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Bobble Head Project. What’s a bobble Head?

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1 Bobble Head Project

2 What’s a bobble Head?





7 The gist of this assignment is to build a body (animal, human or a combination of the two) and to also build three separate removable heads for this body. The guidelines for this assignment are as follows.

8 Build a body that is at least 5” tall. The body that you build may be animal or human or a little bit of both. That is something for you to determine before or during the building process. That is your subject matter may evolve as you work or it may be something that you decide before you start working. (Hint: either way of working is fine however if you decide to build something specific before you start it would be helpful to have pictures (books, magazines, etc.) to work from. ) The body that you build should stop at the neck and have a clay post where the head should be to support the three different heads that you will also make for this figure.

9 Build three different heads for your body. The heads may also be human or animal or a little of both. That is entirely up to you. The catch is this: one head should be much smaller in proportion to the body. The second head should be larger than the second and built in proportion to the body. The third head should be as big as the body. Also the third and the largest head should be built upside down starting with the crown first and ending with the chin

10 The Subject of your body and heads may be connected thematically. For instance you might make the body of Mickey mouse and three different Mickey mouse heads to illustrate three different emotional conditions or exaggerations of Mickey mouse’s head. You may also choose to make a body and heads with zero thematic connection.

11 Part of the object of this assignment is to introduce the element of surprise to your work. To push the surprise aspect of your piece you might trade heads with your classmates.

12 Other skills that I hope you will gain from this assignment are to get some experience working with size. You will gain some knowledge of building interior structures, building with thin walls of clay to lighten up your sculpture, and solving the endless problems of fighting against gravity.

13 New Vocabulary: Gist: the real point of an action Thematic: having or relating to subjects or a particular subject.

14 Here is what is do today: 1.Copy and paste six or more images of heads to a word document. 2.Copy and paste six or more images of bodies to a word document. 3.Print and turn in before the end of class.

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