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Cloudstaffing and Cloudhighschooling Degtyarev Alexey, MSU, economy *«Облачные технологии в формировании дистанционных форм обучения и труда»

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Presentation on theme: "Cloudstaffing and Cloudhighschooling Degtyarev Alexey, MSU, economy *«Облачные технологии в формировании дистанционных форм обучения и труда»"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cloudstaffing and Cloudhighschooling Degtyarev Alexey, MSU, economy *«Облачные технологии в формировании дистанционных форм обучения и труда»

2 Teleworking Teleworking — variously referred to as telecommuting, e-commuting, e-work, telework, working at home (WAH), or working from home (WFH)— is a work arrangement in which employees enjoy flexibility in working location. In other words, the daily physical commute to a central place of work is replaced by telecommunication links

3 Teleworking Classic «teleworking» scheme: Human—IT(second)—Human Physical Headquarters Network. Internet and corporate network Remote Access. Home workplace Teleworking=Headquarter+IT+Remote workplace+ +Strong fixed working hours+Strong employee contract (responcibility+workingtime)

4 Key point of Teleworking 1. Fixed working time (8 hours per day) 2. Fixed business hours (e.g. from 9 am till 6 pm) 3. Strong employee contract 4. The same office, but out of office

5 Cloudworking  Next step of teleworking  Possible with IT and informatisation era only  An employee work on virtual company using virtual workplace and create a real result  Working in the cloud using special IT facilities and software A new round of teleworking in postindustrial economy

6 Cloudworking «Cloudworking» scheme: IT(first)—Human—Network—Human Headquarters in cloud Corporate Network and Internet Remote Access. Cloud workplace Cloudworking=Corporate Employers network+Cloud workplace+Cloud technologies+Cloud(hightech) company+Flexibility+Free working hours+Fixed result+Strong KPI

7 Key point of Cloudworking 1.Flexible working time 2.Flexible business hours 3.Working only for result (you can do everything and everywhere, but provide a result) 4. Work using cloud technologies on cloud company 5. Working time and personal life closed connection

8 Distance education «Real» university + «Real» lecturer + distance students

9 Cloudhighschooling «Virtual» university + Online courses + «Real» lecturer + students (home location)

10 Do You know the best classic University in RU?

11 Do You know a sample of online University?

12 Social partnership An employers need to create with University new system of digital interaction and new culture of teleworking Cloud labor + Cloud education + IT + Mobility = Economic efficiency Cloudstaffing + Cloudhighschooling = New strategy


14 Questions

15 Thank you for Your attention!

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