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Situation Analysis. 2 Policy and planning Key messages Situation analysis is more than burden of disease (BoD) Also include SDH, population expectations.

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Presentation on theme: "Situation Analysis. 2 Policy and planning Key messages Situation analysis is more than burden of disease (BoD) Also include SDH, population expectations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Situation Analysis

2 2 Policy and planning Key messages Situation analysis is more than burden of disease (BoD) Also include SDH, population expectations Health system resources, capacity and performance Stakeholders positions Evidence for priorities, policies and plans

3 3 Policy and planning Robust situation analysis – not just BoD social determinants of health health needs current & projected demand for health services health system resources past health system performance in meeting demand system capacity to meet current and future demand stakeholder positions and roles Sound policy and planning process and should include comprehensive assessment of:

4 4 Policy and planning 1.Desk review – BoD, national health statistics, NHA, sector reviews, demographic and household surveys 2.Trend analysis and Gap analysis 3.Mapping: e.g. power, information, poverty 4.Service readiness (SARA) 5.Informant interviews 6.Focus groups 7.Survey of individuals 8.Stakeholder meetings 9.Stakeholder analysis Situation analysis: tools

5 5 Policy and planning Situation analysis vs baseline Situation analysis = a process of discovery on a range of quantitative and qualitative issues – best done by those who will use the information Baseline = measurement of performance on indicators (often quantitative) at a particular time, to be used for future comparison Information collected during a situation analysis can contribute to: establishing a baseline, examination of progress and trends against a baseline identifying a need for a baseline

6 6 Policy and planning Data collection – some issues Avoid bias – unintentional mismatch of emphasis on the input of a particular group over others (e.g. gender, rural, minorities, etc.) Avoid discrimination – intention to leave out or prioritize certain voices or results (e.g. due to social status, religion) Accuracy – wherever possible, triangulate both quantitative and qualitative information using different sources

7 7 Policy and planning Situation analysis and priority setting No government can fund everything in health Choices have to be made … … but there is no simple way We need information from the situation analysis … … but priority setting is largely a political process Broad consultation and consensus building on priorities is critical

8 8 Policy and planning Good practice: situation analysis Encourage local ownership and responsibility Facilitate partnerships and team building Encourage stakeholder participation Build capacities

9 Thank you

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