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Coaching PBIS Implementation Coaching PBIS Implementation South Dakota PBIS Team AND….Rob Horner ~ www.pbis. org.

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Presentation on theme: "Coaching PBIS Implementation Coaching PBIS Implementation South Dakota PBIS Team AND….Rob Horner ~ www.pbis. org."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coaching PBIS Implementation Coaching PBIS Implementation South Dakota PBIS Team AND….Rob Horner ~ www.pbis. org

2 Agenda 9:00-10:30 Core Functions of Coaching 12:00-1:00Lunch 1:00-2:00 Coaching Schools Teams Team Initiated Problem Solving 10 Classroom Management Basic Tools 2:15-3:00Discussion, Questions, Action Planning

3 Many Visions / Definitions of Coaching

4 “The Coach” Functions of Coaching o What is done and what is accomplished from effective coaching Skills /Attributes of Excellent Coaches o Knowledge of core content o Time o Communication skills o Building professional relationships and trust o Knowledge of organizational context

5 Example of the Impact of Coaching on Student Outcomes: Average Major Discipline Referrals per Day per Month Coach returns from leave Coach goes on leave From Steve Goodman, Michigan

6 Coaching versus Training Training is the presentation of material to develop new knowledge and /or skill Coaching is the on-site support needed to use new knowledge and/or skills under typical conditions.

7 Coaching Functions Prompting o Bring newly trained skills under stimulus control of natural stimuli Fluency Building o Repeated opportunities to use new skills … preferably soon after training Performance Feedback o Feedback on accuracy and shaping of trained skills Adaptation o Modify trained skills to fit to local culture and context o Suggest and /or encourage adaptations

8 Prompting Bring newly trained skills under stimulus control of natural stimuli. Prompting typically focuses on emphasizing “when” a new skill is used. Skill  Context for performance (Sd)  Prompt Give the “actors” in your “cast” enough direction, so that the performance goes well opening night! Prepare your team and give them the tools to be successful at each meeting It is what you do before the event to ensure the likelihood of success

9 Prompting – Effective Meetings Bring newly trained skills under stimulus control of natural stimuli. Prompting typically focuses on emphasizing “when” a new skill is used. Skill  Context for performance (Sd)  Prompt What does a successful meeting look like? What will you do BEFORE the meeting to ensure success of participants? How will you “teach” the expectations? How will ensure that there are opportunities to be successful? How will you reinforce the appropriate response?

10 Prompting – Team Action Planning Bring newly trained skills under stimulus control of natural stimuli. Prompting typically focuses on emphasizing “when” a new skill is used. Skill  Context for performance (Sd)  Prompt Where will you find the data? What will you do BEFORE data analysis to ensure a focus on the correct data? How will you tell the STORY of the data? How will ensure that there are opportunities for the team to be successful? How will you reinforce the appropriate response?

11 Action: Prompting Consider a role you currently play as a coach. o What is the skill or knowledge to be implemented? o What is the stimulus context where the skill should occur? o What additional prompt(s) can you provide to increase the likelihood that the skills will be used when and where it is most appropriate?

12 Coaching Functions Prompting o Bring newly trained skills under stimulus control of natural stimuli Fluency Building o Repeated opportunities to use new skills … preferably soon after training Performance Feedback o Feedback on accuracy and shaping of trained skills Adaptation o Modify trained skills to fit to local culture and context o Suggest and /or encourage adaptations

13 Fluency Building Establishing efficient skill use. Perform a skill with the speed and ease needed to make it functional Clear directions/communication Explain/teach with unimportant examples THEN practice with actual situations Twice the effort 1 week after training Lots of opportunities to practice to get “good” How will you reinforce when they get more efficient and more effective!

14 Fluency Building – Data Collection Establishing efficient skill use. Perform a skill with the speed and ease needed to make it functional What does a good ODR look like How is the data used? Training & Practice! Twice the effort 1 week after training… Reinforce when they are successful

15 Fluency Building – Individual Student or Student Group Problem Solving Establishing efficient skill use. Perform a skill with the speed and ease needed to make it functional What is the problem, specifically? Are 80% of kids successful? If not, what are the universal practices? What are potential solutions? Train, and give lots of opportunities for practice, 2x’s the effort 1 wk after training Reinforce when they are successful

16 Sample Behavioral Assessment Questions What do we know about the child’s likes and dislikes? What does the challenging behavior look like? Does the challenging behavior occur all the time or at certain times? When is it less likely? What are the activities or expectations and with whom does it occur? Is the behavior harmful to self or others or is it merely distracting? Is the problem significant to some teachers and not significant to others? Whose problem is it? What are some of the strengths/weaknesses and needs of the child? What does this child value?

17 Action: Fluency Building Consider a role you currently play as a coach. o What is the skill or knowledge to be implemented by the team? o What are the fluency variables needed to make the skill practical and functional? o What additional activities, practice, adaptations can you provide to increase the likelihood that the skills will be use with the fluency needed to be practical and effective?

18 Coaching Functions Prompting o Bring newly trained skills under stimulus control of natural stimuli Fluency Building o Repeated opportunities to use new skills … preferably soon after training Performance Feedback o Feedback on accuracy and shaping of trained skills Adaptation o Modify trained skills to fit to local culture and context o Suggest and /or encourage adaptations

19 Performance Feedback Building skill accuracy and precision Give clear targets! Teach with modeling Lots of opportunities to practice with precise correction It is what you while your colleagues are working to help them get better and better! Reinforce when they are perfecting!

20 Performance Feedback: Reinforcement Building skill accuracy and precision Identify target Train/teach using modeling Opportunities to practice – detailed feedback Greater precision….use you data…smaller target How will you reinforce?

21 Performance Feedback: Utilize Action Plan Building skill accuracy and precision Identify target Train/teach using modeling Opportunities to practice – detailed feedback Greater precision….use you data…smaller target How will you reinforce?

22 Action: Performance Feedback Consider a role you currently play as a coach. o What is the skill or knowledge to be implemented? o What schedule and approach to performance feedback can you provide to increase the likelihood that the skills will be uses with the precision needed to be practical and effective? Always acknowledge successes first Place feedback in context of larger goal (getting fluent and effective at use of target skill for student gain) Provide sufficient feedback to get success

23 Coaching Functions Prompting o Bring newly trained skills under stimulus control of natural stimuli Fluency Building o Repeated opportunities to use new skills … preferably soon after training Performance Feedback o Feedback on accuracy and shaping of trained skills Adaptation o Modify trained skills to fit to local culture and context o Suggest and /or encourage adaptations

24 Adaptation Modify trained skills to fit local culture or context Suggest and/or encourage adaptations It is what you after your team has begun to implement to make the FIT better! Be careful to not modify at the sacrifice of fidelity! Reinforce when they are perfecting!

25 Adaptation: Action Plan Defining how new skills can be used within the local cultural and context What is currently in place What is working? What’s not? What new data/information do we have What are the appropriate adaptations How will we monitor to make sure we are on track.

26 Adaptation: Consequence Matrix Defining how new skills can be used within the local cultural and context What is currently in place What is working? What’s not? What new data/information do we have What are the appropriate adaptations How will we monitor to make sure we are on track.

27 Action: Adaptation Consider a role you currently play as a coach. o What is the skill or knowledge to be implemented? o Identify at least two ways to achieve the targeted “core feature” and what cultural/organizational variables would lead you to recommend one versus another. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- o How may cultural variations across students/families affect use of the new skill? Interpretation of what is considered “respectful” o How may organizational context affect use of the new skill? Adoption of Common Core District human resource policies

28 Summary Separate “coaching” from “training Self-assess your use of the four functions of coaching as you work with PBIS implementation leadership teams. o What are the skills you want them to perform? o What are the conditions/times/situations where the skill should be used o Are they doing the skills with sufficient fluency to make them functional o Are they doing the skills with sufficient precision to make them functional o Is adaptation needed for student benefit? Adapt your coaching support to match the team’s stage of implementation

29 10 Practices for Effective Classroom Management After Lunch….

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