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Company Case Study - POSCO, Affymetrix -

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1 Company Case Study - POSCO, Affymetrix -

2 Case1 - POSCO

3 Agenda Introduction Analysis Discussion Conclusion

4 POSCO in Steel Industry
World steel association predicts further growth Challenges: Innovation Environment Sustainable growth POSCO 4th largest producer POSCO established 1969 by government Now private company World crude steel production [million metric tons] Source: World Steel in Figures, 2nd Edition 2008, Early name Pohang Iron and Steel Co. Ltd.

Develop-ment Capacity (ton/yr) Note COREX VAI Commercial 0.6 mil. DIOS JISF Pilot plant 0.15 mil. R&D stopped HIsmelt Rio-Tinto 0.8 mil. CCF Hoogovens TECNORED Tupi/Icomi Demo plant 0.3 mil. Started in 2002 FINEX VAI / POSCO Commercial 1.5 mil.

6 FINEX - Development Challenges: Research and Development
Increasing prices for plants Reinforcement of pollutants restriction Increasingly competitive steel market Research and Development Started in 1992, based on COREX technology Invested 550 billion KRW (470 million USD) Finalized in 2002 & commercialized in 2007

7 FINEX - Technology First, iron ore fines are reduced (de-oxidized) step by step in fluidized reduction furnace, and become bigger particles by HCI roller. Coking coals are processed to coal fines using special technology, and these fine particles are where the word FINEX comes from. Mixing these processed iron ores and coal fines in melting furnace completes FINEX process.

8 Innovative, next-generation iron-making technology!
FINEX - Advantages production pollutants Blast Furnace FINEX Innovative, next-generation iron-making technology!

9 Agenda Introduction Analysis Discussion Conclusion

10 Porter’s Value Chain Why value chain:
Its ultimate goal is to maximize value creation while minimizing costs, relevant for FINEX So we will look at activities the create value for POSCO or minimizes cost which could lead to the competitive advantage of this innovation Research topics into the model

11 POSCO’s Infrastructure
FINEX R&D Project Department POSPIA IT systems Corporate culture 6 Sigma initiative Loyalty and high working moral of employees Corporate responsibility Sustainability Environment & social contribution POSCO is divided into business divisions which again are divided into departments, and central in the organization structure we find the FINEX Research and Development Project Department. For controlling and supporting business activities POSCO has implemented an integrated platform of various information technology programs with Oracle applications as a basis, called POSPIA. Further POSCO’s corporate culture is reflected in the efforts in process innovation. The 6 sigma initiative and loyalty and high working morals of employees ensured high quality and innovative culture. Sustainability, environment and social contribution are the corporate responsibilities of POSCO.

12 HR Management Emphasis on learning, developing employees to obtain market leadership in the steel industry HR training POSTECH Knowledge management system Communities of Practice (CoP) Through the history POSCO have always emphasized learning and developing employees to obtain market leadership in the steel industry. The knowledge management system of POSCO serves as the knowledge base for the employees and is situated around Communities of Practice (CoP)

13 Tech Development of FINEX
Sources and Types of Innovation Manufacturer innovation Technological process innovation Technological paradigm Emerging technology to replace current technology Cooperation & Strategic Alliance Development agreement with VAI, which later became part of Siemens, in 1992 The source of FINEX technology is manufacturer innovation, the traditionally recognized source where a business innovates in order to achieve better production. Since it has significant advantages over conventional processes of iron-making, the innovation is classified as technical and process innovation. In its technological paradigm, FINEX has been emerged to replace this current technology. Currently the FINEX technology yields lower growth than conventional blast furnace, but will eventually overtake it and lead to even greater levels of growth. VAI provided its facility construction and process development expertise while Posco contributed its experience as a plant operator and the muscle to carry out and finance such a complex project.

14 Procurement e-Sale Portal e-Procurement
Customer and supplier interaction through i2 SRM & Oracle9i SCM e-Sale Portal Solutions for online transactions Offline transactions guidelines e-Procurement POSCO’s suppliers and trading partners connected The procurement of POSCO has been situated around the website with supporting systems from i2 SRM and Oracle9i SCM. This website provides customers with the e-Sale portal that include e-Transaction and e-Sales solutions for online transactions as well as offline transaction guidelines. The suppliers have the e-Procurement site (POSCO 2008g) to participate in e-Bidding for selling their raw material, and most of POSCO’s suppliers and trading partners are connected.

15 Inbound Logistics Coal and iron Investments in mines
Online bidding for suppliers Investments in mines Joint venture between POSCO and Rio Tinto Coal Techno Partnership program Diversification strategy POSDATA, POSRI, POSCO E&C The FINEX process requires coal and iron ore for production of steel, and POSCO acquires the resources through an e-Procurement system. Investments in mines should be mentioned in this activity. Further POSCO’s Techno Partnership program supports smaller sized companies nearby the steelworks in Pohang and Gwangyang to foster innovation and relationship to adjacent technology of smaller suppliers. Last the diversification strategy of POSCO during the 1990s and early 2000s lead to a numerous amount of subsidiaries like POSDATA (IT-related services), POSRI (R & D, Consulting), and POSCO E & C (engineering and construction).

16 Operations FINEX R&D Project Department 1992 ~ 1995 Lab Scale Test
1996 ~ 1998 Model Plant Test (15 ton/day) 1999 ~ 2002 Pilot Plant Test (150 ton/day) 2003 ~ 2005 Demo Plant (0.6 mil. ton/yr) 2004 ~ Commercial Plant (1.5 mil. ton/yr)

17 Outbound Logistics POSTEEL Easy access to customers
Plants nearby water Easier shipping The diversified company POSTEEL handles the outbound logistics activities for POSCO. The outbound logistics infrastructure has the same benefits as the inbound logistics with POSCO’s plants that are situated near deep water and have the ability to undock resources directly to the plant and allow easier shipping to the customers.

18 Marketing & Sales Commercialization FINEX in global market
Media coverage Annual report and website FINEX in global market Steel project in Orissa (India) Steel project in Vietnam Protecting innovation Some processes patented IP through business secrets The prototype plant was widely covered in media, emphasizing the environmental friendly characteristics of the system. And the FINEX technology was promoted in their annual report and website. Further POSCO aims to take charge of FINEX plants in foreign countries, and dominate the global market. The first big sale or marketing of the technology besides Pohang is the steel project in Orissa (India), and Vietnam as well. For the protection of innovation, some processes are patented, but it is found that POSCO will protect the intellectual property of the innovation through business secrets

19 Agenda Introduction Analysis Discussion Conclusion Discussion: after investigating the innovation and analyzing we discussed both the value chain and the hypotheses

20 Value Chain Analysis Industry Dynamics with FINEX
Towards dominant design Gain competitive advantage Success in technological innovation Innovation Strategy with FINEX First-mover advantages IT opportunities Process improvement Value chain: How FINEX will affect the industry What innovation strategy FINEX could benefit from Connected our findings to the theory in the book. Regarding FINEX's industry dynamics we found Could become a dominant design, projects in both India and Vietnam Global POSCO Competitive advantages with regards to environment friendliness and cost reduction FINEX successful, hard to imitate, innovation strategy FINEX First-mover: opportunities to cover locations new locations and emerging markets, monopoly rents IT: technology management, has a good focus on IT system implementation and connects it to Process improvement PI: Six sigma, and knowledge management

21 The Korean Way Hypothesis # 1 vs. FINEX Americans & Japanese vs. FINEX
Top-down ownership Diversification strategy Project-focused organization Americans & Japanese vs. FINEX Radical innovation, over time Americans - lost focus Japanese – not invested Further investigation Innovation plan Sustainability plan Innovation process Hypothesis #1: The Korean Way of making decisions is better for medium time frame and short/medium term industries FINEX supported the top-down ownership and had autonomy to support creativity in the innovation The diversification strategy supported focus on the core capabilities, and directed the long innovation The change towards a project organization supports the medium time frame focus FINEX was a radical innovation over time, Americans might have lost focus with the short time frame decisions while Japanese might not have invested in the first place because of opportunistic market We identified some points for further investigation towards the hypothesis.

22 The Korean Way production pollutants Hypothesis # 2 vs. FINEX
Process improvement Cost reduction Production improvements Americans & Japanese vs. FINEX No short-term profitability and high risks Americans – “No go” Japanese – high risk and investment Further investigation Increased profitability Increased market share Industry and external environment production pollutants Blast Furnace FINEX Hypothesis #2: The Korean Way focus on reduction in time, which forces quality improvement and cost reduction at the same time, resulting in increased profitability and market share FINEX supported process improvement with the six sigma and KM Also FINEX leads to cost reduction further supporting the hypothesis And production improvements is present. All fit to the reduction in time FINEX involved high risk and no short-term profitability Americans might not have let this innovation through the funnel Japanese might not have invested in something radical while they still could improve an existing process We identified some points for further investigation towards the hypothesis.

23 Agenda Introduction Analysis Discussion Conclusion

24 Conclusion FINEX Hypothesis 1 Hypothesis 2 Successful now
Interesting for the future Hypothesis 1 True? More detailed information Hypothesis 2 Early to prove profitability and market share Conclusion: We think that finex is successful now, and interesting for the future. Environmental friendliness is very good. We found supportive information on both hypothesis 1 and 2, but to indicate a true or false we need more detailed information while answering hypothesis 2 would need calculations for profitability and market share. FINEX?

25 Discussion Issues What are the benefits of dominant design?
In POSCO’s case, do you think POSCO takes the first-mover advantages through FINEX?

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