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December 2007IETF 70 (Vancouver)1 Applications and Media Information (AMI) Extension to the Presence Information Data Format draft-schulzrinne-simple-ami-00.

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Presentation on theme: "December 2007IETF 70 (Vancouver)1 Applications and Media Information (AMI) Extension to the Presence Information Data Format draft-schulzrinne-simple-ami-00."— Presentation transcript:

1 December 2007IETF 70 (Vancouver)1 Applications and Media Information (AMI) Extension to the Presence Information Data Format draft-schulzrinne-simple-ami-00 Henning Schulzrinne Columbia University Yang Zhao & Qian Sun Huawei Technologies

2 December 2007IETF 70 (Vancouver)2 Motivation Current media activities of presentity: –music –video –games –web browsing Common in social networking applications Common in other IM systems Format “borrowed” from Jabber extensions –with some minor tweaks

3 December 2007IETF 70 (Vancouver)3 Music : performer of the song or piece : of the song or piece : musical genre or category : in seconds. : collection (e.g., album) or other source : time started listening to the piece : title of the song or piece : unique identifier; e.g., track # : information about the song or artist : free-form comments

4 December 2007IETF 70 (Vancouver)4 Video : author or producer of the program : cast members of the program : globally unique channel ID (URN) : name of TV/satellite channel : description of program : in seconds : predicted

5 December 2007IETF 70 (Vancouver)5 Video, cont’d. : episode number : name of the TV or movie title : comedy, drama,... : time presentity started watching : e.g., outtakes : URI for the video : free-form comments : personal rating from 1 to 10

6 December 2007IETF 70 (Vancouver)6 Games : name of character : URI for profile : name of the game : user's level in the game : game server : name of server : for game or game service

7 December 2007IETF 70 (Vancouver)7 Web : HTML "description" META tag : HTML "keywords" META tag : HTML : URI of the page

8 December 2007IETF 70 (Vancouver)8 Open issues Scope? Part of presence or separate event package? –event package: separate subscription, only loosely “presence” related –presence: filtering, subscription,...

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