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1 High Stakes Communication Interviews and Job Talks The Cain Project in Engineering and Professional Communication PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SERIES.

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Presentation on theme: "1 High Stakes Communication Interviews and Job Talks The Cain Project in Engineering and Professional Communication PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SERIES."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 High Stakes Communication Interviews and Job Talks The Cain Project in Engineering and Professional Communication PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SERIES

2 Successful Candidates Analyze situation and audience Organize knowledge and experience Convey confidence and professionalism Give great job talks Handle questions

3 Research Your Employer Mission Organizational structure and culture Products, services, clients Research foci, facilities Financial standing Size and location

4 Sources of Information Web sites Annual report Promotional materials Advisors, peers Conferences and meetings Journals

5 Know Yourself Assess strengths and weaknesses List life and career goals Create table of key job satisfaction factors Stay aware of current events

6 Know Your Work History Evidence from earlier résumés Technical skills Supervising or mentoring Service

7 Get Organized Review notes on employers Match your qualifications to their needs Formulate questions to ask

8 Show What You Know! Greeting –Start with a confident,” Can-Do” statement Road Map –Deliver topic sentences –Provide concrete examples –Organize for clarity –Adapt to audience’s interests Closing (memorize) –Summarize qualifications –Reinforce interest in position “Map the Stops on Your Talk”

9 Time to Practice with the person next to you!

10 Tell me a little bit about yourself.

11 What are your strengths and weaknesses?

12 Convey Confidence and Professionalism –Posture –Gestures –Eye contact –Voice quality –Attire

13 Listen Actively Give full attention – Eye contact – Body position Focus on main points Paraphrase questions Filter emotions and distractions Ask questions Being professional means that you...

14 If Interviewers’ Questions Suggest an Unstated Agenda... Obtain additional information Request clarification Seek recommendation

15 Time to Practice with the person next to you!

16 What are your most significant accomplishments?

17 Where do you see yourself in five years?

18 Success without Stress Breathe slowly Loosen up Eat Sleep Avoid caffeine Eliminate negativity

19 Turn Negative Talk Positive Talk --- I’m freaking out! I’m going to blow this. ++ I’m prepared. This could lead to a great opportunity. --- He/she thinks I’m an idiot. ++ The interviewer is on my side. He/she needs me to fill important role in the organization.

20 Practice! Rehearse out loud Mock interview with different people Get videotaped Keep a journal Performance Quality Thorough Practices

21 Preparing a Job Talk

22 High Impact Presenters Size up the situation Organize the argument Convey confidence Integrate visuals Handle questions

23 Size up the Situation: Audience Who is your audience? – Why are they interested? – How much do they know? – What criteria do they use to make decisions? – What do they value?

24 Tailor Message to Audience Non-Experts Make it interesting Provide background Define terms Distinguish between fact and opinion Use examples, analogies, visuals Experts State how and why Present limited background info Use language of discipline State inferences and conclusions Cite references From: Barrett, Deborah (2006). Leadership Communication.

25 Start Strong and End Strong Introduction –Motivate interest –State key points –Preview topics –Establish credibility –No apologies –No “Today I’m gonna talk about... ” Conclusion –Send cue –Restate & summarize –Spell out implications –No new info –No “That’s it.” –No ?s slide

26 Keep Audience with You Create coherence Make intuitive connections explicit Weak verbal cues –“And another thing” –“So” –“Next” Strong verbal cues – Sequence – “First” – Contrast – “However” – “On the other hand” – Causality – “Therefore” – “Consequently”

27 Handle Questions Anticipate questions LISTEN Repeat or rephrase Watch body language Don’t bluff Wrap up well

28 References 1.Barrett, Deborah. Leadership Communication. McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2006. 2.D’Arcy, Jan. Technically Speaking. Columbus: Battelle Press, 1998.

29 Image References http:// news/october99/october.html Algebra/stress.html

30 More resources are available for you under “Engineering Communication” at Connexions at at the Cain Project site at in your course Communication Folder in OWLSPACE. Lead through Excellence in Engineering Communication

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