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CELL PHONE TRACKER. Mission Cell Phone air time is very expensive and is provided by single carrier. Invoices may reference the telephone number of the.

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Presentation on theme: "CELL PHONE TRACKER. Mission Cell Phone air time is very expensive and is provided by single carrier. Invoices may reference the telephone number of the."— Presentation transcript:


2 Mission Cell Phone air time is very expensive and is provided by single carrier. Invoices may reference the telephone number of the service used. Since most phones have seven different services (i.e. text, paging, walkie talkie) each with its own phone number assigned, it can be very difficult to locate phones in a timely manner and assign costs properly. Paying for service in a timely manner is crucial to avoid having phones disabled due to non-payment. Capturing and assigning costs ensures terminal usage is not being abused and it also aids in forecasting future budget requirements.

3 Function Invoices for service will be assigned and forwarded to the proper sections. –Costs will be verified and captured for each service provided.

4 Business Rules CELL PHONE service provides civilians and Marines the ability to transmit voice, and data via mobile phones. –Invoices will be paid within 30 days of receipt. –Quarterly usage reports will be compiled.

5 Entity Definitions Name - User –Type - Regular – Definition - Any authorized person or application that dials an Cell Phone for the purpose of transmitting data or voice –Identifier - User_ID

6 Attribute Definitions Name - Section –Length - 20 characters –Type - Simple –Null - No –Definition - Name of section that has been assigned a Cell Phone –Domain - Any combination of alpha/numeric characters

7 Attribute Definitions Name - Location –Length - 20 characters –Type - Simple –Null - No –Definition – Geographical location of CELL PHONE –Domain - Any combination of alpha/numeric characters

8 Entity Definitions Name – CELL PHONE –Type - Regular –Definition - A device, that when commissioned and activated, is capable of being dialed by a user for the purpose of transmitting voice or data via the cell phone network –Identifier – phone_number

9 Attribute Definitions Name – Serial Number –Type - Simple –Length - 12 characters –Null - No –Definition – Serial number that is unique to each cell phone –Domain - Any combination of alpha/numeric characters

10 Attribute Definitions Name - Model –Type - Simple –Length - 25 characters –Null - No –Definition - Identifies particular phone model –Domain - Any combination of alpha/numeric characters

11 Attribute Definitions Name – phone_number –Type - Simple –Length - 9 characters –Null - Yes –Definition – Identifies phone service number –Domain - Positive whole numbers

12 E – R Model UserCell Phone Dials SECTIONLOCATION Phone # Minutes TEXT SNMODEL Title Name Price

13 Logical database user cellphone Telephone # dateoutukeyckey model Telepho ne# afnametextminutepriceSN ukeyulocationufnameulname Utitle/ra nk unitsection

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