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Tim Bell 04/07/2013 Intel Openlab Briefing2.

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2 Tim Bell 04/07/2013 Intel Openlab Briefing2

3 New Data Centre Approved 04/07/2013 Intel Openlab Briefing 3 Data centre in Geneva at the limit of electrical and cooling capacity at 3.5MW New centre chosen in Budapest, Hungary Additional 2.7MW of usable power Local on-site support for hardware maintenance and installations

4 04/07/2013 Intel Openlab Briefing 4

5 Good News, Bad News Additional data centre in Budapest now online Increasing users of CERN’s facilities and higher computing requirements as data rates increase Staff numbers are fixed, no more people Materials budget decreasing, no more money Legacy tools are high maintenance and brittle How do we maximise our computing resources within these constraints ? 04/07/2013 Intel Openlab Briefing5

6 Approach 04/07/2013 Intel Openlab Briefing6 Remodel IT services on Cloud layered models IaaS, PaaS, SaaS Move to commonly used open source tools Focus on strong communities and momentum Implement clouds at scale Aim for 90% infrastructure virtualised Exploit ecosystem solutions rather than writing from scratch

7 04/07/2013 Bamboo Koji, Mock AIMS/PXE Foreman AIMS/PXE Foreman Yum repo Pulp Yum repo Pulp Puppet-DB mcollective, yum JIRA Lemon / Hadoop / LogStash / Kibana Lemon / Hadoop / LogStash / Kibana git OpenStack Nova OpenStack Nova Hardware database Puppet Active Directory / LDAP Active Directory / LDAP Intel Openlab Briefing7

8 Training for Newcomers 04/07/2013 Intel Openlab Briefing8 Buy the book rather than guru mentoring

9 Job Opportunities 04/07/2013 Intel Openlab Briefing 9

10 OpenStack 04/07/2013 Intel Openlab Briefing 10

11 Service Models 04/07/2013 Intel Openlab Briefing11 Pets are given names like They are unique, lovingly hand raised and cared for When they get ill, you nurse them back to health Cattle are given numbers like They are almost identical to other cattle When they get ill, you get another one

12 CERN Status IT OpenStack Cloud Running Folsom around 500 hypervisors on KVM and Hyper-V High availability components using load balancing All Puppet managed to configure OpenStack Over 100 users creating up to 300 new VMs/day Cattle service level only LHC experiment farms CMS currently running 1,300 hypervisors with 50,000 cores ATLAS starting to ramp up to a similar size Other science grid sites moving to private cloud on OpenStack Brookhaven, IN2P3, FutureGrid, NeCTAR, IHEP, … 04/07/2013 Intel Openlab Briefing12

13 04/07/2013 Intel Openlab Briefing13 Microsoft Active Directory CERN DB on Demand CERN Network Database Account mgmt system Horizon Keystone Network Compute Glance Scheduler Cinder Nova Block Storage Provider

14 04/07/2013 Intel Openlab Briefing14 cloudstack

15 04/07/2013 Intel Openlab Briefing15

16 Preproduction Service 04/07/2013 Intel Openlab Briefing 16

17 Outlook Track stable Grizzly releases in RedHat EPEL Up to date but not too close to the leading edge Scaling Expect 15,000 hypervisors, 150,000 VMs by 2015 Manageability Metering, Orchestration with Heat, Bare Metal Functionality Load Balancing, High Availability Storage and Pets 04/07/2013 Intel Openlab Briefing17

18 High Energy Physics Clouds 04/07/2013 Intel Openlab Briefing 18 Long-term preservation of software and data of HEP experiments Utilize special computing resources attached to the detectors Simplify the management of heterogeneous in- house resources Use commercial clouds for exceptional computing demands Distributed cloud computing using HEP and non-HEP clouds

19 Rackspace Openlab Project 04/07/2013 Intel Openlab Briefing 19

20 Conclusions CERN IT is re-engineering to deliver additional capacity to 11,000 physicists within fixed resources Clouds models can simplify current large scale computing infrastructure OpenStack and its ecosystem allows us to meet this challenge and help others through open source 04/07/2013 Intel Openlab Briefing20

21 Questions ? 04/07/2013 Intel Openlab Briefing 21

22 What have we learnt? Automate everything from the beginning Stackforge community projects are a great help Distributions and appliances make getting started much easier Constant rate of change requires a different approach Focus on core technologies and keep up to date Track new projects but don’t adopt too early unless strategic Many of our users are cloud aware Culture changes for legacy application coding and IT services Communities are major motivators Staff approach needs to change to adapt rather than re-invent 04/07/2013 Intel Openlab Briefing22

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