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L 16 Heat and Thermodynamics [1] What is temperature? What is temperature? How is it measured? How is it measured? What is heat? What is heat? What is.

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Presentation on theme: "L 16 Heat and Thermodynamics [1] What is temperature? What is temperature? How is it measured? How is it measured? What is heat? What is heat? What is."— Presentation transcript:

1 L 16 Heat and Thermodynamics [1] What is temperature? What is temperature? How is it measured? How is it measured? What is heat? What is heat? What is the difference between heat and temperature? What is the difference between heat and temperature? Applications: engines, refrigerators, air conditioners, human body, electric power production systems Applications: engines, refrigerators, air conditioners, human body, electric power production systems It’s all about how ENERGY is used. It’s all about how ENERGY is used.

2 Thermodynamics The science dealing with heat, work and energy (most practical topic we consider) Is the study of heat energy and its transformation into mechanical energy. Is a set of a few basic empirical (based on observations) rules that place limits of how these transformations can occur, and how efficiently they can be carried out.

3 World and US energy Consumption The US uses about 25 % of the total Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Energy (billions Of kg of oil equivalents)

4 Energy use by source Existing energy sources must be used more efficiently New energy sources must be developed

5 Temperature Cake and pan just taken out of a 400° oven. Both are at 400° You can touch the cake, but not the pan! You can handle toast right out of the toaster You can eat the pie crust, but not the filling. Hot toast

6 Can we trust our senses of hot and cold? Will both fingers feel the same temperature when they are put in the warm water? We will discuss more reliable methods for measuring temperature

7 Drilling or grinding After drilling into a piece of metal, the drill bit is very hot The metal being grinded also gets hot You can also get the bit or the metal hot by placing it in a torch Is there a difference in the outcome ?

8 “Engines” Any device which uses heat to do work Steam engine, internal combustion engine Burn fuel  boil water (steam)  push piston (work) Hero’s engine HEAT steam

9 Human engine The human body is an engine. Food in  metabolism  work out Energy in   Energy out We are all subject to the laws of thermodynamics BODY ENGINE

10 Internal energy & temperature All systems have internal energy The internal energy is the sum of the energy of all the molecules in the system For example- in a gas the molecules are in random motion, each molecule has kinetic energy = ½ m v 2 If we add up all the kinetic energies of all the molecules we get the internal energy of the system

11 Energy transfers All systems (living organisms and mechanical) are continually exchanging energy with other systems or their environment. System A System B System C

12 Energy transfer examples Ice melts in water water boils steam condenses to water Water  ice in freezer Pop cools in refrigerator The sun warms you on an autumn day Antifreeze is circulated through your car engine to maintain a steady temperature

13 Engines Engine Energy in ($$$) Work out Efficiency = Work out Energy in If we convert all of the energy taken in to work the efficiency would be 100%

14 Laws of Thermodynamics I. You can’t get more work out than the energy you put in (conservation of energy). II. You can’t even get as much work out as you put in. A.the engine efficiency cannot be 100% B.heat energy cannot be converted completely to useful energy (work)

15 Energy Conversion Efficiency Combustion engine10-50% Coal or Oil fired electric generator33% Gas turbineup to 40% Gas turbine plus steam turbineup to 60% Water turbine (hydroelectricity)up to 90% (practically achieved) Wind turbineup to 59% (theoretical limit) Solar cellcurrent maximum 85% Firearm~30% Fuel cellup to 85% Muscle14% - 27% Electric motors30-60% ( 200W) Household refrigeratorslow end systems ~ 20%; high end systems ~ 40-50% Incandescent light bulb5-10% Light-emitting diodeup to 35% Fluorescent lamps28% Low-pressure sodium lamps40.5% Switched-mode power supplycurrently up to 95% practically Electric heatersaround 95%

16 Internal combustion engine 100% 62 % 16% 10% 8.8% 3.2%

17 How is temperature measured? We use the fact that the properties of materials change with temperature For example: oMetals expand with increasing temp oLength of liquid column expands oElectrical resistance changes oPressure of a gas increases with temperature oInfrared emission from objects changes color

18 Length of a mercury column The length of the Hg column increases with temperature How is the thermometer calibrated?  temperature scales –Fahrenheit –Celsius (centigrade) –Kelvin Mercury column Mercury reservoir

19 Temperature scales: based on freezing and boiling points of water 0°0° 100° 32° 212° boiling point freezing point Celsius scale Fahrenheit scale 180° 100°

20 Centigrade & Fahrenheit scales Scales are offset ( 0 °F is not 0°C) Celsius scale is compressed compared to the Fahrenheit scale 1°C = 180/100 = 9/5 °F Conversion formulas:

21 Examples 1) What is the temperature in C if the temperature is 68°F? T C = (5/9)  (T F – 32 ) = (5/9)  (68 – 32) = (5/9)  (36) = 20°C 2) What is the temperature in F if the temperature is – 10 °C? T F = (9/5  T C ) + 32 = (9/5  – 10) + 32 = – 18 + 32 = 14°F

22 Absolute zero – as cold as it gets! There is nothing particularly significant about 0°C or 0°F. Is there a temperature scale where 0 really is ZERO? It doesn’t get any colder than this! YES– It is called the KELVIN scale. At zero Kelvin, all molecular motion stops. We can see this from the behavior of gases, where pressure decreases with temperature.

23 Approaching absolute zero °C Gas Pressure 273.15 °C As a gas is cooled, its pressure decreases. If we imagine continuing to cool it, the P vs T plot for all quantities of gas extrapolate to - 273.15 C This is absolute zero!

24 Kelvin scale (where 0 means 0) T K = T C + 273.15° One degree K = one degree C There are NO negative Kelvin temperatures, zero is the minimum.

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