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Published byMae Burke Modified over 9 years ago
Introduction to the Cloud Solution Provider platform & APIs
4/26/2017 2:33 PM ITPro10 Introduction to the Cloud Solution Provider platform & APIs Speaker Title © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Cloud Solution Provider program overview
In a Cloud First world, partners want to…
Own the customer relationship Service the complete customer lifecycle Attach partner services
CSP enables partners to…
Set the price, the terms and directly bill customers Directly provision and manage subscriptions Be the first point of contact for customer support Create cloud subscription + partner offer 1 Set package price and sell to customers 2 Place order for Microsoft Cloud Services 3 Offer single packaged solution 4
Services available in CSP
131 markets Office 365, Windows Azure, Dynamics CRM Online, Enterprise Mobility Suite Continuous expansion Office 365 Own and Control the Billing Provision, Manage and Support Sell Integrated Offers and Services Enterprise Mobility Suite Microsoft Azure Dynamics CRM Online
CSP business models Customer 1-Tier Direct Cloud Solution Provider
Microsoft 2-Tier Indirect Customer Reseller Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider Distributor
CSP business models – which is right for you?
1-Tier (Direct) 1-Tier Direct 2-Tier Indirect Partners self-select based on criteria and business opportunity Partners managed by Microsoft: PSE, Tele, Programmatic 2-Tier reseller option provided partners that don't meet criteria Drives net new customers via differentiated offers & services MSFT MSFT Cloud Solution Provider 2T Cloud Solution Provider Reseller 2-Tier (Indirect) Customer Customer Selective recruitment; stringent criteria assessment Indirect sales via ‘reseller’ partners Partners fill scalability, capacity and capability opportunity Drives net new customers via differentiated offers & services Drive new partner recruitment Similar to our traditional channel, we expect the majority of partners to be serviced through the 2-Tier model as resellers //
CSP platform overview
CSP platform core elements
CSP Platform Components Partner Center portal Provision Customers & Subscriptions Admin-on-behalf-of customers Office 365, Intune, EMS, Azure, CRM Online CSP API Multi-channel & Multi-CSP Partner Billing & Reconciliation CSP Content & Resources Partner Center can be accessed at Find more information about the CSP API on MSDN
Tools to manage the customer lifecycle
Ordering & Provisioning Subscription Management Customer Administration Billing Support Create customers Order subscriptions Multi-channel Multi-Partner Add seats Reduce seats Order add-ons Suspend subs Admin-on-behalf Admin roles Configure services Manage users Edit customer info Monthly invoice Reconciliation file Invoice history Service requests Service health
Choice of provisioning & admin tools
Portal Experiences APIs PowerShell Partner Center for provisioning, ordering Service admin portals for service configuration Programmatic access CSP API Azure AD GRAPH API Automate and customize via scripting User and license management Not for ordering or commerce functions
Partner Center capabilities
Provision new customers Subscription provisioning – seat based services Subscription provisioning – consumption services Office, EMS, Intune, Azure and CRM Online available for order Admin-on-behalf-of (AOBO) Multi-Channel Multi-CSP Partner View your bill, past invoices, download .csv 2-tier add a Reseller-of-record Service request via link to service admin portals Service health via link to service admin portals User and delegated admin role management Easy access to CSP content & resources CSP CREST API access Advisor Partners can create DAP requests
Partner Center demo
Multi-channel capabilities in CSP
Customer Tenant Direct Open Advisor EA CSP Enables partners to provision CSP subscriptions for a customer that has an existing tenant Enables CSP subscriptions to co-exist with other subscriptions on the same tenant (e.g. purchased directly from Microsoft, via Open, EA) Customer retains full control over their existing subscriptions
Multi-CSP Partner capabilities in CSP
Customer Tenant CSP #1 CSP #2 CSP #n A customer has an existing CSP Partner that sold it Office 365 and then establishes a relationship with a second CSP Partner that specializes in Microsoft Azure. A customer has an existing CSP Partner that sold it Exchange Online, and then establishes a relationship with a second CSP Partner that specializes in SharePoint Online. A customer has an existing CSP Partner that specializes in Dynamics CRM Online, and then establishes a relationship with a second CSP Partner that specializes in Microsoft Azure.
CSP APIs overview
What are the CSP APIs? Partner Center API All Approved CSP Partners
Same capabilities as Partner Center but for ordering system integration. Get App ID keys from Partner Center Partner Center API Any approved CSP Partner can use API integration as an alternative to the Partner Center All Approved CSP Partners Simple APIs based on REST, JSON, & OAuth. Similar to Azure AD Graph and Office 365 APIs. Simple REST APIs Available for ordering Office 356, Azure, Dynamics CRM Online, and Enterprise Mobility Suite All Microsoft Commercial Cloud Services APIs for working with your customers and for processing orders Customers and Orders Generally available since July 13, 2015 Available now
Options for CSP partner integration
Hire third party developer Code against CSP APIs Use Partner Center web site Panel providers prebuilt portal Use a distributors portal
Onboarding development sizing
Customers Microsoft CSP REST APIs Customers Your customer portal Your ordering system Your billing system Customer invoice Your REST interface module Developer skills required: REST, JSON, Azure Active Directory OAuth, HTTP Network Trace
What support can I get from Microsoft?
Online (links in references) MSDN API documentation. Sample code in C# and Java. First time CSP API video walkthrough. MSDN Forums for CSP APIs. MSDN Forums FAQ. Onboarding Help MPN support benefits and incidents can be used to get help. Premier contract support hours can be used to get help. Advanced Support for Partners. Break/Fix Support In which something was working in production, you changed nothing, and it stopped working. Available from the Office Portal. Choose Partner Center.
Foundational concepts – REST and JSON?
JWT This is what you send to Microsoft for the create customer API Method URL REST Headers JSON Request Body POST HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json api-version: x-ms-correlation-id: 1fad6fc5-f2d3-4b13-a295-1a98d792e6e9 x-ms-tracking-id: 842b fc-48f6-a169-00a8d3aa4c47 Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6Ijd3YzlFTnVyWGZaRWt5VkxfZkM5cTZpeHNMRSJ9.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.DB8R9-3tZf-0mCFYdUOw7by58FEql0i39SE5pay4A_3E7Oe40JjPRYztBDdyhV3JX6y4w2r0JLlMr0Re4_dtznEQ7RnzPly2JRGlLzeZi-t56KGw_RKfR4QfgsU5WzbGz3QkQMmEME4K-XDkEEe2hYxjZYTQWgNoIV8x8L18peQD8FTV0g__3TDviMcKM5rG9d4VGUFf_-1UrQ8Eu_PiiNrBYz2oiuU2vAtS47_Tfbr6qixYKhlZy8F_6OV3PbbZoGfO-e6XBm5kimnFA91pAy_9dNaBkVwNslhVRsDwWjFW2n8376umrtZyH44q4LAHNCP7QouLNg2i1Xw73sFwMg Host: Content-Length: 394 Expect: 100-continue Microsoft Way","address_line2":"","city":"Redmond","region":"WA","postal_code":"98052","country":"US"}}} OAUTH Bearer Token JSON Request Body
What is a REST response This is what you get back from Microsoft for that same API JSON Response Body HTTP Headers HTTP/ Created Cache-Control: no-cache Content-Length: 1747 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.5 api-version: Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, PUT X-AspNet-Version: X-Powered-By: ASP.NET x-ms-correlation-id: 1fad6fc5-f2d3-4b13-a295-1a98d792e6e9 x-ms-session-id: b7c64d5c-063d-47c cfc3c4116f12 X-Server: DM2OS1OMSQUEW01 Strict-Transport-Security: max-age= ; includeSubDomains Date: Tue, 28 Jul :08:18 GMT Microsoft Way","address_line2":"","address_line3":"","postal_code":"98052","first_name":"Paul","last_name":"Andrew","links":{"self":{"href":" e2-ad8d-c9a213755c29/addresses/7b3b5c23-374d-4a31-b163-c87b52296ed3","method":"GET"}},"object_type":"Address"},"etag":" ","links":{"self":{"href":" e2-ad8d-c9a213755c29/profiles/b28b75a6-cccf-42b2-98a0-caca0b9e9182","method":"GET"},"snapshot":{"href":" e2-ad8d-c9a213755c29/profiles/b28b75a6-cccf-42b2-98a0-caca0b9e9182/1","method":"GET"},"update":{"href":" e2-ad8d-c9a213755c29/profiles/b28b75a6-cccf-42b2-98a0-caca0b9e9182","method":"PUT"}},"object_type":"OrganizationProfile"}} HTTP Response JSON Response
Foundational concepts – sign-in accounts
Work or School Account (Org ID) Microsoft Account (MSA, Live ID) Application Identifier Identified by User Principal Name. Customer owns whole directory and can sync. Used for partner tenant and customer tenant. Consumer account (no directory). Used for Azure subscription which can manage multiple Org ID directories. App ID and Client Secret Used for an application to sign-in Not associated with a user. Can have Admin group memberships Commonly obtained through an Office 365 subscription. Also a separate account for the CSP to sign-in to the Partner Center web site for access to their integration sandbox. Not used to sign-in using the CSP APIs. Used to sign-in to Azure portal (RDFE). Cannot be used to sign-in to the PartnerCenter web site. Used in code to sign-in as an application.
Foundational concepts – tenants and tokens
Identified by long 1,982 character tokens. Your code signs-in with an App Id, part of the Org ID directory with permissions. Azure AD authentication token Identified by Tenant ID (tid) GUIDs. EG: 86fd35b9-38a2-413c-a9b1-33bb75f3bd4f Get this from Graph API calls or the Partner Center portal. The Customer Account ID is also a GUID. The partner tenant and the customer tenant Sign in with an App Id (a GUID) and Client Secret (48 characters) to get the sign-in token The sign-in token needs replaced with a token that has sales agent permissions Also need a token with specific customer account permissions to access those Review the MSDN docs for which token to use when Each Azure AD tenant has a tenant id (tid) Your reseller account, your TIP account, each customer, any 2 tier resellers Each Azure AD tenant id has a corresponding Customer Account ID (cid) This is used for commerce activities This doesn’t change so can be cached
DEMO: Setup Sandbox and App ID
First sign-in as an accredited CSP partner
Go to Account settings
Get the reseller Microsoft ID
Create the Integration Sandbox
Test in Production (TIP)
Create the API App ID and Client Secret
Integration Sandbox (TIP)
Purpose You get 1 integration sandbox account per CSP reseller Create it from Account Settings in your production tenant on Partner Center For testing of your API integration Not for load testing, acceptance testing, unit testing Limitations 25 customers, create 25 subscriptions, up to 25 seats Each Azure subscription can have up to $200 per month You can delete TIP customers to avoid the 25 limit Can create a new customer immediately The deleted customer will exist for a further 3 days You cannot takeover a production customer with TIP
APIs for CSPs: Crest and Graph
CREST (CSP) APIs Customer Order Azure AD Graph APIs User management Group management Authentication Manage customer accounts Create orders for a customer Get list of customers subscriptions Convert subscriptions Suspend of reactivate subscriptions Monitor stream of subscription events Lookup a customers Azure usage For looking up directory data including customer contracts in a directory, users in a directory and admin groups.
APIs for CSPs: Usage and ARM
Azure Resource Usage & Rate Card Individual customer metered usage Retail prices per DC, per currency Aggregate in CREST API Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Provision services in bulk Provides near real time data about usage per Azure meter. Multiplying the meter usage by the rate card cost for that meter shows the cost. Enables programmatic provisioning of a group of Azure resources in one operation. Which can then be repeated.
APIs for CSPs: Service Management
Azure Service Management Office 365 Service Management Manage services Edit mailbox properties Create SharePoint sites Service incident reporting REST and PowerShell APIs to provision resources in an Azure subscription REST APIs for access to Exchange Online, SharePoint Online and Skype for Business at
Next Steps & Resources
How to join CSP If you are interested in participating in the Cloud Solution Provider Program, please use the following guidance: For 1–Tier and 2–Tier level participation: please review the resources provided on the CSP MPN Resource Portal or reach out to your local Microsoft representative For 2–Tier reseller: please reach out to one of the approved 2–Tier partners on the list provided via the link on this page to understand requirements After evaluating the above, you can also go to to express your interest in joining the program.
Partner Center resources
Partner Center Overview Presentation Partner Center Overview Video Partner Center FAQs Multi-Channel FAQs Multi-CSP Partner FAQs Partner Center Roles Descriptions CSP Invoice Operations Guide
CSP API resources CREST Commerce APIs
Intro onboarding video: MSDN Documentation: MSDN Forums: Code samples: FAQ: Azure AD Graph APIs Documentation: Forums: Code samples: Office 365 tenant administration APIs Documentation: Azure Rate card and Usage APIs Documentation: Sample code: Azure service provisioning APIs Documentation: Network monitoring tools Microsoft Message Analyzer Telerik Fiddler POSTMAN
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