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Report to Board of Education January 10, 2012. 1.How might we accurately predict the enrollment trends for the future? 2.How might our buildings best.

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Presentation on theme: "Report to Board of Education January 10, 2012. 1.How might we accurately predict the enrollment trends for the future? 2.How might our buildings best."— Presentation transcript:

1 Report to Board of Education January 10, 2012

2 1.How might we accurately predict the enrollment trends for the future? 2.How might our buildings best be used to plan for that uncertain future? Strategic Plan Action Plan 4.B.1.c: Develop a build plan based on up-to-date forecasts that will inform SPLOST and other revenue needs.

3 12%  1%  7%  Since 2007 = 31% growth

4 Research = no refereed journals Our own Enrollment Data Other Data Sources  Pre-K wait lists  Homebuilding Data  Census Data

5 Enrollment Calculation for Kindergarten Sum of 2010-2011 Kindergarten and 2011-2012 Kindergarten enrollment Sum of 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 live births Sum of 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 grade one Sum of 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 Kindergarten Enrollment Calculation for Other Grade Levels Example: grade one

6 Two-year Cohort Ratio 2011-2012 actual 2012-2013 projection 2013-2014 projection 2014-2015 projection 2015-2016 projection 3,2463,5743,9054,2184,538 One-year Cohort Ratio 2011-2012 actual 2012-2013 projection 2013-2014 projection 2014-2015 projection 2015-2016 projection 3,2463,6303,9674,2834,599

7 One-year Cohort Ratio Grade LevelSeptember, 2011Projection September 2012 K 353 1 st 313 373 2 nd 302 339 3 rd 270 298 4 th 256 297 5 th 241 284 6 th 228 288 7 th 232 239 8 th 226 243 9 th 260 275 10 th 218 259 11 th 188 209 12 th 159 174 Total 3,246 3,630

8 Pre-Kindergarten Data PreK 2010-2011 K 2011-2012 Differenc e Clairemont Elementary4223.46%7923.65%0.19% Glennwood Elementary2916.20%5717.07%0.86% Oakhurst Elementary6737.43%11434.13%-3.30% Winnona Park Elementary4122.91%8425.15%2.24% 2011-2012 Pre-Kindergarten Wait List 53 residents 8 courtesy tuition 2010-2011 Pre-Kindergarten Wait List 40 residents 7 courtesy tuition Pre-K enrollment zones are a valid predictor of Kindergarten enrollment zones.

9 Homebuilding Data Lenore Street development9 housesEstimated completion August 2012 South Candler development9 housesEstimated completion December 2012 Midway Road development26 housesEstimated completion January 2013 Source: Amanda Thompson, City of Decatur

10 2010 Census Data % Δ % Δ under 5 % Δ 5- 9 YO % Δ 10- 14 YO 3.22%15.38%-1.52%-15.19% % Δ % Δ under 5 % Δ 5-9 YO % Δ 10- 14 YO 8.65%83.13%29.36%-15.72% % Δ % Δ under 5 % Δ 5-9 YO % Δ 10- 14 YO 14.03%28.51%117.58%68.82% % Δ % Δ under 5 % Δ 5-9 YO % Δ 10- 14 YO -3.11%16.44%40.59%-5.36%

11 Growth of Young Learners City of Decatur percent Δ 2000- 2010 City Schools of Decatur percent Δ 2000- 2010 0-5 year olds34.41%93.96% 5-9 year olds34.08%43.20% For 0-5 population, used proxy of Kindergarten growth from 2000-2011; for 5-9 year olds assumed growth in 1 st -3 rd grades from 2000-2011

12 Using current grade level enrollments and placing those enrollments into the next grade level Using one-year cohort ratios combined with qualitative interviews Discovery: city birth rate data available from Department of Public Health

13 Survey and Focus Group with Realtors Oakhurst could be 33% through transition South side has higher density South side attracts more families with younger children Summer is busiest move-in time

14 The short-term overall recommendation of the Enrollment Committee is to not re-zone or open up additional buildings for the 2012-2013 school year. CSD will continue to transfer students between K-3 buildings that cannot manage their zoned enrollments. Class sizes for 1 st grade 2012-2013 will resemble the class sizes for Kindergarten 2011-2012. One trailer would stay at each school: Oakhurst and Winnona Park. Candidates for paying tuition for Kindergarten and 1 st grade will not be informed of their status until July 11, 2012, thus allowing summer resident registrations to subside. Assumptions:

15 Three Categories  Processes to improve projections  Strategies to accommodate growth  Educational opportunities for the community

16  Recommendation 1a: Develop an annual process involving stakeholders to validate enrollment projection formula with other data sources.  Recommendation 1b: Institute a Pre- Registration tracking process on CSD website.  Recommendation 1c: Strategically publicize Pre-Registration tracking process with realtors and City of Decatur. Processes to improve projections

17 Recommendation 2a: Consider how College Heights and Westchester could serve some birth-grade 3 students. Strategies to accommodate growth Sub- recommendation 2a-1: Consider adding K-3 classrooms at College Heights and opening Westchester as a birth-grade 3 school with a small enrollment zone. Sub- recommendation 2a-2: Consider opening Westchester as a preschool-grade 3 school with a small enrollment zone. Sub- recommendation 2a-3: Consider opening Westchester as a Controlled Choice preschool- grade 3 school. Sub- recommendation 2a-4: Consider opening Westchester as a Controlled Choice K-3 school.

18 College HeightsOakhurstWestchester Sub-recommendation 2a-1Birth-grade 3Addition maybe laterBirth-grade 3 Sub-recommendation 2a-2Birth-age 4Addition high urgencyAge 3-grade 3 Sub-recommendation 2a-3Birth-age 4Addition high urgencyAge 3-grade 3 controlled choice Sub-recommendation 2a-4Birth-age 4Addition medium urgencyK-3 controlled choice Recommendation 2: Summary Matrix Strategies to accommodate growth

19 Recommendation 2b: Begin addition to FAVE to accommodate system-wide growth Strategies to accommodate growth FAVE was designed in 2009-2010, a year of 1% enrollment growth following years of 4% and 7% growth respectively. At that time, it was not foreseeable that years of 7% and 12% growth respectively were to come.

20 Recommendation 3a: Host Enrollment Zone Information night. Educational opportunities for the community

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