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Speed as a skill!! Munster Coaching Conference April 2008 Pat Flanagan BA PhysEd, MSc.

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Presentation on theme: "Speed as a skill!! Munster Coaching Conference April 2008 Pat Flanagan BA PhysEd, MSc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Speed as a skill!! Munster Coaching Conference April 2008 Pat Flanagan BA PhysEd, MSc.

2 Aims of Workshop To explain the basis for making speed work an integral part of your training programme To demonstrate some speed practices/drills with and without the ball Specifically the following will be addressed: Physiology of Speed Aspects of Speed Planning and Periodisation for speed

3 Outcomes Coaches will have a better understanding of what speed means Coaches will review their current planning for speed Coaches will include more specific speed drills into their sessions

4 Younger Players Are not mini-adults Pre and post puberty and growth spurt Poor temperature control Poor anaerobic capacity ABC,s (Athleticism/agility, Balance, Coordination, Speed Concentrate on fun and skill Should play a variety of sports (14/15)

5 Time Analysis* 2006 All-Ireland Football Final * ActivityFirst HalfSecond Half Overall Ball in play 20m 45s14m 12s34m 58s Ball out 16m 17s24m 20s40m 32s % of total time ball in play 56%36.9%46.3% Av Activity Bout 32.8s23.7s 28.4s Av Recovery bout 25.7s41.7s 33.3s * Activity bout analysis. LH 2006

6 Physiology of Speed ‘It does exactly wot it seys on de tin’

7 Muscle Fibres: Slow Twitch Energy efficient Low power generation Difficult to fatigue Many mitochondria Posture, walking, jogging Highly oxygenated Low activation threashold

8 Fast Twitch High power output Fatigues easily Thick Less mitochondria Sprinting, jumping, kicking Does not need oxygen High activation threashold

9 Fast Twitch A High power output Fatigues slowly for a FT Thick Less mitochondria 40 to 300 metres Does not need oxygen but can use it Highish activation threshold

10 Fast Twitch B Very high power output Fatigues rapidly Thick Less mitochondria 1-40 metres Does not use oxygen High activation threshold

11 Fast Twitch C Trainable to be what you want it to be 20% of fibres What type of training do you do?

12 Motor Neurons Slow twitch neurons, thin, recruited first, fatigue resistant, low threshold, slow conductivity Fast Twitch neurons, thick, recruited second, fatigue easily, high threshold, high conductivity

13 ‘It does exactly wot it seys on de tin’


15 Training for Speed Strength Core Stability Power Flexibility Speed Endurance Aerobic endurance Agility TECHNIQUE

16 TECHNIQUE: Speed as Skill Body position Arm action Knee lift Head position Hip position..COG Heel recovery Relaxation Foot strike

17 Aspects of Speed Reaction…1m Power….10m Acceleration…..10-25m Speed…..30m-60m Speed endurance……60m+ Deceleration/Direction change


19 Reaction/Power Standing starts Moving on spot starts Lying down Holding start React to ball starts Starts with harness Combination

20 Acceleration Strides Acceleration runs Pick-up sprints Hollow sprints Harness runs Zig-zag runs

21 Speed Endurnce (Short/Long) Strides..Technique Acceleration runs Shuttle runs Hollow sprints Parachute runs Zig-zag runs Hill training Three Man Weave

22 Deceleration/Direction Change Strides with Swerve Acceleration runs Shuttle runs Reaction Drills Parachute runs Zig-zag runs Hill training Three Man Weave

23 Basic Speed Downhill running Parachute release Towing Wind assisted Practice being fast Staggered races

24 Testing for Speed 20m-50m timed run Flying 30m run 200m timed run Vertical jump Standing long jump 5 single leg hops for distance Shuttle test for distance Margaria Power Test

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