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Arman Vardanyan, Fund Manager, Absolute Portfolio Management Luxembourg, 4 November 2011 Absolute Portfolio Management –

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Presentation on theme: "Arman Vardanyan, Fund Manager, Absolute Portfolio Management Luxembourg, 4 November 2011 Absolute Portfolio Management –"— Presentation transcript:

1 Arman Vardanyan, Fund Manager, Absolute Portfolio Management Luxembourg, 4 November 2011 Absolute Portfolio Management – investment management company, specialist in alternative investments and microfinance.

2  Dual Return Fund Key Social Performance Facts:  96% of MFIs have a written, formal social responsibility policy or code of conduct  83% of the MFIs provides good-quality social information to its stakeholders through a diversified range of communication channels (MIX Market etc.)  95% of MFIs strive to promote diversity among loan officers and hire staff that reflects the clients served  82% of MFIs have an exclusion list on lending  83% of MFIs implement a rigorous system to determine a client’s level of indebtedness  90% of MFIs have fair and not coercive collection policies Source: Symbiotics Social Responsibility Assessment

3  Social Responsibility Report (the Symbiotics social rating tool) 100 indicators in line with industry standards, the MIX, UN Reporting Initiative  Social governance  Labor climate  Financial inclusion  Client protection  Product quality  Community engagement  Environmental policy

4  Regular communication:  Monthly fund factsheets and country reports  Monthly institutional investor report (incl. Social impact)  Fund updates and articles in the media  Website:  Communication material: brochures, leaflets, etc.  Customized replies to investors’ enquiries

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