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Dementia Friendly America

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1 Dementia Friendly America
National Council Meeting June 3, 2015

2 The Dementia Friendly America Initiative
Initiative Objective Foster dementia friendly communities across the US Desired Outcomes Community and system capacity that enhances quality of life and positive outcomes for people living with dementia and their care partners Indicators Increased quality of life for PwDs and Care partners via agreed upon indicators Increased community awareness of dementia Increased dementia friendly business and financial practices Increased access to community life and meaningful engagement through dementia friendly services and supports Increased rates of detection/diagnosis and participation in clinical trials Increased rates of advance planning Reduced fraud and abuse Do you see yourself here/?

3 DFAi Hypothesis Positive outcomes for people living with dementia and care partners Outcomes Tools have desired impact at community and system levels Meaningful uptake of community and system resources and tools Availability of DFAi community and system resources and tools

4 Web-Based Resource

5 Community Toolkit Convene key community leaders and members to form an Action Team. Assess current strengths and gaps within the community. Analyze findings to understand your community’s needs and develop a plan to take action. ACT Together to pursue priority goals that foster community readiness for dementia.

6 Desired Impact Community Capability:
Adoption of dementia friendly practices providing: Increased community awareness Increased services and support Increased dementia friendly business practices Increased dementia friendly transportation, public spaces and housing Reduced fraud and abuse Delayed institutionalization Increased opportunity for meaningful engagement in community, e.g., faith, art, volunteerism Increased advance planning Increased ability to finance LTSS needs Person with Dementia—Quality of Life, with emphasis on subjective measures of well-being, happiness and engagement, versus functional disability Care Partner Efficacy—including confidence and being equipped as well as burden/depression Care Partner Support and Family Health –including social engagement and networks of support System Capability: Adoption of optimal dementia care providing: Timely disease identification Assessment and responsive care plan Identification/inclusion of a care partner Disease management Linkage/ Integration with Community Supports Increased participation in clinical trials Reduced crisis care and utilization

7 Supporting Structure

8 2015 Timeline and Key Dates June ‘15 Sept ‘15 Dec ‘15 Jan ‘16 Mar ‘16
Resource Enhancement & Portal Development Convene Community Sector Groups, Revise Sector Guides Automate Community Tool Kit & Develop Portal PR & Communications Planning: Announcement, Roll Out & General Communications Initiative Announcement Dementia Friends Development Pilot Communities Invite Pilot Communities into DFAi Convene Leaders Within Each Pilot Community Community Planning & Resourcing Dissemination & Technical Assistance Dissemination Planning Through Pilot Communities Technical Assistance Planning & Mapping Train the Trainer material development & testing Evaluation Background Planning & Partner Development Evaluator Selection & Design Funding & Implementation Structure/ Leadership If appropriate, incorporate If appropriate, identify CEO

9 Development Organizing Structure
Charged with: 1) General oversight, framing, branding, communications, and strategy; 2) Implementation team, including convening, facilitating, synthesizing, communicating and tracking work group progress Charged with enriching sector based resources categorized under WHO age-friendly criteria (e.g., faith, business, public spaces, transportation, housing, clinical etc.) Council, Executive Comm. and Implementation Team (includes people with dementia) Sector specific-resource work groups (7) Cultural capability work group Portal architecture work group Initiators work group Pilot Community Development Charged with identifying technical assistance vehicles and connecting community partners in pilots) Charged with adding and adjusting resources to ensure cultural inclusiveness How are we going to get cultural capability right/ Who can help in this room lead this work? Charged with identifying sources for DFC implementation (e.g., portal implementation, technical assistance and community piloting) Charged with creating, automating and enhancing web-based resource

10 Resource Enhancement Work Groups Meaningful Engagement
Sector-Specific Resource Work Groups Resource Enhancement Work Groups Provider Systems Legal / Financial Retail / Business Employers Faith Government/ Planning Meaningful Engagement Working Group Process Initial review of materials Refinement Approval Inclusion on resource portal

11 Potential DFAi Pilot Communities
Boston, MA Apple Valley, MN Philadelphia, PA Pittsburgh, PA San Francisco, CA Chicago, IL Baltimore, MD Indianapolis, IN Montgomery County, MD Prince Georges County, MD Las Vegas, NV Knoxville, TN Santa Clara County, CA Denver, CO St. Louis, MO Nashville, TN Atlanta, GA Phoenix, AZ San Antonio, TX

12 Establishing Pilot Communities
Pilot Community Development Steps Identify Champions Assure Connections Between Champion and Clinical, Community, and Public Sector Partners Readiness and Commitment Check Connect Community With Local Technical Assistance Support and Establish Local Funding Partner Assist in Securing Funding and MOU Implement Community Tool Kit Process

13 * Does not include dementia friends program
Development Budget OPERATING EXPENSES*: Resource Development, Technical Assistance Plan and Training, Pilot Community Development $455,000.00 Website Development/Toolkit Automation $150,000 Communications and Roll Out $250,000 Fiscal Sponsor $35,000 Evaluation TOTAL $1,140,000 * Does not include dementia friends program

14 B) TA model w/ Self Funding
Revised Community Budget Approach A) Seed Funding Model B) TA model w/ Self Funding 15 communities 15+ Communities OPERATING EXPENSES: Technical Assistance Delivery $75,000.00 $10,000 each Community Engagement and Seeding $300,000.00 Self-funded Grant Administration $30,000.00 $0.00 TOTAL $405,000 $150,000

15 Announcement & Awareness
DFAi Implementation Scenarios Scenario Visual Brand Website Announcement & Awareness Technical Assistance Cost The Big League Top tier Automated tools Big Splash DFAi funds through local agencies $2.4 million Minor League Some automated tools Small Splash $1.2 million Rec League No automation Partner Vehicles Pilots fund or free video is offered $800K Backyard Ball Limited, ACT version Remote (webinars) $600K

16 Announcement & Awareness
“Backyard Ball ” Communications Scenario Visual Brand Website Announcement & Awareness Backyard Ball Dementia Friendly America Community Capacity Website ACT version with little DFAi customization National announcement strategy and playbook developed Pilot community framework; local communities execute shared strategy Limited collateral development and social media content created for announcement and shared by partner vehicles Metrics: Number of communities

17 Announcement & Awareness
“Rec League” Communications Scenario Visual Brand Website Announcement & Awareness Rec League Key message development Dementia Friendly America Community Capacity Website No automation National announcement strategy with some execution support and counsel Pilot community playbook developed; local communities execute shared strategy Collateral development Social media content created and shared by partner vehicles Metrics: Share of voice analysis and number of communities

18 Announcement & Awareness
“Minor League” Communications Scenario Visual Brand Website Announcement & Awareness Minor League Key Message Platform Development Dementia Friendly America Community Capacity Website Integrated digital strategy Some automated tools Dementia Friends website architecture National announcement strategy and execution Pilot community playbook developed; local communities execute shared strategy Collateral development Social media strategy and execution support Ongoing media support for key national triggers Metrics: share of voice, number of communities Metrics: Share of voice analysis and number of communities

19 Announcement & Awareness
“The Big League” Communications Scenario Visual Brand Websites Announcement & Awareness The Big League Key Message Platform Development Dementia Friendly America Community Capacity Website Fully automated tools Dementia Friends America Website Integrated digital strategy Professionally acted and filmed videos National announcement strategy, planning, content development and execution Pilot community announcement strategy, planning, content development and execution Collateral development Social media strategy and execution Ongoing media support Celebrity plan Regional ambassador program and plan Grassroots program ideation and some support Metrics: Gallup Poll*, stakeholder survey, share of voice analysis, number of communities

20 Next Steps Planning Questions
Funding: Given our current funding gap, what scenario do we aim for and how do we move forward? Pilot Communities: How can we collaborate to accelerate contact with and development of pilot communities? Cultural Capability: How we should we ensure we achieve cultural capability in our work? Evaluation: How might we move forward to support an evaluation effort?

21 Dementia Friends Online
Scotland Program URL

22 Recommended Announcement Strategy
Possibly use July 2015 White House Conference on Aging to: Share intention to expand MN pilot program nationally to key stakeholder audiences Develop partnerships and create interest Q3 initiative announcement and pilot communities launch: National press event in DC with key national partners Local press events with pilot communities Benefits: All assets and select pilot communities are live Ability to use and repurpose qualitative and quantitative data Use natural media hook that the first of the Baby Boomers will be 70 in 2016 Four announcement implementation scenarios to consider

23 Announcement Planning and Considerations
Additional Activities Toolkit development Message development Framework development DFAi social media strategy Celebrity/key influencer campaigns Metrics DFA Partner Roles Announce at forums/annual meetings Partner engagement Communications support Media relations Digital support Social media How could DFA partners help be the megaphone for this work?

24 To have without possessing Do without claiming Lead without controlling This is mysterious power Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching How could DFA partners help be the megaphone for this work?

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