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Jamillah Jasmine Woods The wonderfulness of Jamillah J. Woods.

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Presentation on theme: "Jamillah Jasmine Woods The wonderfulness of Jamillah J. Woods."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jamillah Jasmine Woods The wonderfulness of Jamillah J. Woods

2 My Favorites My favorite colors are purple, red and blue My favorite food is spaghetti My favorite singers are Trey Songz and Beyonce. I have plenty friends but my main friends are… Attianna, Shanquila, Darian, Grai’Nisha, Yasmine and Leah My favorite character is Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck

3 My Family I have 4 brothers and 2 sisters ◦ Brothers  Jarron 24  Abdullah 18  Umar 17  Humza 12 ◦ Sisters  Brittni 24  Antonlena 8 ◦ Parents  Zakia Grisham  Marvin E. Woods

4 Home Town I was born in Detroit MI on September 14 th 1994 at Sinai Grace Hospital.

5 My Favorite Movies

6 What I like to do I like to shop until I drop I like to have fun at parties when I go to out of town I like to chill with my family on holidays accept for new years

7 The High Schools I Have Attended Snider high home of the panthers Wayne High home of the generals Detroit International Academy (DIA) home of the pink panthers Paul Harding High home of the Hawks Woodland Hills High home of the wolverines

8 My Favorite Athletes Serena Williams Lebron James Patten Manning

9 !!~Mickey Mouse~!! I Mickey Mouse He has lots and lots of love to share with the world Mickey is a magical bundle of FUN!! Most of Mickey's magic is all in your head

10 ~!!Jamillah!!~

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