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1 Logic State Analyzers A tool for observing logic states of multiple signals at once, in time A logic probe can show only one bit at a time. Extremely.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Logic State Analyzers A tool for observing logic states of multiple signals at once, in time A logic probe can show only one bit at a time. Extremely."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Logic State Analyzers A tool for observing logic states of multiple signals at once, in time A logic probe can show only one bit at a time. Extremely useful tool for testing and debugging sequential circuits!!

2 2 Summary Hardware version of the “timing window” on LogicWorks Capture, store, and display up to 16 time-varying signals simultaneously Variety of ways to start/stop capture Make time and frequency measurements e.g., circuit delay measurements, setup and hold times Detect glitches More info on web Manuals available in lab cabinet

3 3 HP54620A Specifications Up to 500 million samples/sec Sweep speeds of 5ns/div to 1 s/div About 2K bytes of data storage Minimum detectable glitch 3.5ns Timebase accurate to 0.01% of reading Can be interfaced with PCs and other instruments Can print data

4 4 DISPLAY MICRO GRABBERS POWER SWITCH 16-BIT SIGNAL INPUT PROBE LEADS These cables are stored behind the screens.

5 5 CHANNEL CONTROLS HORIZONTAL CONTROLS Select Channel Assign Labels Set Position Adjust timing

6 6 “SOFT KEYS” GENERAL CONTROLS Their functions change with context Measuring time Saving Display and print

7 7 TRIGGER INPUT/OUTPUT TRIGGER KEYS Specify kind of triggering (edge/pattern/…) External trigger signal Signals to trigger external systems

8 8 0 Out 1 A 2 B RUN Source Activity = 15 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  0 Ext _ 0 Out E Trg In Edge Sampling @ 16nsGL0.00s2.00 µs/ 0 The Screen

9 9 0 Out 1 A 2 B RUN Source Activity = 15 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  0 Ext _ 0 Out E Trg In Edge Sampling @ 16nsGL0.00s2.00 µs/ 0 Sampling Interval Glitch Mode Delay

10 10 0 Out 1 A 2 B RUN Source Activity = 15 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  0 Ext _ 0 Out E Trg In Edge Sampling @ 16nsGL0.00s2.00 µs/ 0 Time/div Trigger Condition Acquisition Indicator One “Division”

11 11 0 Out 1 A 2 B RUN Source Activity = 15 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  0 Ext _ 0 Out E Trg In Edge Sampling @ 16nsGL0.00s2.00 µs/ 0 Soft Keys Measurements Memory Bar Move these using the cursor control knobs

12 12 Please do the Studio Now Remember that the logic analyzer is a delicate instrument. Handle it gently. Don’t force anything!! Display the output of your circuit on the HP logic state analyzer

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