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OHT 1 - MG - Cabinet February-2000 GI opportunities in Europe Martin Littlejohn DG Information Society.

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Presentation on theme: "OHT 1 - MG - Cabinet February-2000 GI opportunities in Europe Martin Littlejohn DG Information Society."— Presentation transcript:

1 OHT 1 - MG - Cabinet February-2000 GI opportunities in Europe Martin Littlejohn DG Information Society

2 OHT 2 - MG - Cabinet February-2000 AgendaAgenda  eEurope  eGovernment Information Strategies  eContent  European GI Policy  IST eActions galore

3 OHT 3 - MG - Cabinet February-2000 eEuropeeEurope  Bring every citizen, school, business and administration on-line - quickly  Create a digitally literate and entrepreneurial Europe  Ensure an inclusive information society

4 OHT 4 - MG - Cabinet February-2000 A basis for discussion and action Draft eEurope Action Plan  A cheaper, faster and secure Internet  Investing in people and skills  Stimulate the use of the Internet  eCommerce  eGovernment  Health online  Digital content for global networks  Intelligent transport systems

5 OHT 5 - MG - Cabinet February-2000 Adopted by the Commission 24-5 Draft eGovernment Action Plan  Essential public data online (2002)  Simplified online administrative procedures for business (2002)  Develop a co-ordinated approach for public sector information (2000)  Pan-European portals of interactive public services (mid 2001)  Promote use of open source software in public sector (2001)  eCommission:  All basic transactions with the European Commission online (2001)

6 OHT 6 - MG - Cabinet February-2000 More European Content on the Net Digital Content for Global Networks eContent  Exploitation of public sector information (€75M)  Experimental projects  Public/Private Partnerships  European data collections (e.g GI)  Linguistic and cultural customisation (€60M)  Market enablers (€10M)  Promote Internet start-ups  Multimedia rights trading  Support Actions (€5M)  Preparatory actions call - close 7 July

7 OHT 7 - MG - Cabinet February-2000 Green Paper Public Sector Information  Green Paper published 20 January 1999  Green Paper Follow on  eGovernment Information Strategies –a Communication  Summary of the replies  Proposals for action

8 OHT 8 - MG - Cabinet February-2000 European Commission - Directorate general “Information Society” eGovernment Information Strategies  Improving the legal framework  Drawing benefits from the most advanced schemes  Catalysing developments  Sectoral initiatives: GI, Libraries  High Level Group

9 OHT 9 - MG - Cabinet February-2000 European GI Policy Development EGIP  Replacing defunct GI2000  Tagging on to  eEurope  eContent  eGovernment Information Strategies  IST

10 OHT 10 - MG - Cabinet February-2000 EGIP Main Actions  eGovernment Information Stategies  Communication  Adopt European Reference system  Mandate National GI agencies to produce European data  Single point of access  Affordable price  COGI  Commission inter service group on GI  Better access to GI –Joint acquisition of GI  Benefits  Common data policies

11 OHT 11 - MG - Cabinet February-2000 GI/GIS: Harmonisation & Interoperability  JRC project in FP5  Support to EGIP/COGI  Market Study for COGI  Workshops & Expert panels  Web site & EGIP discussion list  Data policy experimentation  IMAGE2000 & CLC200

12 OHT 12 - MG - Cabinet February-2000 IST: 1st Call - GI proposals KA3  40 submitted  GI Projects selected  Hypergeo : mobile GI  Faster : Statistics, Tables and Electronic Resources  ETEMII : European Territorial Information Infrastructure

13 OHT 13 - MG - Cabinet February-2000 IST: 2 & 3 Call - GI proposals KA3  2nd call  16 submitted  3 ranked  3rd Call  8 submitted

14 OHT 14 - MG - Cabinet February-2000 GI in Workprogramme 2000  4th call, June 2000  I Environment  III Authoring  III Visualisation  III Working groups

15 OHT 15 - MG - Cabinet February-2000 Cross Programme action  New/improved user friendly info-mobility services.  Mainstreaming GI  New models, concepts and functionality  5th call, September/October 2000

16 OHT 16 - MG - Cabinet February-2000 GI Proposal 2001  Testbeds/Demo projects to validate new approaches  ESDI  Thematic applications  Location based services for DSS  Interoperability, semantics, ontologies  Business models  GSDI, OGC, ISO etc

17 OHT 17 - MG - Cabinet February-2000 SummarySummary  eEurope is umbrella initiative  eContent replaces INFO2000  eGIS is a Communication  Green Paper on Public Sector Information  EGIP replaces GI2000

18 OHT 18 - MG - Cabinet February-2000 ConclusionConclusion  GI is everywhere  Many opportunities  GI political initiative still possble  eGIS  Time to move on after 10 years

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