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HC70A Winter 2008 Genetic Engineering in Medicine, Agriculture, and Law Professor Bob Goldberg Class Announcements 2/19/08.

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Presentation on theme: "HC70A Winter 2008 Genetic Engineering in Medicine, Agriculture, and Law Professor Bob Goldberg Class Announcements 2/19/08."— Presentation transcript:

1 HC70A Winter 2008 Genetic Engineering in Medicine, Agriculture, and Law Professor Bob Goldberg Class Announcements 2/19/08

2 HC70AL Lab Spring 2008 Monday, March 31 @ 6 PM I Have Notified Everyone Who I Accepted to the Lab Please See Ingrid For Your PTE

3 Be Prepared For a Discussion Tomorrow On Stem Cells READ Articles Dealing With Stem Cells Out Last Thursday READ Assigned Text Chapters For Background (Chapter 11, Pgs. 256- 263; Chapter 13, Pgs. 294-303) DISCUSSION

4 Thursday Guest Speaker Dr. Susan Sarajari, MD., PhD. In Vitro Fertilization & PGD Reception & Dinner Following Lecture RSVP To Ingrid About Dinner

5 MT Oral Exam Average Group Grade 70,775 (94%) + Candy 10,000 Pts!

6 Graded Take-Home Exam Handed Back At the End of Class Today Average Grade 325,412 81%

7 Problems With TH Exam Outline Format Space Utilization Class-”Infected” Answers Identical Answers Conceptual Problems (Q2,4,5) Future Quizzes

8 “Grading Problems” Write Up “Problems” Hand in to Me With Exam I Will Regrade ENTIRE Exam Make Appointment to See Me Answer Each “Problem Question” Orally

9 Last Lecture Lecture #6: The Age of Genomics: Your Personal Genome Today ’ s Class 1.Continue Your Personal Genome + Human Origins-Past and Present 2.Lecture #7: Genetic Engineering Applications-Bacteria to Humans

10 HC70A Winter 2008 Genetic Engineering in Medicine, Agriculture, and Law Professor Bob Goldberg Lecture 7 Twenty-First Century Genetic Engineering Applications

11 THEMES 1.Review:Genetic Engineering Applications 2.Genetic Engineering of Bacteria a.Drugs, Vaccines, & Antibiotics b.Food Products (e.g., cheese) c.Metabolism & Biofuel Production d.Human Gene Delivery Systems 3.Genetic Engineering of Fungi a.Drugs b.Fermentation & Alcoholic Beverages 4.Genetic Engineering of Animals & Plants a.Biopharming b.Using Animals to Make Drugs c.Using Plants to Make Vaccines 5.Genetic Engineering of Humans a.Germ Cell vs. Somatic Cell Gene Therapy b.In Vivo Gene Therapy i.Cystic Fibrosis Gene Therapy ii.Brain Cancer Gene Therapy c.Ex Vivo Gene Therapy i.ADA Gene Therapy d.Cloning, Stem Cells, & Gene Therapy

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