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F,1A IS Project Learning -Sound- By Melody,Julitta,Beverly,Mercury, Sharon Sin.

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Presentation on theme: "F,1A IS Project Learning -Sound- By Melody,Julitta,Beverly,Mercury, Sharon Sin."— Presentation transcript:

1 F,1A IS Project Learning -Sound- By Melody,Julitta,Beverly,Mercury, Sharon Sin

2 Research Questions What do you want to find out? How does different type of materials affect the volume of sound pass through the paper tube.

3 What do you think will happen? Cotton is the best in absorbing the sound. What is going to be changed? The material inside the paper tube. What is going to be measured? The volume of sound pass through the paper tube. What is/are kept constant? The sound of the student shouted out. The size of the paper tube. The distance between the material and the sound level meter or the recorder. Hypothesis

4 Apparatus oPaper tube – 1x oRecorder – 1x oSound level meter – 1x Materials oCotton oNewspaper

5 Step 1:First, put the material in the paper tube. Procedure

6 Step 2: Second, record down one of our member’s sound in the recorder. Step 3: Then put the sound level meter in one of the end of the paper tube and put the recorder in the other end of the paper tube.

7 . Step 5: The above measurement was repeated for 3 more times. Step 4: Next,turn on the recorder and the sound level meter. Step 6: Finally, repeat the above procedures for the other materials.

8 Result The following table is showing the results of the experiment on how the effect of the kind of materials to make the volume louder. Result The following table is showing the results of the experiment about the effect of different kind of materials on the volume of sound.

9 The following graph is showing the results of the experiment about the effect of different kind of materials on the volume of sound.

10 Discussion From the graph, if nothing is put inside the paper tube, the sound level is 100dB, if newspaper is put inside the paper tube, the sound level is 90.4dB, if cotton is put inside the paper tube, the sound level is 84.5dB.

11 We have some errors when we are doing the experiment. -When we are doing the experiment, we did not do it in a very quiet place. We need a quiet place because we need to measure the sound level. -The amount of materials that put inside the paper tube is not the same. -We only used two types of materials to do this experiment. Errors

12 We can have some improvement in our experiment. -We can do our experiment in a place that is quieter like Library. -We can use the same size of the material -We should also use some more types of materials like sponge, tissue to have a more reliable result. Improvement

13 Conclusion In this experiment, we find out that cotton is the best in absorbing the sound. Application We can use cotton to cover the wall of a music band room.

14 Reference We didn't find any things in textbooks but we find the information in this web site:

15 The End

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