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[PSP 2012] Presentation Title Speaker Name Meeting Location Date.

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Presentation on theme: "[PSP 2012] Presentation Title Speaker Name Meeting Location Date."— Presentation transcript:

1 [PSP 2012] Presentation Title Speaker Name Meeting Location Date

2 What is the PSP? The Performance Sharing Program [PSP] allows Kaiser Permanente employees to share in the results when the region meets or exceeds our performance—and financial goals.

3 Our 2012 Performance Goals Quality metric #1 metric #2 Service metric #1 metric #2 Best Place to Work metric #1 metric #2 Affordability metric #1 metric #2

4 Goal #1 Put one-sentence definition of goal here. Metric to achieve minimum payout: Metric to achieve maximum payout: Weight:

5 Tip on how to reach this goal Goal #1

6 Snapshot of Success: [Team name here] Problem team faced(SMART goal, metric): Solution (PDSA, steps to improve the situation): Results (targets reached, lessons learned):

7 Goal #2 Put one-sentence definition of goal here. Metric to achieve minimum payout: Metric to achieve maximum payout: Weight:

8 Tip on how to reach this goal Goal #2

9 Snapshot of Success: [Team name here] Problem team faced(SMART goal, metric): Solution (PDSA, steps to improve the situation): Results (targets reached, lessons learned):

10 Goal #3 Put one-sentence definition of goal here. Metric to achieve minimum payout: Metric to achieve maximum payout: Weight:

11 Tip on how to reach this goal Goal #3

12 Snapshot of Success: [Team name here] Problem team faced(SMART goal, metric): Solution (PDSA, steps to improve the situation): Results (targets reached, lessons learned):



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