics as described through the action, i.e., couplings, kinetic and dynamical terms, etc

18 General Relativity (GR): Hilbert-Einstein action
Consider a 4-dimensional manifold with a connection, , and a symmetric metric The affine connection is the Levi-Civita connection. This requires that: The metric to be covariantly conserved; The connection to be symmetric. No fields other than the metric mediate the gravitational interaction; Field equations should be 2nd order partial differential equations; Field equations should be covariant (or the action be diffeomorphism invariant).

19 Experimental tests of GR
Accounts for the perihelion advance of Mercury; Eddington’s measurement of light deflection, in 1919; Pound and Rebka successfully measure the gravitational redshift of light, in 1960; Other experimental tests: Lense-Thirring effect (an orbital perturbation due to the rotation of a body); De Sitter effect (a secular motion of the perigee and node of the lunar orbit); Nordtvedt effect (lunar motion; effect would be observed if the gravitational self-energy of a body contributed to the gravitational mass and not its inertial mass); Shapiro time delay (radar signals passing near a massive object take slightly longer to travel to a target); Discovery of the binary pulsar, by Taylor and Hulse, leading to the first indirect evidence of gravitational waves. Etc, etc, etc (C.M. Will)

20 3. Foundations of Gravitation Theory
Schiff and Dicke: gravitational experiments do not necessarily test GR, i.e., do not test the validity of specific field equations, experiments test the validity of principles; Triggered the development of powerful tools for distinguishing and testing theories, such as the Parametrized Post-Newtonian (PPN) expansion (pioneered by Nordvedt; extended by Nordvedt and Will) Indeed, the idea that experiments test principles and not specific theories, implies the need of exploring the conceptual basis of a gravitational theory.

21 3. Foundations of Gravitation Theory
Dicke Framework. Probably the most unbiased assumptions to start with, in developing a gravitation theory: Spacetime is a 4-dim manifold, with each point in the manifold corresponding to a physical event (note that a metric and affine connection is not necessary at this stage); The equations of gravity and the mathematical entities in them are to be expressed in a form that is independent of the coordinates used, i.e., in a covariant form. It is common to think of GR, or any other gravitation theory, as a set of field equations (or an action). However, a complete and coherent axiomatic formulation of GR, or any other gravitation theory, is still lacking. One needs to formulate “principles”; an important one is the covariance principal, present in the Dicke Framework

22 Basic criteria for the viability
of a Gravitation Theory (following C.Will) It must be complete: The theory should be able to analyse from “first principles” the outcome of any experiment. It must be self-consistent: Predictions should be unique and independent of the calculation method. It must be relativistic: Should reduce to Special Relativity when gravity is “turned off”. It must have the correct Newtonian limit: In the limit of weak gravitational fields and slow motion it should reproduce Newton’s laws.

23 Equivalence Principle (current forms, C. Will):
Weak Equivalence Principle (WEP): If an uncharged test body is placed in an initial event in spacetime and given an initial velocity there, then its subsequent trajectory will be independent of its internal structure and composition.

24 Equivalence Principle (current forms, C. Will):
Weak Equivalence Principle (WEP): If an uncharged test body is placed in an initial event in spacetime and given an initial velocity there, then its subsequent trajectory will be independent of its internal structure and composition. Einstein Equivalence Principle (EEP): (i) The WEP is valid; (ii) The outcome of any local non-gravitational test experiment is independent of the velocity of the freely-falling apparatus (Local Lorentz Invariance, LLI); (iii) The outcome of any local non-gravitational test experimental is independent of where and when in the universe it is performed (Local Position Invariance, LPI).

25 Equivalence Principle (current forms, C. Will):
Weak Equivalence Principle (WEP): If an uncharged test body is placed in an initial event in spacetime and given an initial velocity there, then its subsequent trajectory will be independent of its internal structure and composition. Einstein Equivalence Principle (EEP): (i) The WEP is valid; (ii) The outcome of any local non-gravitational test experiment is independent of the velocity of the freely-falling apparatus (Local Lorentz Invariance, LLI); (iii) The outcome of any local non-gravitational test experimental is independent of where and when in the universe it is performed (Local Position Invariance, LPI). Strong Equivalence Principle (SEP): (i) The WEP is valid for self-gravitating bodies, and for test bodies; (ii) The outcome of any local test experiment is independent of the velocity of the freely-falling apparatus (LLI); (iii) The outcome of any local test is independent of where and when in the universe it is performed (LPI).

26 Equivalence Principle (current forms, C. Will):
Einstein Equivalence Principle (EEP): The EEP is at the heart of gravitation theory. Thus if the EEP is valid, then gravitation must be a curved spacetime phenomenon, i.e., it must obey the postulates of Metric Theories of Gravity: (i) Spacetime is endowed with a metric (second rank non-degenerate tensor); (ii) The world lines of test bodies are geodesics of that metric; (iii) In local freely falling frames, Lorentz frames, the non-gravitational laws of physics are those of Special Relativity.

27 Equivalence Principle (current forms, C. Will):
Einstein Equivalence Principle (EEP): The EEP is at the heart of gravitation theory. Thus if the EEP is valid, then gravitation must be a curved spacetime phenomenon, i.e., it must obey the postulates of Metric Theories of Gravity: (i) Spacetime is endowed with a metric (second rank non-degenerate tensor); (ii) The world lines of test bodies are geodesics of that metric; (iii) In local freely falling frames, Lorentz frames, the non-gravitational laws of physics are those of Special Relativity. Strong Equivalence Principle (SEP): Essentially extends the validity of the WEP to self-gravitating bodies; and the validity of the EEP to local gravitational experiments. GR is the only theory that satisfies the SEP; Can be shown that if the field equations for the metric contains derivatives of the metric no higher than 2nd order, the outcome of any experiment, gravitational or non-gravitational, is independent of the surroundings, and therefore independent of the position and the velocity of the frame. Therefore, theories that include higher order derivatives of the meric, such as 4th order gravity, do not satisfy the SEP (Sotoriou, 2007)

28 4. Extended theories of gravity Consider f(R) gravity, for simplicity:
Higher order actions may include various curvature invariants, such as: Consider f(R) gravity, for simplicity: Appealing feature: combines mathematical simplicity and a fair amount of generality!

29 The equivalence of theories
4.1. f(R) gravity: The equivalence of theories

30 f(R) gravity Action: Gravitational field equations (vary action with g):

31 f(R) gravity Action: Gravitational field equations (vary action with g): Effective Einstein equation: with Conservation law:

32 Ricci scalar is a dynamical degree of freedom:
Introduces a new light scalar degree of freedom. Consider: at low curvatures, 1/R dominates This produces late-time self-acceleration But the light scalar strongly violates solar system constraints. All f(R) models have this problem Way out: ‘chameleon’ mechanism, i.e. the scalar becomes massive in the solar system - very contrived!!

33 Late-time cosmic acceleration
f(R) gravity may lead to an effective dark energy. Consider the FLRW metric, and a perfect fluid, the generalised Friedmann equations: Where the curvature terms are given by: Late-time acceleration: !!

34 Late-time cosmic acceleration
e.g. vacuum , effective EOS A. Consider , generic power law Results: , Suitable choice of n leads to and late-time acceleration B. Another example :

35 4.2 Gauss-Bonnet gravity Considering higher-order gravity, motivation consistent with several “quantum gravity” candidates String/M-theory predict unusual gravity-matter couplings Couple a scalar field with higher order invariants String/M-theory predict scalar field couplings with the Gauss-Bonnet invariant important in the appearance of non-singular early time cosmologies Apply these motivations to the late-time Universe!

36 4.2.1 Action of Gauss-Bonnet gravity:
Canonical field: ; phantom field Gauss-Bonnet invariant:

37 4.2.1 Action of Gauss-Bonnet gravity:
Canonical field: ; phantom field Gauss-Bonnet invariant: FLRW metric, gravitational field equations:

38 Equation of motion for the scalar field:
Define an effective equation of state: - Exponential scalar potential and scalar-GB coupling: - Scale factor: - Scalar field: EOS: , if ,

39 4.2.2 Modified Gauss-Bonnet gravity (interesting alternative gravitational theory):
Introduce two auxiliary scalar fields, A and B: 1. Vary with B  A=G 2. Vary with A  B=f´(G)

40 4.2.2 Modified Gauss-Bonnet gravity (interesting alternative gravitational theory):
Introduce two auxiliary scalar fields, A and B: 1. Vary with B  A=G 2. Vary with A  B=f´(G) Taking into account the following definitions: Final action: Gauss-Bonnet action, without the kinetic term!

41 4.3. Dark gravity from braneworlds?
String theory - our 4D universe may be moving in 10D spacetime ST unifies the 4 interactions

42 DGP – the simplest example
4D brane universe in 5D bulk Friedman on the brane early universe – recover GR dynamics late universe – acceleration without DE gravity “leaks” off the brane therefore gravity on the brane weakens passes the solar system test: DGP GR The background is very simple – like LCDM

43 … too good to be true 5D analysis of perturbations shows - there is a ghost in the scalar sector of the gravitational field - ghost  negative sign in kinetic term (negative energy densities) The ghost makes the quantum vacuum unstable This ghost is from 5D gravity * It is not apparent in the background

44 … too good to be true 5D analysis of perturbations shows - there is a ghost in the scalar sector of the gravitational field - ghost  negative sign in kinetic term (negative energy densities) The ghost makes the quantum vacuum unstable This ghost is from 5D gravity * It is not apparent in the background Recent work: claimed that a higher codimension generalization of the DGP model is free of ghost instabilities Recent work: DGP ruled out due to structure formation(?!)

45 5. Some recent work C-theories: Unification of Einstein and Palatini gravities (Amendola, Enqvist, Koivisto, PRD 2011). Horava gravity (Horava, PRD 2009): attempt of a quantum field theory of gravity; breaks Lorentz invariance at ultra-high energies. Entropic gravity (Verlinde, 2010): space is emergent through a holographic scenario. Gravity is explained as an entropic force caused by changes in the information associated with the positions of material bodies. Gravity's rainbow: distortion of the spacetime metric at energies comparable to the Planck energy (see Remo Garattini’s talk)

46 5. Some recent work Horava gravity:
Recent (Jan 2009) idea in theoretical physics for trying to develop a quantum field theory of gravity; It is not a string theory, nor loop quantum gravity, but is instead a quantum field theory that breaks Lorentz invariance at ultra-high (trans-Planckian) energies, while retaining Lorentz invariance at low and medium energies. Interesting applications: Passes the solar system tests; Predicts a bouncing universe scenario, rather than a Big Bang, etc, etc. Presence of a spin-0 scalar graviton is potentially dangerous. Ghosts and instabilities!! Still relatively active field, although the initial frenzy has subsided.

47 5. Some recent work theory: Generalization of all previous f(R) gravitational models. (Harko, FL, EPJC 2010); (Harko, FL, IJMPD 2012; Honorable Mention in the Gravity Research Foundation Essay Contest 2012, IJMPD 2012) Specific application: gravity (Harko, FL, Odintsov, Nojiri, PRD 2011). Generalization: gravity (Haghani, Harko, FL, Sepangi, Shahidi, PRD 2013) Hybrid metric-Palatini theory (Harko, Koivisto, FL, Olmo, PRD 2012). (Capozziello, Harko, FL, Olmo, arXiv: ; Honorable Mention in the Gravity Research Foundation Essay Contest 2013, IJMPD 2013).

48 Hybrid metric-Palatini gravity (Harko, Koivisto, FL, Olmo, PRD 2012)
Interesting features: Predicts the existence of a long-range scalar field, that explains the late-time cosmic acceleration; Passes the local tests, even in the presence of a light scalar field. Dark matter problem in hybrid metric-Palatini gravity: Virial theorem (Capozziello, Harko, Koivisto, FL, Olmo, JCAP,2013) Galactic rotation curves (Capozziello, Harko, Koivisto, FL, Olmo, arXiv: [gr-qc]) Cosmological applications: See (Capozziello, Harko, Koivisto, FL, Olmo, JCAP 2013) Wormhole geometries: See (Capozziello, Harko, Koivisto, FL, Olmo, PRD 2012)

49 Conclusions Observations imply a late-time cosmic acceleration. But, theory cannot satisfactorily explain it; Generalizations of the Einstein-Hilbert (EH) action not such a straightforward procedure: - Two distinct classes, metric variational principle and Palatini approach (Both approaches lead to GR for the EH action); - Metric-affine theories of gravity: independent connection coupled to matter. Several aspects still completely obscure, such as: exact solutions, post-Newtonian expansions and Solar System tests, cosmological phenomenology, structure structure, application to particle physics, etc.

50 Conclusions Observations imply a late-time cosmic acceleration. But, theory cannot satisfactorily explain it; Generalizations of the Einstein-Hilbert (EH) action not such a straightforward procedure: - Two distinct classes, metric variational principle and Palatini approach (Both approaches lead to GR for the EH action); - Metric-affine theories of gravity: independent connection coupled to matter. Several aspects still completely obscure, such as: exact solutions, post-Newtonian expansions and Solar System tests, cosmological phenomenology, structure structure, application to particle physics, etc. Confrontation with cosmological, astrophysical and Solar System constraints clarified the difficulty of constructing simple viable models in modified gravity: - Viable models need to account for all the cosmological epochs; - Solar system tests: problematic issue of “chameleon” mechanism! Even if the theory is tailored to fit cosmological observations and pass local tests, problems related with stability arise; Consider “first principles” in order to construct gravitation theories. Theorists need to keep exploring: better models, better observational tests

51 Thank you!

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