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COPY THESE RULES AND COMPLETE THE EXERCISE AGREEMENT RULE 1 When a word refers to one person or thing, it is singular in number. When a word refers.

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5 COPY THESE RULES AND COMPLETE THE EXERCISE AGREEMENT RULE 1 When a word refers to one person or thing, it is singular in number. When a word refers to more than one, it is plural in number. EXERCISE ONE Number your paper 1-10. After each number, write whether the word is singular or plural. 1. Lawyer 2. Bag 3. My 4. Woman 5. Feet 6. Books 7. Ours 8. Weeks 9. Sound 10. Those

6 COPY THESE RULES AND COMPLETE THE EXERCISE AGREEMENT RULE 2 A verb agrees with its subject in number. (1)Singular Subjects take singular verbs. EXAMPLES My friend likes algebra. A girl in my neighborhood plays in the school band. (2) Plural subjects take plural verbs. EXAMPLES My friends like algebra. Several girls in my class play in the school band. Generally, nouns ending in –s are plural (friends, girls), but verbs ending in –s are singular (likes, plays).

7 COPY THESE RULES AND COMPLETE THE EXERCISE AGREEMENT RULE 2 Since the form of the verb used with singular pronouns I and you is regularly the same as the plural form, agreement in number presents problems mainly in third person forms. SINGULAR PLURAL 1 ST PERSONI helpWe help 2 nd PERSONYou helpYou help 3 rd PERSONHe, she or it helpsThey help

8 COPY THESE RULES AND COMPLETE THE EXERCISE AGREEMENT RULE 2 A verb agrees with its subject in number. (1)Singular Subjects take singular verbs. EXAMPLES My friend likes algebra. A girl in my neighborhood plays in the school band. (2) Plural subjects take plural verbs. EXAMPLES My friends like algebra. Several girls in my class play in the school band. EXERCISE TWO Number your paper 1-10. Write the verb in parentheses that agrees with the subject. 1. He (was, were) 2. They (comes, come) 3. Children (hurries, hurry) 4. You (has, have) 5. She (is, are) 6. Teachers (does, do) 7. Neighbor (says, say) 8. It (flies, fly) 9. Players (goes, go) 10. They (looks, look)

9 COPY THESE RULES AND READ FOR UNDERSTANDING (EXERCISE TO FOLLOW) AGREEMENT RULE 3 The number of the subject is not changed by a phrase following the subject. Remember that a verb agrees in number with its subject, NOT with the object of a preposition. The subject is never part of a prepositional phrase. Compound prepositions such as together with, in addition to, and along with following the subject do not affect the number of the subject. EXAMPLES The sign near the glass doors explains the exhibit. The paintings of Emilio Sanchez were hanging in the gallery. Anne, together with her cousins, is backpacking in Nevada this summer. Robert, along with Jean and Tom, has been nominated for class president. PREPOSITION SONG

10 COPY THESE RULES AND READ FOR UNDERSTANDING (EXERCISE TO FOLLOW) AGREEMENT RULE 3 The number of the subject is not changed by a phrase following the subject. Remember that a verb agrees in number with its subject, NOT with the object of a preposition. The subject is never part of a prepositional phrase. Compound prepositions such as together with, in addition to, and along with following the subject do not affect the number of the subject. EXERSICE THREE (VERBAL) 1. The rules in this textbook are guidelines for using standard English. 2. Mastery of these rules leads to improvement in speaking and writing. 3. The correct use of verbs is especially important. 4. Correct spelling, in addition to correct usage of verbs, is an essential writing skill. 5. People in the business world look carefully at letters of application. 6. Letters with nonstandard English do not make a good impression. a. Is there a phrase between the subject and the verb? (If so, mark through it.) Why? b. What is the subject? c. What is the verb? d. Do they agree in number?

11 COPY THESE RULES AND READ FOR UNDERSTANDING (EXERCISE TO FOLLOW) AGREEMENT RULE 4 - 6 RULE 4: The following pronouns are SINGULAR: each, either, neither, one, everyone, everybody, no one, nobody, anyone, anybody, someone, somebody RULE 5: The following pronouns are PLURAL: several, few, both, many RULE 6: The following pronouns may be either SINGULAR or PLURAL: Some, all, most, any, none Let’s Practice!!! How can we tell which are which? Singular Plural Either

12 COPY THESE RULES AND READ FOR UNDERSTANDING (EXERCISE TO FOLLOW) AGREEMENT RULE 4 - 6 RULE 4: The following pronouns are SINGULAR: each, either, neither, one, everyone, everybody, no one, nobody, anyone, anybody, someone, somebody RULE 5: The following pronouns are PLURAL: several, few, both, many RULE 6: The following pronouns may be either SINGULAR or PLURAL: Some, all, most, any, none EXAMPLES Each of the athletes runs effortlessly. [each one runs] Neither of the women is ready to start. [neither one is] Everyone in my family has enjoyed the games. Someone in the audience was waving a large flag. Few of the athletes have qualified. Several of the runners are exercising. Many on the team practice daily. Were both of the games postponed?

13 COPY THESE RULES AND READ FOR UNDERSTANDING (EXERCISE TO FOLLOW) AGREEMENT RULE 6 RULE 6: The following pronouns may be either SINGULAR or PLURAL: Some, all, most, any, none So, how can these words be either singular or plural? These pronouns are singular when they refer to a singular word and plural when they refer to a plural word. RULE 6 EXPLANATION EXAMPLES Some of the show is funny. [Some refers to singular show.] Some of the entertainers are funny. [Some refers to plural entertainers.] All of the cast looks young. [It looks.] All of the performers look young. [They look.]

14 COPY THESE RULES AND READ FOR UNDERSTANDING (EXERCISE TO FOLLOW) AGREEMENT RULE 6 RULE 6: The following pronouns may be either SINGULAR or PLURAL: Some, all, most, any, none So, how can these words be either singular or plural? These pronouns are singular when they refer to a singular word and plural when they refer to a plural word. RULE 6 EXPLANATION EXAMPLES Most of his jokes sound familiar. [They sound.] Was any of the criticism positive? Were any of the reviews positive? None of the music is catchy. None of the tunes are catchy.

15 FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT EXERCISE 5 Complete Exercise 5. Fold your paper in half hotdog- style when you are through. Be quiet and wait until everyone is done.

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