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3.0:  Provides better speed.  SS, 4.8 Gbps  Allows better power efficiency with less power for idle states. Can power more devices from one hub. 2.0:

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Presentation on theme: "3.0:  Provides better speed.  SS, 4.8 Gbps  Allows better power efficiency with less power for idle states. Can power more devices from one hub. 2.0:"— Presentation transcript:

1 3.0:  Provides better speed.  SS, 4.8 Gbps  Allows better power efficiency with less power for idle states. Can power more devices from one hub. 2.0: High Speed or HS, 480 Mbps. Polling(2.0), Asynchronous(3.0) mechanism.(Half duplex, Full duplex) Colour.


3 Wish of BIG DATA SCIENTISTS. As you know computer understands only 1's and 0's. Also humans like rounded off numbers.(10 fingers, 10 toes) Shown for us as 1GB=1000MB, but for computer 1GB=1024MB.  For every 1GB, we will be losing 70MB of data.

4 Intel Core is a brand name that Intel uses for microprocessors it releases. Core 2 quad/duo/solo/extreme lines. What actually changes in these?

5 The numbers are simply indicative of their relative processing powers. Battery backup, power consumption, graphics improved, speed. I3: dual core, 3* rated. The more cores there are, the more tasks (known as threads) can be served at the same time. Turbo boost(dynamic over locking).

6 ->Overwrite. ->Disk defragmenter. ->Delete files permanently.



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