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ASSIGNMENTS Draft 2 due by 5 p.m. today Study logical fallacies for Jeopardy on Wednesday. Pick out your 3-4 member team Keep working on your paper Exam.

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1 ASSIGNMENTS Draft 2 due by 5 p.m. today Study logical fallacies for Jeopardy on Wednesday. Pick out your 3-4 member team Keep working on your paper Exam Friday


3 CONTINUUMS OF LOGIC Probabilities rather than formulae

4 1. FALLACIES OF DISTRACTION FallacyDefinitionConcise VersionExample Bandwagon Trying to convince the audience that because a large group does something, they should too. Everyone is doing it Everybody agrees that we need stronger drunk driving laws

5 1. FALLACIES OF DISTRACTION FallacyDefinitionConcise VersionExample Red Herring Change the argument by introducing a new, often emotional side issue that does not resolve the issue at hand Off topic, unrelated issue I’ve never even had a speeding ticket; you have no right to give me a parking ticket.

6 1. FALLACIES OF DISTRACTION FallacyDefinitionConcise VersionExample Non Sequitera conclusion that doesn’t logically follow the explanation. Idea doesn’t follow He must be a criminal; he likes Justin Bieber.

7 1. FALLACIES OF DISTRACTION FallacyDefinitionConcise VersionExample You also Distracting from the issue by pointing out the speaker has done what he or she is arguing against you’re a hypocrite Don’t tell me not to speed; you’ve got a few speeding tickets yourself.

8 2. FALLACIES OF MISREPRESENTATION FallacyDefinitionConcise versionExample Straw Man Presenting the counterargument as oversimplified and ridiculous while ignoring its valid points. Distorting the opponent’s view Anyone who opposes the death penalty believes crimes should go unpunished.

9 2. FALLACIES OF MISREPRESENTATION FallacyDefinitionConcise versionExample Doubtful Authority Using an unqualified person’s fame or importance to argue for an issue Unqualified endorser You should buy a Lexus. Beyoncé drives a Lexus.

10 2. FALLACIES OF MISREPRESENTATION FallacyDefinitionConcise versionExample Equivocation A key term has one meaning in one part of the argument and another meaning later Meaning shifts I have a right to express myself. So it’s right for me to give my opinion whenever and wherever I want.

11 3. FALLACIES OF LOGIC FallacyDefinitionConcise versionExample Slippery Slope Suggesting that one step will inevitably lead to more and more negative steps; often appears as A will lead to B, B will lead to C, C will lead to D... Progression of negative consequences If we require uniforms in middle school, then we’ll require them in high school. Next thing, we’ll have to in college and our professional lives.

12 3. FALLACIES OF LOGIC FallacyDefinitionConcise versionExample Either/or (False Dilemma) Reducing complex issues to black and white polarized positions Only 2 alternatives; Either / or We’re either going to South Padre for Spring Break or we’re not going anywhere at all.

13 3. FALLACIES OF LOGIC FallacyDefinitionConcise VersionExample Post Hoc Fallacy Assuming that because one thing came before another, it caused the other to occur, without logically linking the two. Faulty causal relationship I ate a cheeseburger before the test and made an “A.” Cheeseburger’s must help me think better.

14 3. FALLACIES OF LOGIC FallacyDefinitionConcise VersionExample Hasty Generalization Drawing a conclusion about a large group based on a few or on little evidence Over- statement stereotype I saw a fight at a fraternity party last weekend. Those frat boys are out of control.


16 ASSIGNMENTS Study logical fallacies for Jeopardy Pick out your 3-4 member team Keep working on your paper Exam Friday

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