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2 What is it? Kindness is the practice of being sympathetic and compassionate. Kindness is the showing concern for the well-being and feelings of others.

3 philanthropy grace cordiality gentleness sympathetic benefactor
Related Words philanthropy grace cordiality gentleness sympathetic benefactor courtesy mercy

4 Kindness Looks Like: Sticking up for someone being teased
Offering to help someone in need Paying attention to someone’s concerns Thinking of the needs of others Giving a gift to a needy person A smile

5 Kindness Sounds Like: “Would you like to join us?”
“What can I do to help?” “What a great job; will you teach me how?” “Would you like to share….?” “You can do it; keep trying!” “You seem upset; would you like to talk about it?”


7 “If you light a lamp for somebody, it will also brighten your path.”
“Kindness is more than deeds. It is an attitude, an expression, a look, a touch. It is anything that lifts another person.” C. Neil Strait

8 “Kindness is like sugar, it makes life taste a little sweeter.”
“When we feel love and kindness toward others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace.”

9 True StorIes of Acts of KIndness

10 Small acts big hearts We went to a super-center the other night and had dinner there at the golden arches, and then went grocery shopping afterwards. There was a family also shopping that had four kids with them. One of the older girls was crying and my five year old daughter asked me why. I told her I didn’t know why she was crying.

11 Small acts big hearts Then, my daughter asked me if she could give her the toy she had just received in her happy meal so that maybe she would feel better. Of course, I said yes, so she went over and said she was sorry that the girl was sad, and asked her if she wanted her toy. Then I almost started crying! Kindness starts at a very early age.

12 Pay It Forward One day I was in line at a convenience store, and a man had filled his car before realizing that he had no cash. He was offering to leave his driver’s license with the clerk of the store, who was giving him a hard time and being very impolite. This man seemed genuinely embarrassed by the situation, and it was apparent that it had been an honest mistake.

13 Pay It Forward I paid for his gas, and he asked me to wait so he could go get some money with which to repay me. He offered to mail me the money. He offered his business card in case I changed my mind. But I told him I didn’t want repayment for myself; instead, I asked that he just do something for someone else in need one day. He looked flabbergasted and truly grateful. It felt good to do this!



16 READING TEXT: Wise words from Margot Silk Forrest: Kindness is more than just being nice!

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