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CAEAR Coalition’s Priorities in the New Administration and New Congress NY HIV/AIDS Planning Council March 19, 2009 Presenter:Presentation: Hunter T. Carter,

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Presentation on theme: "CAEAR Coalition’s Priorities in the New Administration and New Congress NY HIV/AIDS Planning Council March 19, 2009 Presenter:Presentation: Hunter T. Carter,"— Presentation transcript:

1 CAEAR Coalition’s Priorities in the New Administration and New Congress NY HIV/AIDS Planning Council March 19, 2009 Presenter:Presentation: Hunter T. Carter, PartnerJon S. Bouker, Partner New York, NYWashington, DC

2 The Imperative – Remember Domestic HIV/AIDS By Jose Antonio Vargas and Darryl Fears Washington Post Staff Writers Sunday, March 15, 2009; Page A01 HIV/AIDS Rate in D.C. Hits 3% Considered a 'Severe' Epidemic, Every Mode of Transmission Is Increasing, City Study Finds At least 3 percent of District residents have HIV or AIDS, a total that far surpasses the 1 percent threshold that constitutes a "generalized and severe" epidemic, according to a report released by health officials…

3 Presidential/ Congressional Agenda for 2009 President Obama and the Democratic Congress have an aggressive agenda for 2009 Stimulus Package FY09 Appropriations Omnibus – RW plus-up Health Care Reform Energy/ the Environment Highway Reauthorization Union Card Check/Employee Free Choice

4 Governor Sebelius – Secretary of Health and Human Services The Obama Administration’s selection of Governor Sebelius as Secretary of HHS is largely seen as a positive move in the HIV/ AIDS community. However, the State of Kansas has under 2000 reported cases of HIV. How will Sec. Sebelius view funding issues in the extension/reauthorization of the Ryan White CARE Act?

5 Stimulus Package American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan What is in the Stimulus bill? $787 billion over 2 years Basic Infrastructure- Projects that are “shovel ready” within 150 days of enactment. Health Information Technology – Funding for infrastructure now and funding for Medicare/ Medicaid incentive payments in 2 years. Business tax cuts Individual tax credits HIV/ AIDS programs may be eligible to compete for the $650 million in Prevention and Wellness funding through the Department of Health and Human Services.

6 FY2009 Appropriations

7 All components of the Ryan White Program received an increase! Following is a quick take of the increases. We will prepare an updated chart tomorrow. Part A = +$35.93m Part B base = +$7.92m Part B ADAP = +$20.62m Part C = +$3.12m Part D = +$3.16m Part F dental = +$572,000 Part F AETCs = +$303,000 Total increase for the Ryan White Program is $71.63 million

8 FY2009 Appropriations CAEAR Response

9 Senate HELP Committee Chairman Edward Kennedy (D-MA) Ranking Member Michael Enzi (R-WY) The Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pension Committee has jurisdiction over the reauthorization of the Ryan White AIDS Program With Health Care reform, Union laws and Education reform on the list of priorities for the 111 th Congress, the HELP Committee will be very busy with big ticket items making a simple extension of the reauthorization more likely. Committee Members in the 111 th Congress Majority Members Christopher Dodd (CT) Tom Harkin (IA) Barbara A. Mikulski (MD) Jeff Bingaman (NM) Patty Murray (WA) Jack Reed (RI) Bernard Sanders (I) (VT) Sherrod Brown (OH) Robert P. Casey, Jr. (PA) Kay Hagan (NC) Jeff Merkley (OR) Minority Members Judd Gregg (NH) Lamar Alexander (TN) Richard Burr (NC) Johnny Isakson (GA) John McCain (AZ) Orrin G. Hatch (UT) Lisa Murkowski (AK) Tom Coburn, M.D. (OK) Pat Roberts (KS)

10 Sen. Enzi’s Amendment to Kill Hold Harmless Provision in Omnibus 2006 Bi/Bi compromise to “follow the money” – passed Senate, lost in conference March 6, ‘09 GAO report figures on hold harmless “cheating”?? Garnered 42 votes, including Nelson (NE), Nelson (FL), McCaskill (MO) – all Democrats Issue not going away/shot across the bow

11 House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman (D-CA) Ranking Member Joe Barton (R-TX) The House Energy and Commerce Committee has jurisdiction over the reauthorization of the Ryan White AIDS Program Henry Waxman is taking over as Chair of the Committee after years as head of the Oversight and Investigations committee. Congressman Waxman has been a long time friend of the HIV/AIDS community. He will be replacing the Committee health staff with his own staff. Members of the Health Subcommittee for the 111 th Congress Majority Members Chair, Frank Pallone, Jr., NJ Jim Matheson, UT John D. Dingell, MI Jane Harman, CA Bart Gordon, TN Charles A. Gonzalez, TX Anna G. Eshoo, CA John Barrow, GA Eliot L. Engel, NY Donna M. Christensen, VI Gene Green, TX Kathy Castor, FL Diana DeGette, CO John P. Sarbanes, MD Lois Capps, CA Christopher S. Murphy, CT Jan Schakowsky, IL Zach Space, OH Tammy Baldwin, WI Betty Sutton, OH Mike Ross, AR Bruce L. Braley, IA Anthony D. Weiner, NY Minority Members Nathan Deal (R-GA) Ranking Member Ralph M. Hall (R-TX) Ed Whitfield (R-KY) John B. Shadegg (R-AZ) Roy Blunt (R-MO) Steve Buyer (R-IN) Joseph R. Pitts (R-PA) Mike Rogers (R-MI) Sue Myrick (R-NC) Timothy F. “Tim” Murphy (R-PA) Michael C. Burgess (R-TX) Marsha W. Blackburn (R-TN) Phil Gingrey, (R-GA)

12 CAEAR Legislative Goals 3 year extension of the Ryan White AIDS Program  The Ryan White AIDS Program must be reauthorized this year  Small changes can be made to current program to speed its passage Increase appropriations for the Ryan White AIDS Program in FY10 by $100 million Develop and implement a National HIV/AIDS Strategy  Creation of a White House Office of National AIDS Coordination with access to budgetary and policy setting functions.

13 Our Advice to New York Area RECRUIT MORE MEMBERS FOR CAEAR Get to Washington, early and often. Work especially hard to support friendly members. Grassroots efforts like C2EA. WORK AGGRESSIVELY WITH SEN. GILLIBRAND –Environment & Public Works Committee; –Foreign Relations Committee; –Agriculture Committee; and –Special Committee on Aging.

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