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Nasya Karma.

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1 Nasya Karma

2 Introduction The nose is the doorway to the mind and senses, where Prana or vital energy is absorbed in the process of breathing.

3 NASYA (Shirovirechana Karma)
Definition: Medicine or Medicated oil administered through Nasal passage is known as Nasya. Involves the cleansing of the nasal passage by the administration of oils, powders, herbal juices, infusions or smoke. Nasya also means beneficial to nose. 

4 SIGNIFICANCE OF NASYA In the diseases of the head and supraclavicular diseases Nasya is the best and most specific procedure. ‘Nasa Hi Siraso Dwaram’ Nasal passage is the gateway of the head and the drugs given through this passage mitigate the various vitiated Doshas and cure the diseases.

5 Shirovirechan Murdha-virechan Prachchhardana Shirovireka Nastaha Karma
NASYA SYNONYMS Shirovirechan Murdha-virechan Prachchhardana Shirovireka Nastaha Karma Amongst the various synonyms of Nasya karma Shirovirechana, Shirovireka and Murdhavirechana are suggestive of elimination of Doshas from the Shira or parts situated above the clavicle i.e. Prachchardana, whereas the terms Nastaha and Navana indicates site of administration.

Nasya is of 5 types, viz Navan nasya (using oils & ghee) Avapida nasya ( uses herbal extracts, juices) Dhmapan nasya (Insufflation) Dhooma nasya (Inhalation) Pratimarsh nasya

According to action: Purification (Shodhana) to eliminate doshas Palliation (Shamana) to reduce dosha provocation Tonifying (Brimhana) to strengthen Vata. According to dose: Pratimarsha - 2 drops in each nostril Marsha drops in each nostril

8 Indications Nasya indicated in various diseases of the supraclavicular region such as Stiff neck and jaw, Graying of hair, Baldness, Facial palsy Sinusitis, rhinitis, Earache. Stammering or alteration of voice, Hoarseness of voice, Corrhyza, Tonsillitis

9 Indications Diseases of Nose Catract Diseases of Ear
Diseases of eye Diseases of Head and skull,Headache, Migraine. Hysteria Tetnus Goitre Catract Diseases of eye lid Pigmented face Diseases of neck Diseases of shoulder Diseases of Mouth

10 Contraindication Nasya should be avoided in patients who have
Severe digestive disorders immediately after physical exertion Pregnant women Children under 7 years. Acute fevers Acute corrhyza Purgation Fast Indigestion

Age : Nasya should be administered to patients who are 7 to 80 years old. Time of Administration:- In Kapha Roga – Fore Noon In Pittaja Roga – Noon In Vataj Roga – After noon

12 Ritu Evum Kala (Season And Time)
Pravrita, Sharda(autumn) and Vasant(spring) are the best seasons for nasya administration. Whether should neither be too hot nor too cold. In Summer Nasya should be given before noon. In Autumn Nasya should be given afternoon. In Rains Nasya should be given on a clear day i.e. non- cloudy.

13 Navan Nasya Navan Nasya:- Medicated oil or ghee is administered through Nasal passage. Eg. Kshirbalatail Chandanbalalakshadi Tail Anu Tail Shadbindu Tail Brahmi Ghrita

14 Avapida Nasya Juice of drugs / Kalka is administer through Nasal passage. Stambhana (to check the flow ): Ikshu-rasa, Milk, Ghrita. Shodhana: Saindhavpiplyadi Kalka. Sanghya-Prabhodhaka : Nasya should be given to restore senses in case of snake bite, Vishpidita (Intoxicated), Apsamara.

15 Avapida Nasya Hina Matra (minimum dose) – 4 drops
Madhyama Matra – 6 drops Uttama Matra (maximum dose) – 8 drops Note : Bindu (drop):Dip the index finger in the medicated oil up to two parts and quantity of oil that falls off the finger is known as drop of oil.

16 Dhmapana/Pradhamana Nasysa
Churana i.e. powered drug is blown into the nostril with the help of a 6 finger long Nadi-Ynatra (pipe). It is a specific shohdana Nasya. Eg. Katphala churna, Trikatu Churna. Indications:- Mental Disorders Intoxicated. Dose:- One Muchyuti i.e. A pinch [i.e. drug taken between thumb and fore finger]

17 Dhoom Nasya Medicated smoke inhaled through nostrils and exhaled through buccal cavity is known as Dhooma. Dhooma inhaled through nostrils should be exhaled through buccal cavity but it is not advisable to take Dhoom orally and exhale through Nostrils, as it is harmful to eyes. Indications:- 1. diseases of head 2. diseases of eye 3. diseases of nose

18 Marsh-Pratimarsh Nasya
it is well tolerated and very convenient to use. Can be given in all seasons. Should be given twice daily i.e. in morning and evening. It strengthens the body. It can be given throughout the life i.e. from birth till death. Dose: - 2 drops Indications:- It is indicated especially in Children, old age, Weak and injured person. In both of these medicated oil is instilled in the nostrils. Dose is the difference between them.

19 The difference between Marsha and Pratimarsh Nasya can be summarized as follows –
1 Not indicated in all ages and seasons Indicated 2 Associated with complications Not associated 3 Quick Acting Slow acting 4 Highly Efficacious Low efficacious 5 Long lasting effect Short lasting effect 6 Dose— drops Max drops Mod., drops Min. 2 drops

Purva karma(Preparatory Phase) Pradhana karma (Operative Phase) Pashchat karma (Post-op-phase)

21 Material required Nasya oil/ other Oil for Abhyanga
Gokarna / dropper/ gauze For swedana warm water, towels

22 Preparatory phase Patient is made to sit or lye on Nasya chair or bed, with head end slightly downward. Cover his eyes with a clean bandage. Massage his head, fore head, cheeks etc. With oil like Bala tail etc. For 10 – 15 minutes. Followed by a light fomentation.

23 Operative phase Raise the tip of the nose of patient and instill luke warm Nasya medicine in each nostril in the prescribed dose, followed by light sudation of the facial area. Patient should lye calmly during all this procedure. Guide the patient not to swallow the medicine, instead spit it repeatedly.

24 Post-op-phase Wait for 2 to 3 min (100 Matra : patient should lie supine for time interval consumable for counting numbers up to 100) Fomentation , Warm gargles Dhoompana Light diet Duration : Maximum for 21 day or till the appearance of adequate effect. Minimum for 7 days.

25 Assessment of symptoms
Features of Samyak Nasya (Adequate Nasya) Shiro laghava – lightness of head Sukh Swapana – Sound Sleep Vikaro Prashama – Remission of the disease Mana Prasanta – Mental happiness Sroto Shudhi – Cleansing of Channels. Laghava – Lightness in the body Indriya Shudhi – Cleansing of senses.

26 (B) Features of Atiyoga of Nasya (Excessive Nasya)
Kapha Praseka Excessive Salivation Shiro Guruta – Heaviness of head Indriya Vibhrama – Confusion. Shiro – Shoonyata Emptiness of head. Vata Vridhi – Vitiation of Vata Treatment: Kapha Vata Suppressive (Shamaka) treatment should be done.

27 (C) Features of Hina Yoga of Nasya (Inadequate Nasya)
Vata Vigunta – vitiation of Vata Indriya-Rukshata – dryness of senses Kandu – Itching Sroto-guruta – Heaviness of Channels Kapha-srava —Excessive Secretions of Eye,Nose and Mouth Treatment - Repeated Nasya In Hina Yoga or give Tishna nasya

28 Do’s and Dont’s Patient Should Avoid
Cold water Sunlight, dust, smoke & direct air. Incompatible diet, unctuous substance. Alcohol . Anger. Bath by head Travelling.


30 Local effects Irritating drugs Stimulation of olfactory neurons
Sneeze reflex Expulsion of secretions from Paranasal sinuses

31 2. Systemic effects Absorption of nasya drugs
Stimulation of hypothalamus Release of certain neurochemical Transmitters Alleviation of symptoms of disease


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