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Superfluid 4He Critical Phenomena in Space, and in the SOC State on Earth R.V. Duncan, University of Missouri NASA ISS Workshop on Fundamental Physics.

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Presentation on theme: "Superfluid 4He Critical Phenomena in Space, and in the SOC State on Earth R.V. Duncan, University of Missouri NASA ISS Workshop on Fundamental Physics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Superfluid 4He Critical Phenomena in Space, and in the SOC State on Earth R.V. Duncan, University of Missouri NASA ISS Workshop on Fundamental Physics Dana Point, CA, October 14, 2010 Sponsored by NASA through the Fundamental Physics Discipline within the Microgravity Project Office of NASA. R.V.D. thanks Gordon and Betty Moore for sabbatical support. Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology

2 CQ (Caltech) and DYNAMX (UNM) At UNM: Robert Duncan S.T.P. Boyd Dmitri Sergatskov Alex Babkin Mary Jayne Adriaans Beverly Klemme Bill Moeur Steve McCready Ray Nelson Colin Green Qunzhang Li Jinyang Liu T.D. McCarson Alexander Churilov At Caltech: David Goodstein Richard Lee Andrew Chatto At JPL: Peter Day David Elliott Feng Chuan Liu Talso Chui Ulf Israelsson

3 Pressure dependence of T breaks ‘up-down’ symmetry and stabilizes an interface on Earth He-II He-I  |   = 1.3  K/cm h T  (h) He-I He-II Non-equilibrium interface stabilizes without gravity! See Weichman et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 80 4923 (1998)

4 Now apply a heat flux Q: Electrical currents in superconductors lower the ‘quench temperature’ in much the same way that a heat flux lowers the temperature where superfluidity abruptly fails in helium. T c (Q) = T [1 – (Q/Q o ) y ], but  c =  Theory: Q o = 7 kW/cm 2, y = 1/2 = 0.744 Onuki, JLTP 55, and Haussman & Dohm, PRL 67, 3404 (1991) Experiment: Q o = 568 W/cm 2, y = 0.81± 0.01 Duncan, Ahlers, and Steinberg, PRL 60, 1522 (1988) Thermal conductivity     x, but now  Q,z  = [T(z) – T c (Q,z)] / T

5 Experimental Concept Science objectives are obtained from the thermal profile data (noise level of < 100 pK/√Hz), while the heat flux is extremely well controlled to  Q ~ 1 pW/cm 2

6 The Direction of Q is Important : He-II He-SOC  He-II He-I  Q Q SOC HfA HfB

7 HfB: ‘Heat from Below’ He-II He-I  Q - Correlation length divergence is cut-off on Earth - Nonlinear thermal resistivity near T

8 HfB: The Nonlinear Region Theoretical prediction of the nonlinear region [ Haussmann and Dohm, PRL 67, 3404 (1991); Z. Phys. B 87, 229 (1992)] with our data [Day et al., PRL 81, 2474 (1998)].

9 HfB: T c (Q), T NL (Q), T T c (Q) and T NL (Q) are expected to extrapolate to T as Q goes to zero in microgravity, but not on Earth, as explained by Haussmann.

10 Gravitational Effect:  g As the superfluid transition is approached from above, the diverging correlation length eventually reaches its maximum value  g = 0.1 mm, at a distance of 14 nK from T.

11 HfA: Heat from Above A: Cell is superfluid (hence isothermal), and slowly warming at about 0.1 nK/s B: SOC state has formed at the bottom and is passing T3 as it advances up the cell, invading the superfluid phase from below C: Cell is completely self-organized D: As heat is added the normalfluid invades the SOC from above (Suggested by A. Onuki and independently by R. Ferrell in Oregon, 1989) q 

12 T c (Q) - T T soc (Q) What is T soc (Q)?  T = Q, so  soc = Q /   soc    soc -x = Q /   soc = [Q/(    )] -1/x T  soc = T soc (Q,z) – T c (Q,z) T soc - T c = T [Q/(    )] -1/x   ≈ 10 -5 W/(cm K), x ≈ 0.48  ≈ 1.27  K / cm T soc - T c = T [Q / (12.7 pW/cm 2 )] -2.083 = 2,000 nK (Q = 10 nW/cm 2 ) = 0.14 nK (Q = 1,000 nW/cm 2 ) Moeur et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 2421 (1997)

13 How does He-II do this? Synchronous phase slips – each slip creates a sheet of quantized vortices See: Weichman and Miller, JLTP 119, 155 (2000):

14 Wave travels only against Q, so ‘Half Sound’ Sergatskov et al., JLTP 134, 517 (2004) Weichman and Miller, JLTP 119, 155 (2000) And now Chatto et al., JLTP (2007) A New Wave on the SOC State QQ

15 New SOC Anisotropic Wave Propagation T-wave travels only against Q (bottom to top). See: “New Propagating Mode Near the Superfluid Transition in 4He”, Sergatskov et. al., Physica B 329 – 333, 208 (2003), and “Experiments in 4He Heated From Above, Very Near the Lambda Point”, Sergatskov et. al., J. Low Temp. Phys. 134, 517 (2004), and Chatto, Lee, Day, Duncan, and Goodstein, J. Low Temp. Phys. (2007) The basic physics is simple: So : u =  /C If C ~ constant Then u =  D D =  /C

16 Wave Speed v(Q) Following Chatto et al., 2007  = (T – T )/T

17 New Anisotropic Wave Speed Chatto, Lee, Duncan, and Goodstein, JLTP, 2007. u = - C -1 ∂Q SOC /∂T Sergatskov et al., (2003) STP Boyd et al., unpublished

18 How do we measure C soc ? Q 1 Q 2 Total cell heat capacity measurements as the SOC interface advances have been made by R.A.M. Lee et al., JLTP 134, 495 (2004). Q 1 > Q 2

19 Heat Capacity on the SOC State Chatto, Lee, Duncan and Goodstein, JLTP (2007) Predicted by Haussmann ‘Unrounded Earth- based data in 2.5 cm tall cell! High-Q data 13>Q> 6  W/cm 2 R. Haussmann, Phys. Rev. B 60, 12349 (1999). Lambda Point Experiment Data (Microgravity)

20 Recent Results (Chatto et al.) C soc has been measured and agrees with microgravity C P for 250 ≤ T – T ≤ 650 nK –C soc agrees with static heat capacity from Lambda Point Experiment on Earth orbit –Notice that T is still the true critical point even when driven away from equilibrium –NO OBSERVED GRAVITATIONAL ROUNDING! Reason suggested for why C soc diverges at T and  soc diverges at T c (Q)

21 Space flight is the only way to avoid  g See Barmatz, Hahn, Lipa, and Duncan, “Critical Phenomena Measurements In Microgravity: Past, Present, and Future”, Reviews of Modern Physics 79, 1 (2007) Past CDR in 2003 Cancelled in 2004 All 117 ‘ClassB’ approved hardware drawings are in place. Need: - new PI team - flight dewar - platform - ride

22 Also… Interested in the Fundamental Measurement Limits of Thermometry? [‘Cruise Control’: f =1,000+, so  M > 2] Statistically, δT/T ~ 1/√N Other limits: Electronic Johnson noise / shot noise… if resistive, but our thermometers are too good to resist! Thermal energy fluctuation limits

23 Paramagnetic Susceptibility Thermometry Magnetic flux is trapped in a niobium tube A paramagnetic substance with T > T c is thermally anchored to the platform M = H  (T)  [(T – T c )/T c ] -  so small changes in T create large changes in M, and hence in the flux coupled to the SQUID Gifford, Web, Wheatley (1971) Lipa and Chui (1981) H

24 Fundamental Noise Sources Heat fluctuations in the link one independent measurement per time constant  = RC (noise) 2   / C  (  T Q ) 2  = 4Rk B T 2 so  T Q  √R and  T Q  T See: Day, Hahn, & Chui, JLTP 107, 359 (1997) Thermally induced electrical current fluctuations mutual inductance creates flux noise  (  ) 2   T N 2  r 4 / L  M =  / s, s ≈ 1    so  M    √T SQUID noise  (  SQ ) 2  1/2 ≈ 4    √Hz with shorted input external circuit creates about three times this noise level so  ≈ 12    √Hz and  SQ ≈ 12 pK/√Hz T, C T bath R r N  L

25 Heat Fluctuation Noise Across the Link R = 40 K/W  (  T Q ) 2  = 4Rk B T 2 so  T Q = 0.10 nK/√Hz 3 dB point at 10 Hz, suggesting  ≈ 50 ms (collaboration with Peter Day)

26 HRT Time Constant Method: Controlled cell temperature with T1 Pulsed a heater located on T2 Cell in superfluid state Contact area of only 0.05 cm 2 Rise time ~ 20 ms Decay time = 48 ms Collaboration with Peter Day

27 New Ultra-Stable Platform The helium sample is contained within the PdMn thermometric element. Power dissipation is precisely controlled with the rf- biased Josephson junction array (JJA). Stabilized to  T ~ 10 -11 K. 1 2 Green, Sergatskov, and Duncan, J. Low Temp. Phys. 138, 871 (2005)

28 Reduce the Heat Fluctuation Noise Reduce R from 40 to 0.25 K/W Now  T Q ≈ 7 pK/√Hz Minimize  T M with a gap to reduce mutual inductance to the SQUID loop  is PdMn thickness = 0.76 mm r 4  4 r  3 r 3 /(4  3 ) ≈ 18

29 Noise: Thermally Driven Current Fluctuations Thermal current fluctuations:  = 38   /(Hz K) 1/2 √  SQUID circuit noise:  SQ = 12.5   /√Hz

30 RF-biased Josephson Junctions for Heater Control V n = n (h/2e) f h/2e =  o = 2.07  V/GHz f = 94.100000000 GHz R el = 1,015  P n = V n 2 / R el = 37.3 n 2 pW

31 Standoff vs. Josephson Quantum Number n R el = 1,015  R so = 4,456 K/W T cool T R so

32 n = 7 n = 10 n = 0 A New ‘Fixed-Point’ Standard T = T – 125  K

33 Future Work: Radiometric Comparisons Three independent BB references Inner shield maintained at T  ± 50 pK Each reference counted up from T to 2.7 K using Josephson heater control Compare to each other with 0.1 nK resolution in a well controlled cryostat New control theory has been developed (Discussions with Phil Lubin, UCSB and with George Seidel at Brown)

34 Conclusions Fundamental noise sources in PST identified and reduced Lowest noise  25 pK/√Hz at 1.6 K New rf-biased Josephson junction heater controller developed Technology in place now to develop a reference standard more stable than the CMB temperature (< 200 pK/year drift) in a weightless lab, provided that T does not vary with the cosmic expansion

35 PdMn0.9% 12  m Film Magnetic Susceptibility Thermometry See R.C. Nelson et al., JLTP (2002) For thermometry, See Duncan et al., 2 nd Pan Pacific Basin Workshop, 2001. Thin film sensitivity vs. T and HNo hysteresis was observed

36 New Data, PdMn0.4%, 6.67  m thick films T c =1.17 ± 0.01 K  = 1.41 ± 0.01 Data by… Ray Nelson Colin Green Dmitri Sergatskov R. V. Duncan

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