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BBB IDENTITY THEFT By Blake Bowland Computers III.

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Presentation on theme: "BBB IDENTITY THEFT By Blake Bowland Computers III."— Presentation transcript:

1 BBB IDENTITY THEFT By Blake Bowland Computers III

2 TYPES OF IDENTITY THEFT Virtual World Real World

3 VIRTUAL WORLD What does the virtual thief want? Where does the virtual thief find these? How can you defend yourself?

4 WHAT DOES THE VIRTUAL THIEF WANT? The thief wants to Capture information Create a new identity based on that information Use that identity to his or her own purposes

5 WHERE DOES THE VIRTUAL THIEF FIND THESE? On a personal computer such as Bank account numbers Electronic tax returns Family genealogy PDA data Insurance information Spreadsheets Word processing documents

6 HOW CAN YOU DEFEND YOURSELF? Your login/password/pin –Use unique passwords –Use passwords wherever you can –Change passwords regularly –Don’t set your system to “Remember my password” –Remember passwords, don’t write them down

7 HOW CAN YOU DEFEND YOURSELF? (CONT.) Purchase anti-virus software Keep operating system software updated Install a firewall Take precautions with Wi-Fi Be careful when using a file sharing program

8 TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION Beware of “Phishing” Be wary when using public internet kiosks or other people’s computers Don’t give personal information over the internet unless the site is secure

9 REAL WORLD What does the identity thief want? Where does the identity thief find these? How are these used? How can you defend yourself?

10 WHAT DOES THE IDENTITY THIEF WANT? Your social security card Your driver’s license Your account numbers (bank, credit card and others), PIN(s) and passwords

11 WHERE DOES THE IDENTITY THIEF FIND THESE? Your wallet or purse Your mailbox Your glove compartment Your trash You

12 HOW ARE THESE USED? Use your credit card for a buying spree Open new credit card accounts Change the mailing address on your existing credit card account Buy cars and take out auto loans Establish telephone or wireless phone service in your name

13 HOW ARE THESE USED? (CONT.) Open a bank account in your name File for bankruptcy under your name Apply for a job under your name Give your name to the police during an arrest

14 HOW CAN YOU DEFEND YOURSELF? Don’t carry your social security card or a document with your social security number on it in your wallet or purse Be careful with your credit/debit cards. Take self-defense measures for your mail. Be careful what you keep in your glove compartment

15 HOW CAN YOU DEFEND YOURSELF? (CONT.) Shred all of your trash containing personal information because some thieves go dumpster diving Don’t give out personal information in person, over the phone, by mail or on the internet unless you made initial contact or you trust the person to whom you are giving the information

16 FTC Click the logo to the right to view a power point from the FTC on ID theft

17 WHAT NOW? Now that you have learned how to protect your identity in the real and virtual world, go do it!


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