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Millsworth Public Library Discover the possibilities Strategic Plan for Improvement of Community Outreach and Teen Services at Millsworth Public Library.

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Presentation on theme: "Millsworth Public Library Discover the possibilities Strategic Plan for Improvement of Community Outreach and Teen Services at Millsworth Public Library."— Presentation transcript:

1 Millsworth Public Library Discover the possibilities Strategic Plan for Improvement of Community Outreach and Teen Services at Millsworth Public Library

2 Millsworth Action Team Director: Jonathan Fackrell Associate Director/ Head of Technical Services: Jake Beckstead Librarian (Children's Services): Sam Bryan Librarian (Adult Fiction): Mary Ann Maxwell Librarian (Adult Non-Fiction): Paul Daybell

3 Guiding Values Learning: The library strives to serve as a house of learning for the community in hopes of building a community culture of education and self-improvement. Community: The library encourages community participation and endeavors to offer programming and materials that will be the most pertinent to community needs. Equal Access: The library provides full access to all members of the community regardless of origin, age, background, or views.

4 The Millsworth Public Library provides a variety of informational, educational, and recreational resources to all the people residing in Millsworth City in a safe atmosphere that encourages individual usage and inspires personal and community enlightenment. The Millsworth Public Library cooperates with other libraries and service organizations in providing and promoting programs and other activities that reflect the needs and interests of the community to enhance the quality of life. Mission

5 Planning & Preparation

6 Planning & Preparations Budget constraints Time / Timeframe Physical space of the library Limited staff available to contribute Limiting Factors

7 Planning & Preparations Support from the community and library board Highly technical and creative staff Positive Factors

8 Current Reality Millsworth, Montana: Rural Home of a state university Homogenous population Growing economy due to new aerospace company Influx allows for improvement projects and building schools Environmental Scan

9 Current Reality Public Library Last Year Had: 197,387 individual volumes 22,797 issued library cards 977,741 items circulated 276,391 visits The library staff reports to the board, who in turn reports to the city council. Environmental Scan

10 Current Reality SWOT Analysis

11 Current Reality The library offers: Materials provided for checkout and in-library use (including an eLibrary comprised of electronic materials available for check- out) Computers/internet access Electronic databases Summer reading program Weekly storytime for toddlers and young children Organizational Performance

12 Current Reality Monthly book club for adults Monthly evening classes on various topics, sponsored and presented by faculty from the nearby state university Meeting room available for patrons with current library cards to reserve Calendar of events in the library and community Organizational Performance

13 2011 Circulation based on Physical and eLibrary items

14 Current Reality Performance Targets

15 Current Reality Storytimes are growing in popularity Calendar has provided information to patrons (outreach) Summer reading encourages library visits Monthly book club has been meeting for more than 10 years Library attendance has risen by 3% in the past year Distance classes through the University are very popular Gap Analysis: Successes

16 Current Reality Teen programming and collection out of date Programming has been very limited, as has outreach Overall library attendance is significantly lower than desired (see Action Plan and Initiatives) Gap Analysis: Shortages

17 New Priorities

18 Strategic Profile The changing community requires change in the library

19 New Priorities "I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library." --Jorge Luis Borges Future Vision

20 New Priorities We envision the library: Helping individuals connect with the community Encouraging personal growth through life-long learning Inspiring youth and providing with educational and entertainment materials Future Vision

21 1: Create a friendly and inviting teen expansion in the library. Objective 1: Provide a larger area for teens with more information resources (books, magazines, and computers). Objective 2: Increase teen information literacy and use of the library. Strategic Initiative

22 2: Expand current library programming and facilitate professional connections within the community. Objective 1: Schedule bi-weekly information sessions for community members presented by local authors and business professionals. Objective 2: Create community awareness of the new programming through new community outreach initiatives. Strategic Initiative

23 Action Plan Initiative 1

24 Initiative 1 Goal: Improve teen area and materials, increasing service to and patronage of the teen population. Young Adult Services

25 Initiative 1 Action Steps: 1.Build expanded teen area 2.Evaluate current materials 3.Weed the collection 4.Review and purchase Young Adult Services Objective 1: Increase Teen Holdings


27 Initiative 1 Finances Endowment Total: 35,000.00 Construction Costs: 8,500.00 Furnishing Costs: Teen Reading Lounge:2,500.00 Shelving:5,600.00 Pub Tables and Chairs:2,000.00 Computer stations/Chairs:4,000.00 Desktop computers:4,000.00 Decor:800.00 Collection Costs: 7,600.00 Total Cost: 35,000.00


29 Initiative 1 Action Steps: 1.Hire teen Librarian 2.Community outreach 3.Increase teen programming Young Adult Services Objective 2: Increase Teen Patronage

30 Initiative 1 Desired outcomes: 1.Increase teen holdings 5 - 7% 2.Increase teen patronage 5 - 7% Young Adult Services

31 Action Plan Initiative 2

32 Initiative 2 Goal: To expand current library programming and facilitate professional contacts within the community. Programming and Outreach

33 Initiative 2 Action Steps: 1.Create a list of agencies 2.Schedule the Auditorium 3.Assign contingency presentations Programming and Outreach Objective 1: Biweekly information sessions

34 Initiative 2 Action Steps: 1.Advertise on public radio 2.Advertise in local paper 3.Post flyers 4.Send out emails Programming and Outreach Objective 2: Create community awareness of activities

35 Initiative 2 Desired outcomes: 1.Community input in presentations 2.Local professionals interest in presenting 3.Bring patrons into the library Programming and Outreach

36 Action Plan 1.Librarians must manage time 2.Monitor contractor timelines 3.Be aware of scheduling rooms around construction 4.Schedule time for outreach 5.Monthly evaluation of initiatives 6.Monitor progress toward goals through statistics Performance Management

37 Action Plan Finances Personnel Benefitted Employees$569,940.00 Non Benefitted Employees$98,500.00 Overtime$2,000.00 Benefits$275,338.00 Subscriptions and Memberships$700.00 Travel and Training$8,500.00 Personnel Total $954,978.00 Office Supplies $30,000.00 Proffesional and Technical $28,500.00 Special Departmental Supplies$34,000.00 Other Supplies $40,000.00 Collection Development: Adult Fiction $63,000.00 Nonfiction $65,500.00 Childrens $59,000.00 Young Adult $17,500.00 Collection Developement Total $205,000.00 Maintanence: General Maintanence$14,250.00 Building and Grounds Maintenance$25,000.00 Utilities$105,000.00 Maintenance Total $144,250.00 Budget Total $1,304,228.00

38 Contingencies

39 1.Prioritize teen area build 2.Build area in steps 3.Delegate responsibilities Teen Section

40 Contingencies Outreach and Programming 1.Consolidate programming with local organizations 2.Phone calls and volunteers instead of library personnel visits 3.Plan backup presenters 4.Have librarian presenters ready

41 Millsworth Public Library* *Not a Real Library

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