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L’etat, c’est moi!! Louis XIV (1643-1715) The Sun King.

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Presentation on theme: "L’etat, c’est moi!! Louis XIV (1643-1715) The Sun King."— Presentation transcript:

1 L’etat, c’est moi!! Louis XIV ( ) The Sun King

2 Key Terms Louis XIV Sun King Edict of Nantes Bourbon Family
Fronde Alsace-Lorraine Intendants Palace of Versailles Levee Edict of Nantes Declaration of Clergy of France Jean Baptiste Colbert Code Louis Wars of Expansion Robert de La Salle Louisiana

3 Background Louis XIV was born into the French Royal Family “The Bourbons” Mother could not have a child for 12 years Birth seen as a miracle "Louis-Dieudonné" (Louis the God-given) Father died in 1643 Louis became king at age 4

4 Reign of Louis XIV Ruled France for 72 years Achievements:
Longest in European history Achievements: Centralized Power to an extent never seen in Modern Europe Expanded French Territory Made France the greatest economic, political, and cultural power in Europe Built the Palace of Versailles Louis XIV can be seen as the quintessential absolute monarch due to his centralization of power, expansion of territory, and pursuit of personal glory.

5 Outline I. Centralization of Power II. Expansion III. Glory & Spending

6 I. Centralization of Power
Reigning in the Nobility Religion Military Economy Law

7 A. Reigning in of Nobility
For centuries, nobles had unchecked power Ran the military Refused to obey laws Constant insurrection Fronde (1648)- Insurrection by Nobles to keep feudal power, and not pay taxes Louis built the Palace of Versailles 20 km outside of Paris Forced Nobles to live there Nobles had to participate in courtly rituals Louis could keep an eye on Nobles Levee – (rising) nobles competed to hold a wash basin for Louis in the morning.

8 A. Reigning in of Nobility
Replaced Nobles with Intendants Nobles were loyal to the Nobility Intendants – officials loyal to Louis XIV

9 B. Religion Eliminating freedom of religion
Louis cancelled the Edict of Nantes Edict of Nantes (grandfather, 1598)– allowed freedom of religion for Hugenots (French Calvinists) Limits on the power of the Catholic Church Declaration of Clergy of France Limited the Pope’s power in France, Louis had authority

10 C. Military Historically, French Nobles served as generals
Often challenged the king Louis built a strong centralized military loyal only to him. Nobles OUT Administrators IN

11 D. Economy Louis arrested the old finance minister
Accusation of Embezzlement Gave the post to a trusted ally Jean Baptiste Colbert Practiced Mercantilism Made France rich!!!

12 E. Law Historically, France was ruled by several different codes of law Feudal past Louis instituted the Code Louis Centralized, uniform code of law for all of France

13 II. Expansion Wars in Europe Expansion in the Americas
Foreign Diplomacy

14 A. Wars in Europe Louis expanded French territory through several wars
Franco-Dutch War Gained lands in the Netherlands (from Spain) France remained as the Great Power War of the Grand Alliance Everyone vs. France Louis XIV gains Alsace Region Half of the Alsace-Lorraine Region War of Spanish Succession Ultimately unsuccessful attempt to take over Spanish territories

15 Alsace-Lorriane – Region which France and Germanic Empires constantly fought over

16 B. Expansion in the Americas
Robert de La Salle explored: Gulf of Mexico, Mississippi River, Great Lakes Entire Mississippi River Basin claimed by France Named? Louisiana – After Louis XIV

17 C. Foreign Diplomacy Opened diplomacy with the Ottomans
Trade Found Pondicherry in India Missionaries in China

18 III. Glory & Spending Lavish Lifestyle and Spending
Diamond encrusted shoes Expensive parties daily Palace of Versailles 20 year construction Regarded as the most magnificent palace in Europe Symbol of the Wealth and absolute power of the “Sun King” Also a symbol of the monarchy’s alienation from the people

19 Queen’s Chamber

20 King’s Chamber

21 Hall of Mirrors

22 Hall of Mirrors (2)


24 Outline I. Centralization of Power II. Expansion III. Glory & Spending

25 Conclusion Pros Cons

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