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Science and Math Teachers’ CPD in Latvia Dr. Dace Namsone Riga 5.11.2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Science and Math Teachers’ CPD in Latvia Dr. Dace Namsone Riga 5.11.2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science and Math Teachers’ CPD in Latvia Dr. Dace Namsone Riga 5.11.2015.

2 Background information  In 1998 development of the change of approach to the Science and Math curriculum was begun  The implementation of complex reforms in Science and Math education in Latvia 2005-2011 (grades 7-12)  The Center for Science and Math Education University of Latvia; from the end of 2011  The new curriculum reforms are under preparing (2015 – 2019)

3 THE CENTER FOR SCIENCE AND MATH EDUCATION Teachers’ professional development Raising students interest Research in Science and Math Education Science communica tion

4 Target groups Every Science (Physics) teacher regular training programs (36 hours per 3 years) Extra qualification needs - programs (140/360 hours) Regional (municipality) groups Networking Leading teachers Projects (PROFILES, Scientix, Nord +...)...

5 Professional Development /Win J/

6 The Teacher’s Professional Development Programmme 2006-2012 2008 -2012 The Teacher’s Professional Development Programme module-based, 36 / 72 hours Multiple methods of teaching and learning Scientific inquiry in the laboratory General guidelines on contemporary Science at school ICT usage

7 Information Tehnology Age


9 The gaps to cross 2015 Gaps between: -expectations for the education and historical background we have in our education sistem -what teachers are doing in the classroom and what they think they do (data from 2009 - 2011- observing of lessons and discussions with teachers after lessons)

10 Implementation of innovative experience Top - downBottom -up


12 The development of the reflection skills based on idea on multiple activity cycle Observe – reflect – write – discuss - action resaerch, collaboration groups - performed during joint lesson analyses during the cycle of school based workshops

13 From literature Well developed teamwork improves the quality of practices as teachers work and learn from each other (Fullan, 2011) Very little teacher training takes place in the teachers own classroom, the place where it would be precise and relevant enough to be most effective (Barber, Mourshed, 2007, 27)... like a spiral of selfcontained cycles: planning a change, acting and observing... reflecting... (Kemmis, Mc Taggart, 2000) Impact of teacher and teaching on students progress (Hattie, 2012)

14 About collaborative PD models Educational design research (McKenney & Reeves, 2012) Action research (Elliott, 1991) Teaching research groups (Paine & Fang, 2007; Salleh &Tan, 2013) Lesson study (Lewis &Tsuchida 1999; Okubo 2006; Stiegler & Hiebert 1999) Learning study (Lo, 2012; Marton, 2015) /from review Holmquist Olander M, 2015/ Mona Holmqvist Olander 150813

15 Teachers’ CPD models used in Latvia Workshops Seminars On- line workshops (Moodle) Conferences Action research Networking School based workshop Learning study

16 Criteria for collaborative teachers’ professional learning model is based on real-life school (classroom) practice where teachers learn by collaboration and experience exchange where teachers feel their colleagues’ support where teachers can learn how to analyse and reflect -

17 What is national networking?

18 National network of innovative experience To disseminate the innovative ideas of teaching science subjects and mathematics to other teachers The Center for Science and Math education UL National education center 19 municipalities 22 school teams (3-4 teachers and school leader) schools in municipality


20 National networking REGIONAL GROUP OF NATIONAL NETWORK EXPERTS NATIONAL NETWORK SCHOOL TEAM M M F F C C B B 4-5 A A A1A1 A1A1 M1M1 M1M1 F1F1 F1F1 C1C1 C1C1 B1B1 B1B1 A2A2 A2A2 M2M2 M2M2 F2F2 F2F2 C2C2 C2C2 B2B2 B2B2 A3A3 A3A3 M3M3 M3M3 F3F3 F3F3 C3C3 C3C3 B3B3 B3B3 A4A4 A4A4 M4M4 M4M4 F4F4 F4F4 C4C4 C4C4 B4B4 B4B4 A5A5 A5A5 M5M5 M5M5 F5F5 F5F5 C5C5 C5C5 B5B5 B5B5 A6A6 A6A6 M6M6 M6M6 F6F6 F6F6 C6C6 C6C6 B6B6 B6B6 A1A1 A1A1 M1M1 M1M1 F1F1 F1F1 C1C1 C1C1 B1B1 B1B1 A2A2 A2A2 M2M2 M2M2 F2F2 F2F2 C2C2 C2C2 B2B2 B2B2 A3A3 A3A3 M3M3 M3M3 F3F3 F3F3 C3C3 C3C3 B3B3 B3B3 A4A4 A4A4 M4M4 M4M4 F4F4 F4F4 C4C4 C4C4 B4B4 B4B4 A 17 M 17 F 17 C 17 B 17 A6A6 A6A6 M6M6 M6M6 F6F6 F6F6 C6C6 C6C6 B6B6 B6B6 A9A9 A9A9 M9M9 M9M9 F9F9 F9F9 C9C9 C9C9 B9B9 B9B9 A5A5 A5A5 M5M5 M5M5 F5F5 F5F5 C5C5 C5C5 B5B5 B5B5 A 11 M 11 F 11 C 11 B 11 A 22 M 22 F 22 C 22 B 22 M M F F C C B B 4-5 A A M M F F C C B B A A

21 What is school based workshop?

22 School based workshop plan Introduction.The goals. The procedure. The rules of work. Input about the focus of the workshop Observing of lessons (groups) Analysis and reflection about lessons Discussions Analysis about analysis Summary, conclusions, feedback

23 Lesson Observations


25 Video Video 1 Video 2... LP (paper) LP 1 LP 2... LBW (live) LBW (live) 1 LBW 2...


27 Thank you for your attention!

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