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Student-driven explanations or meaning making Please sit in groups of 4 to 5.

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Presentation on theme: "Student-driven explanations or meaning making Please sit in groups of 4 to 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student-driven explanations or meaning making Please sit in groups of 4 to 5

2 How do you currently get your students to explain or make meaning during a lesson? Discuss this with your table partners and see if your group can come up with at least 4 different strategies. Discuss this with your table partners and see if your group can come up with at least 4 different strategies. Be prepared to share your ideas with the whole group in 4-5 minutes Be prepared to share your ideas with the whole group in 4-5 minutes

3 Annotated Student Drawings Student-made labeled illustrations that visually represent and describe students’ thinking about a concept Student-made labeled illustrations that visually represent and describe students’ thinking about a concept With a partner, complete a annotated student drawing for the Giants Activity or the Cookie Lab With a partner, complete a annotated student drawing for the Giants Activity or the Cookie Lab Make sure your drawings describe the science or math involved in the activity Make sure your drawings describe the science or math involved in the activity

4 I used to think…but now I know I used to think… But now I know… With a partner, complete this for inquiry teaching.

5 Oral Sharing Strategies: Partner speaks: take turns sharing with a partner, be prepared to share partners ideas with class Partner speaks: take turns sharing with a partner, be prepared to share partners ideas with class Think-Pair-Share Think-Pair-Share “What do you notice?” “What do you notice?”

6 Exit Slips Muddiest point Muddiest point One sentence summary One sentence summary I figured it out because… I figured it out because… Journals Journals

7 Friday Schedule 8:30-9:30: Morning session—bring cookbook/text book activity to modify 8:30-9:30: Morning session—bring cookbook/text book activity to modify 9:30-11: Whole group reflection with video clips 9:30-11: Whole group reflection with video clips 11-12:30: Content and post-survey 11-12:30: Content and post-survey 12:30-1: Lunch 12:30-1: Lunch 1-2: Content and post-test/survey 1-2: Content and post-test/survey 2 pm: Clean-up and go home 2 pm: Clean-up and go home Final Written Reflection: Last page of your notebook—type up and turn in tomorrow or by July 3 rd by e-mail to Final Written Reflection: Last page of your notebook—type up and turn in tomorrow or by July 3 rd by e-mail to Part of Final Grade Part of Final Grade

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