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Unit E: Safety Practices.

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1 Unit E: Safety Practices

2 2H05. Promote safety practices in a health care setting.
Specific Objectives: 2H Apply body mechanics and client safety measures. 2H05.02-Observe fire safety regulations.

3 Using Body Mechanics Why use body mechanics?
Body Mechanics The way in which the body moves and maintains balance while making the most efficient use of all its parts.

4 Four main reasons for using proper body mechanics:
Muscles work best when used correctly. Correct use makes lifting, pulling and pushing easier. Correct use prevents unnecessary fatigue and strain saves energy. Correct body mechanics prevents injury to self.

5 An example of poor body mechanics.

6 Good Body Mechanics Rules
1. Use a broad base of support. 2. Don’t twist and lift. 3. Don’t bend for long periods of time. 4. Get help if the load is too heavy. 5. Bend from the hips and knees, not the waist. 6. Use the strongest muscles to do the job. 7. Push or pull using the weight of your body. 8. Carry objects close to the body.

7 Rehabilitation Aerobic exercises may include walking on a treadmill, riding a stationary bike, or swimming. These activities can relieve the stress of low back pain, and they can cause your body to release endorphins into the blood stream. Endorphins are your body's own natural painkillers.

8 What muscles do you use when picking up heavy object?
Quadriceps femoris

9 Large Patients If a large patient is unable to help transfer
himself or herself, seek help from other healthcare workers.

10 Refusal of Services If patients have company in room at don’t want you to perform services Ie. VS You should do what????

11 Solutions Never use solutions from bottles that are not labeled.

12 Students…. Students should not … Diagnose
Pick up medication with their car. Leave the building without permission Smoke in uniform Wear dangly jewelry

13 Curtain is pulled Call patient name out before going behind curtain.

14 Carrying Water If carrying a basin of water, hold it close to the body.

15 If student get in an accident they should????
Report it to their instructor immediately…

16 Canceling any one of the triangle's sides will stop the fire!
Observing Fire Safety Canceling any one of the triangle's sides will stop the fire! Three things are needed to start a fire

17 Major causes of fires: 1.Carelessness with smoking and matches 2.Misuse of electricity 3.Defects in heating systems 4.Spontaneous ignition 5.Improper rubbish disposal 6.Arson

18 Fire extinguishers 1. Class A- (pressurized water)
Use on combustibles. For ordinary materials such as paper, cloth, wood, & cardboard. When using a fire extinguisher you should release the lock pin & discharge extinguisher using a side-to-side motion.

19 Fire extinguishers 2. Class B- (carbon dioxide CO2 )
Use flammable or combustible liquids. For gasoline, oil, paint, liquid, cooking fats, etc. Leaves a powdery, snow like residue that irritates the skin & eyes. If water is used on these types of fires, it will spread.

20 Fire extinguishers 3. Class C- (dry chemical-contains potassium bicarbonate or potassium chloride). *Use on electrical fires. *For energized electrical equipment such as power tools, appliances, and switches. *Water is particularly dangerous because of the risk of electrical shock.

21 Fire extinguishers 4. Class ABC –(graphite-type chemical)
Use on all fires. Multipurpose extinguisher. And now the Smoothie! ~


23 To operate a fire extinguisher, remember the word PASS:
Pull the pin. Hold the extinguisher with the nozzle pointing away from you.   Aim low. Point the extinguisher at the base of the fire. Squeeze the lever slowly & evenly. Sweep the nozzle from side-to-side

24 In case of fire: 1. Remain calm 2. If your safety is in danger,
evacuate the area and sound the alarm.

25 If the fire is small (and you are not in danger) determine what type of fire it is and use the proper extinguisher. .

26 Know your health facility’s fire safety plan.
Remove patients from harm Sound the alarm Close all doors and windows To prevent drafts that cause the fire to spread more rapidly. Shut off electrical equipment & oxygen. Do NOT use the elevators.

27 Rules for Preventing Fires
Obey No Smoking signs Extinguish matches, cigarettes, and other flammable items completely. Dispose of all waste materials in proper containers. Before using electrical equipment, check for damaged cords or improper grounding.

28 Rules for Preventing Fires
Avoid overloading electrical outlets. Store flammable materials in proper containers and in safe areas. If you spill a flammable liquid, wipe it up immediately. Do not allow clutter to accumulate in rooms, closets, doorways or traffic areas. Make sure nothing is blocking fire exits. When oxygen is in use, post a No-Smoking – Oxygen in Use sign. Remove all smoking materials from the room.

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