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INTERVIEW TECHNIQUES ALPHY KUDILIL. INTERVIEW TYPES TV INTERVIEWS - A TV interview can be as simple as asking questions to people passing by, or it can.

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Presentation on theme: "INTERVIEW TECHNIQUES ALPHY KUDILIL. INTERVIEW TYPES TV INTERVIEWS - A TV interview can be as simple as asking questions to people passing by, or it can."— Presentation transcript:


2 INTERVIEW TYPES TV INTERVIEWS - A TV interview can be as simple as asking questions to people passing by, or it can be as involved as a one-on-one, sit-down discussion, it’s a live interview so can be visually interesting. Things that make a good interview are deciding what you want from the interview, having some knowledge about the topic of the interview, listening closely, asking follow up questions, ending the interview allowing the person to speak freely etc. This interview can be asked in many ways such as face to face, over the phone, live on TV, in a radio studio, in the interviewee’s home etc. Many formal questions will be asked, also using the 5 W’s (who, what, when, why, where). A great example of a TV interview would be David Letterman’s interview with Tom Hanks - This is a great example of a TV interview because the viewers could see Tom hanks’ emotions and expressions while he gets interviewed, hence the purpose of a TV interview is to make it visually interesting. RADIO INTERVIEWS - Radio interviews can be an effective way of communicating with targeted audiences that are likely to be interested in what you have to say. Also, you can do most radio interviews them from the comfort of your own home or office. Radio interviews have both positive and negative aspects; your performance can enhance or detract from the message you want to convey, so it’s vital you know what you’re doing. These types of interviews require verbal answers because you can’t see the interview but only hear it. This interview is asked and done through your speech, which is why everything has to be verbal. An example of a radio interview would be Chris Brown & Tyga interviewing each other on 92.3 AMP radio - This is a great example of a radio interview because both Chris and Tyga are verbally making it interesting for the listeners. Even though the listeners can’s see them they step ahead in their performance to convey their message verbally. PRINT INTERVIEWS - Print interviews can educate, inspire, and entertain people. Interviews given to print or online journalists are very different to interviews done for radio or TV. It is when a person is interviewed through magazines/ online etc. Print interviews have different space and design requirements, making it more unique. This will be useful for people who like to read magazines as it entertains them and lets them have a better understanding of the purpose of that interview. An example of a print interview would be Sky Movies interviewing Daniel Radcliff which was featured on a Sky Movies Magazine - Grint-harry-potter-15261826-2423-1533.jpg. This a great example of a print interview because Sky Movies has compressed the interview with Daniel into a magazine. They have done a great job of displaying the interview in a written format to make it visually attracting for the audience. Grint-harry-potter-15261826-2423-1533.jpg

3 INTERVIEW STYLES HARD NEWS – Hard news is also known as news which features in a newspaper of television report and deals with formal or serious topics and events. These are usually found in News programs like BBC news. The style of the interviewer is more serious and demanding. The interviewer doesn’t share jokes or humorous comments. They go straight to the point and deliver the news as quickly and as clearly as possible. This is because the news stories are serious and not meant to be humorous. The questions asked in a hard news program are there to get as much information out of the interviewee as possible. These are questions which people already sort of know the answer. Hard News programs often start by saying the main stories and headlines, which will be repeated if it’s very important and news breaking. The link below is an example of a hard news interview with Charlie Sheen on the show Good Morning America on ABC. The interview is about Charlie Sheen and his drug and alcohol problem and what he has to say about it - This is a great example of a hard news interview because the interview is based on serious personal issue of Charlie and we can see and hear his seriousness throughout the interview. Also, the interviewer is serious about her questions. LIGHT HEARTED - This style of interviewing doesn’t appear in news programs but in entertainment programs. Normally in a light-hearted interview the approach is upbeat and positive. The approach of the interviewer tends to be slightly humorous as well getting all the questions answered. Different questions are asked in these interviews which makes the program more interesting to watch. Interviews will normally say ‘thank you’ to the interviewees and sometimes even summarize the interview to help finish the show off. These light-hearted interviews are to allow the audience to have more understanding of a particular subject and also allow an individual to express their own opinion on it. These types of interviews are similar to discussion groups and talks, and sometimes can even be used for entertainment purposes. The link below is a light hearted interview on the BBC’s The One Show, featuring Will Smith and his family - This is a great example of a light hearted interview because the interview starts with the interviewers being humorous and Will Smith and family tends to be very humorous and happy throughout the interview. By doing this they could entertain the audience as the purpose of a light hearted interview is to make it visually interesting and humorous.

4 INVESTIGATIVE - As obvious as it is, these types of interviews are used to investigate subjects and look more deeply into it, getting a better understand of it. If there is a particular subject which doesn’t contain much information to be observed, these types of interviews take place in order to find out more about it. The people taking part in the investigation are normally witnesses/experts. Common question types asked in these types of interviews are open, direct and multiple. In these interviews, a lot of progress and development is shown as the interviewer unravels information which had not been found. The purpose of these interviews is to let the audience know more about something which nobody really knew; giving them more knowledge on a hidden subject. The link below is an example of an investigative interview from the famous interview by Sir David Frost and former US president, Richard Nixon - This is a great example of an investigative interview because Richard Nixon shares information that the audience never really knew about. Also David Frost asks the questions very carefully and in a strict manner. PROMOTIONAL - This type of interview is where a guest comes in and advertises a new product, which could be anything of their choice. The interviewers in this interview will seem to be lighter hearted; however some can be more serious. Each time a different interviewer comes, they change the questions because if they had the same ones, the guest would get bored and it wouldn’t be a successful interview. Like all interviews, the introduction to start this is by letting the audience get to know the guest and how they became what they are; giving the audience a wider and comforting view. To help separate the questions, clips and videos that have the guest in it will be played. The purpose of this interview is to publicise a product, get to know the guest, have a better understanding of what’s being promoted etc. The link below is an example of a promotional interview where Vin Diesel, Dwayne Johnson & Paul Walker talk about Fast & Furious 5 - This is a great example of a promotional interview because the interview is with the three main stars of Fast and they talk about their experience of acting in Fast 5. The interview seems to humorous throughout and they have done this to make it interesting for the audience and also at the same time promote the film. ENTERTAINING - These types of interviews are very popular on chat shows such as Top Gear. It is normally comedy in this interview, allowing the audience to be entertained and comfortable. It’s approached in a comedic way and the questions asked will be based around humour. The language used is informal which is effective as the audience will be able to feel at home. Open questions are the types used for this as it is meant for entertainment. The purpose of this interview would simply be to allow the audience get to know the interviewee and what they’re like as an individual. These types of interviews can also be used for promotional material, so these types can be linked together. Here is an example of an Entertainment interview with Hugh Jackman on The Jonathon Ross Show. This is great example of an entertaining interview because the main purpose of an entertaining interview is to be entertaining to the audience. In this interview Hugh Jackman is interviewed in a comedic and entertaining way. By doing this they could portray humour and also get to know more about Hugh Jackman.

5 COMBATIVE - These types of interviews contain a lot more opinions and views; therefore have many disagreements and arguments. The interviewer may use more challenging questions to stir up the emotions of the interviewee, which would make their interview more exciting and interesting for the audience to see. Most questions asked in this interview is direct and straight to the point. It’s effective towards the audience as it will show them what’s right and wrong about the interviewee. The questions asked are written down beforehand; making sure they all get answered. At the start, the person is introduced to the audience whilst there is a calm atmosphere. As the interview continues, it can get more personal and challenging for the interviewee which would cause arguments and debates. The main purpose of this is to get the audience to have a wider understanding of the topic, they may have many doubts and want to hear what the interviewee has to say. Here is an combative interview example of Jeremy Paxman interviewing Micheal Howard on BBC’s Newsnight programme - This is a great example of a combative interview Michael Howard and Jeremy Paxman are discussing about a certain topic and sharing their opinions and views. By doing this they are allowing the audience to have a wider understanding of the topic.

6 OPEN INTERVIEWS - In interviews, open questions are used to allow the interviewee to say what their view and opinion is; giving them a chance to elaborate on the question giving their view. However open questions can also be used on a topic the interviewee may not want to talk about, making the interview a more serious one. The purpose of these types of questions is to get an individual’s opinion on a particular subject and let them express their opinion on it, making the interview more interesting to watch as it doesn’t always go humorously but can get serious too. An example of an open interview would ‘22 Jump Street’ on YouTube show Unscripted - This a great example of an open interview because the main two actors of 22 Jump Street are asked questions about the film and they explain every answer in detail, hence getting the most out of the interviewee is the main purpose of an open interview. CLOSED INTERVIEWS - In interviews, closed questions are used to not allow the interviewee to say their opinion in much detail as they prefer. Its usual a straight yes or no type of question and can be effective in interviews that are serious and want an answer straight away. Closed questions limit the views on the individual and almost stop them for portraying the truth. It can sometimes be aggressive and lead to many problems. The type of language used to ask these questions will be manipulative and vicious. Closed questions can be effective and used for the audiences’ entertainment. Its purpose is to limit the answers the interviewee can say and not allow them to say what they feel/think should be said. An example of a closes interview would be from this medical interview - This is a great example of a closed style interview because the interviewee tends to only give yes or no answers to the questions asked by the interviewer. RADIO INTERVIEW QUESTIONING STYLES

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