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Level 3 Language Arts with Ms. Sheri Lesson 24 OI and OY Contractions.

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Presentation on theme: "Level 3 Language Arts with Ms. Sheri Lesson 24 OI and OY Contractions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Level 3 Language Arts with Ms. Sheri Lesson 24 OI and OY Contractions

2 oi says /oi/ oy says /oi/ Raise your voice in joy
Voice and joy share the /oi/ sound, but show the two different spellings. oi says /oi/ oy says /oi/

3 oi words oil coil hoist toil spoil void joint boil point join coin
poison foil voice choice exploit turmoil tabloid thyroid

4 oy words toy coy enjoy decoy soy envoy oyster joy employ convoy boy
alloy ploy annoy loyal destroy voyage boycott

5 oi and oy words Let's practice OI and OY words with a worksheet.
OI and OY Worksheet

6 This is the end of the phonics lesson for today.
You will practice what you learned by doing OI and OY worksheet.

7 Contractions A contraction is a short way of saying something by combining two words into one. An apostrophe (') takes the place of the missing letters.

8 Contractions Many contractions are formed when a verb and the word, not are combined. The apostrophe takes the place of the letter o. are not = aren't is not = isn't was not = wasn't were not = weren't

9 Contractions does not = doesn't did not = didn't can not = can't
do not = don't

10 Contractions Contractions Contractions
Some contractions are formed with pronouns and the verb will. An apostrophe takes the place of the letters wi in will. I will = I'll we will = we'll he will = he'll you will = you'll she will = she'll they will = they'll It will=it'll

11 Contractions Contractions Contractions
Contractions can also be made with the verb have. An apostrophe takes the place of the letters ha in have. I have = I've we have = we've you have = you've they have = they've

12 Contractions Contractions Contractions
Contractions be made with different forms of the verb to be. The apostrophe takes the place of the first vowel in am, is and are. I am = I'm it is = it's he is = he's she is = she's you are = you're we are = we're they are= they're

13 Contractions Contractions Contractions
Contractions formed with the word, would, are a little different. The apostrophe takes the place of the whole word except for the d. I would = I'd it would = it'd he would = he'd she would = she'd you would = you'd we would = we'd they would= they'd

14 Contractions Contractions Contractions
Let's practice contractions with a worksheet. Contractions worksheet

15 1.Complete the OY and OI worksheet
Assignment: 1.Complete the OY and OI worksheet 2. Complete the Contractions 2 worksheet 3. Complete the Contraction 3 worksheet 4. Read along with Sand Flat Shadows from Rootabaga Stories Good bye

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