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December’s Excitement B y; Tiffany Pounds December’s Excitement By: Tiffany Pounds.

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2 December’s Excitement B y; Tiffany Pounds

3 December’s Excitement By: Tiffany Pounds


5 Once upon a time in the month of December, there were two little kids named Carissa and Ricky. They were brother and sister. Carissa lived with her Grandmother and Ricky lived with their Mother.


7 When they were around each other, Ricky and Carissa always played in the house and sometimes outside. Ricky would never have anyone to play with unless Carissa came over.


9 One afternoon, Ricky and Carissa decided to go outside and play together. Before they went outside, they had to put their hat, gloves, and coat on so they would stay warm.


11 They were all bundled up and went outside to play. When they went outside Carissa said, “Ricky it’s starting to snow.” They were so happy they stayed outside and played all day.


13 When they came in after taking showers, they sat in the living room drinking hot cocoa. They loved to watch Christmas movies too.


15 Later on that night before they went to sleep, they looked out the windows to see that it was snowing even harder. They were so excited!


17 The next morning when Carissa and Ricky woke up they jumped up out of bed and ran to the windows. They looked out and saw a lot more snow. They went downstairs, ate breakfast, got ready to go back outside and play for awhile.


19 T h e n e x t m o r n i n g, a f t e r e a t i n g b r e a k f a s t, t h e y b u n d l e d u p t o p l a y o u t s i d e. I t w a s a b i g n i g h t f o r t h e m. I t w a s C h r i s t m a s E v e. T h e y a l l g a t h e r e d i n t h e k i t c h e n w i t h t h e i r m o t h e r, L i n d a, t o b a k e s p e c i a l c o o k i e s f o r S a n t a. I t w a s t i m e t o g e t b a t h s a n d g e t r e a d y f o r b e d f o r t o m o r r o w b e c a u s e i t w a s t h e b i g g e s t d a y o f t h e y e a r. N o t o n l y w a s i t C h r i s t m a s, b u t b a b y J e s u s ' b i r t h d a y. T h e y s p r i n k l e d t h e r e i n d e e r f o o d i n t h e y a r d a n d p l a c e d t h e c o o k i e s o n t h e t a b l e f o r S a n t a.


21 They slept in the living room waiting for Santa to come. In the middle of the night, they both woke up and got to see Santa. He gave them both a gift to open, told them to be very quiet and not to tell anyone they saw him. He told them to go back to sleep, so they did.


23 The next morning the kids woke up and rushed to their mother’s bedroom. “Hurry, Hurry!” they said. “Santa was here!” They opened all their gifts and also told their mom how Santa was in the house. The kids were so happy that they ran around and told everyone how they had a secret. They said they couldn’t tell anyone and everyone wondered what it was. Later that day, the kids went outside and played with all their toys. It was the best Christmas ever.


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