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The Future of Aerospace Standardization Mort Pearson, P.E. Mechanical Design Technical Discipline Chief – Systems Pratt & Whitney.

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Presentation on theme: "The Future of Aerospace Standardization Mort Pearson, P.E. Mechanical Design Technical Discipline Chief – Systems Pratt & Whitney."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Future of Aerospace Standardization Mort Pearson, P.E. Mechanical Design Technical Discipline Chief – Systems Pratt & Whitney

2 Standards are the largest source of technical data used by Engineering and Operations

3 Standards enable integration of product requirements Physical and Functional interfaces Product Qualification Installation

4 The Industry Landscape – coalescing and stabilizing

5 Diversity Led by those affected Speed Strengths of Today’s Standards System

6 Weaknesses of Today’s Standards System Funding Little Industry Integration

7 Standards Organizations and the Industry’s Influence Aerospace Unique (Standards program exclusively Aerospace) AIA, AIAA, ARINC, ICAO, IATA, SAE Aerospace Aerospace Component (Standards program has some subject committees with aerospace content ) ASTM, IEEE Cross Industry (Standards program produces content used by many industries) ASME, AWS, ASHRAE

8 Aerospace Standards Challenges Rising global industry players Funding E-business processes OEM role of integrator

9 Standardization evolution will be shaped by customers Customer driven product design agility Convergence of technology sectors Collapsing design cycle times Large scale global collaboration

10 Aerospace Standardization of the future “Standards as data” Industry integrating body (or bodies) Gov’t/Industry/User funding collaboration Collaborative interchange with global standards partners

11 Additional Information

12 What is “Standards as Data” ? Packaging standards information in a “standard” form enables…. sharing and reuse of the data elements contained without reconstructing them sharing and reuse of the data by digital systems in the product design – deployment stream

13 Authoring Author creates/edits documents in an MS Office tool Document published to XML Document stored in the appropriate repository, restricted by proprietary access controls. Document can opened from any browser, from any location via the web. Access controls and individual credentials display appropriate content External Standards delivered via Web, by contracted service Standards Distribution – one approach

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