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Management Practices Lecture-20 1. Recap Career Development Career Stages Career Management Stress & Performance Managing Conflict 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Management Practices Lecture-20 1. Recap Career Development Career Stages Career Management Stress & Performance Managing Conflict 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Management Practices Lecture-20 1

2 Recap Career Development Career Stages Career Management Stress & Performance Managing Conflict 2

3 Today’s Lecture Conflict Management Strategies Negotiation Political Strategies for Increasing Power 3

4 Conflict Management Strategies Compromise – each party is concerned about not only their goal accomplishment but also the goal accomplishment of the other party and is willing to engage in a give-and-take exchange to reach a reasonable solution. 17-4

5 Conflict Management Strategies Collaboration – both parties try to satisfy their goals by coming up with an approach that leaves them both better off and does not require concessions on issues that are important to either party. 17-5

6 Conflict Management Strategies Accommodation – An ineffective conflict-handling approach in which one party, typically with weaker power, gives in to the demands of the other, typically more powerful, party. 17-6

7 Conflict Management Strategies Avoidance – An ineffective conflict handling approach in which the parties try to ignore the problem and do nothing to resolve their differences. 17-7

8 Conflict Management Strategies Competition – An ineffective conflict handling approach in which each party tries to maximize its own gain and has little interest in understanding the other party’s position and arriving at a solution that will allow both parties to achieve their goals. 17-8

9 Negotiation – method of conflict resolution in which the parties consider various alternative ways to allocate resources to come up with a solution acceptable to all of them. 17-9

10 Third-party Negotiators Mediators – facilitates negotiations but no authority to impose a solution Arbitrator – can impose what he thinks is a fair solution to a conflict that both parties are obligated to abide by 17-10

11 Political Strategies for Increasing Power 17-11

12 Political Strategies for Gaining and Maintaining Power 17-12

13 Political Strategies for Exercising Power 17-13

14 Functional versus Dysfunctional Conflict Functional Conflict  Conflict that supports the goals of the group and improves its performance. Dysfunctional Conflict  Conflict that hinders group performance 14

15 Conflict and Unit Performance 15

16 Conflict Management Techniques Problem solving Super ordinate goals Expansion of resources Avoidance Smoothing Compromise Authoritative command Altering the human variable Altering the structural variables 16

17 Conflict Management Techniques  Communication  Bringing in outsiders  Restructuring the organization  Appointing a devil’s advocate Source: Based on S. P. Robbins, Managing Organizational Conflict: A Nontraditional Approach (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1974), pp. 59–89 17

18 Factors Influencing Conflict Content Related vs. Personal Size of Conflict Rigidity of the Issue Power Differences Individual Personalities, Traits, and Dispositions 18

19 Summary Conflict Management Strategies Negotiation Political Strategies for Increasing Power 19

20 Next Lecture Conflict Sources of Conflict Types of Conflict (1) Intrapersonal conflict, (2) Interpersonal conflict, and (3) Interdepartmental conflict 20

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