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The Two-Party System Current Trends. Instructions Go to the two major party websites ( and You can also access this on my webpage.

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Presentation on theme: "The Two-Party System Current Trends. Instructions Go to the two major party websites ( and You can also access this on my webpage."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Two-Party System Current Trends

2 Instructions Go to the two major party websites ( and You can also access this on my webpage. Research the two parties and write down a brief history, along with their platform on three important issues, hopefully relevant to you. You can use bullet points. Save the PP as: your last name_parties. Send to Be sure to answer the “critical thinking” slide. Record your source(s) in the space provided.

3 The System In the U.S. it has centered on two parties. Minor parties exist but have been unable to compete successfully for governing power Ex: Know-Nothings, Bull-Moose (Progressive Party), Tea Party. To win an electoral majority, candidates must appeal to a diverse set of interests. Therefore, they must advocate moderate and somewhat overlapping policies.

4 Candidate-centered campaigns Money, strategy, and televised advertising are key components of today’s presidential and congressional campaigns.

5 Republican Party (GOP) History : Issue :

6 Republican Party (GOP) Issue :

7 Democratic Party History : Issue :

8 Democratic Party Issue :

9 Critical Thinking Question Sources: Should the two-party system be broken into multiple parties like in European nations or is it an important aspect of our American political system that should remain? Do you personally strongly identify with one particular party, why or why not? Answer:

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