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"Give the World a Reason to Dance"

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1 "Give the World a Reason to Dance"
WMS ROSEBUDS & CHEERLEADERS PRESENT 8th Grade Limbs International Community Service Project, 8th Grade Coronation, and End of Year Celebration Wednesday, June 1, 2016 "Give the World a Reason to Dance"

2 The Need It is estimated that somewhere Between 3 million & 11 million
amputees worldwide are in need Approximately 80% of those living in low-income countries.

3 LIMBS International, Inc. (LIMBS) is
committed to restoring mobility to the millions of amputees around the world while engaging communities and empowering students. LIMBS believes every individual-regardless Of race, religion, ethnicity, economic status, or nationality deserves love, compassion, respect, and the opportunity to become a productive member of society.

4 Where is LIMBS International? Who are they Helping?

5 It takes only $300 to give a person an artificial leg through LIMBS International. So if you can raise $300 in pledges you can be responsible for giving a person back their life & the Gift of Dance!

6 Someone living in poverty can receive a limb.
Every $300 you raise Someone living in poverty can receive a limb.

7 How Can We Help At Woodcreek Middle ? School?

8 “Giving the World a Reason to Dance!”
A Dance that changes lives, one step at a time & is “Giving the World a Reason to Dance!” ** Any student raising $100 or more will receive recognition & a certificate at the Dance! ** The student raising the most money will be rewarded and introduced at the Dance! Our project will culminate at the End of Year Celebration while we dance and celebrate the lives that we changed and the people we gave back the Gift of Dance!

9 “Give the World a Reason to Dance!”
All WMS 8th grade students will be honored with a Coronation and Dance as part of their commitment to Community & Service and in an effort to: “Give the World a Reason to Dance!” With the help of Stacey Hamlet HHS IB CAS Coordinator & IB CAS Student Leaders: Ivan Diaz, Andrew Legall, Faran Riyaz, & Yesenia Vargas Dancing With The Stars – Amy Purdy

10 How Can I Help Someone? “Giving the World a Reason to Dance!”
Come up with a reasonable goal for WMS. Remember it costs $300 per leg. How many people can we help? All students at WMS can collect pledges for the Dance-A-Thon. Pick up your form and return all pledges to Ms. Calhoun. If you Raise at least $25, you will receive a free ticket to the dance. All students that make the Coronation Court (Inner & Outer)are expected to raise pledges of at least $50. “Giving the World a Reason to Dance!”

11 Last year we helped buy 27 limbs, we raised over $8,000.

12 This is what WMS students were able to purchase for people last year……
Bangladesh 3 legs Ghana 3 legs Cambodia 8 legs Kenya legs This is what WMS students were able to purchase for people last year…… We can do more! Mexico 5 legs Pakistan 2 legs Nepal 1 leg

13 Start by asking : Mom/Dad Grandparents Teachers Family Friends
Neighbors People at Church What we recommend: Ask for a One-Time Donation of a set amount ($10 -$20 would be good) We will give you the website link soon where donations can be made…

14 Important Dates to Know
May 20th - Pledge $$$ Due You will need to bring in all money & checks to Ms. Calhoun. If people donate on-line they need to put your name in the comment box and you can bring the receipt to get credit. We will start taking money/donations after the break. June 1st– 8th Grade Coronation /Dance Students raising $100 or more will be recognized at the Ball with a Special Table and the top money contributor will be honored! “Giving the World a Reason to Dance!”

15 Cash or Check Donations
Ways to Donate! Cash or Check Donations Place in a sealed envelope with the student’s first and last name on the front of the envelope. Checks must have! Have checks made to Limbs International or they will be returned! Limbs international Student first & last name here Write the students name in the Memo

16 Donate online https://www. limbsinternational. org/funding/mycampaign
Contributors may donate online directly to Limbs International WMS Campaign. For the student to receive credit for the donations a printed or ed receipt must be sent to Ms. Calhoun with the student’s name in the subject.

17 Go to our campaign page Donate now
Go to our campaign page Donate now

18 Email or Print the receipt and submit to Ms.Calhoun
IMPORTANT or Print the receipt and submit to Ms.Calhoun

19 Where can I find this info later? The School Website!
Click Activities Click Coronation Ball

20 “Giving the World a Reason to Dance!”
BEFORE AFTER LIMBS International can provide a complete leg system for an amputee in need for only $300. We will use a Tree Graph (located in the cafeteria) that will move up a ‘LIMB’ for each $300 raised, symbolizing another life transformed by our efforts. “Giving the World a Reason to Dance!”

21 Coronation Demerits You CANNOT Participate :
If you have 50 or more CD you will not be able to attend the Coronation or the Dance 1 CD each…. Dress code or Cell phone violations (all year) 1 CD each… Bus referral that did not get discipline consequence (all year) 1 CD each…. Tardies (second semester only) 2 CD each… D-halls (all year) 5 CD each… Thursday Class (all year) 10 CD each day… ISS or Out of School Suspension (all year) 10 CD each… Failing grade (69 or below) on 2nd or 3rd Report Card

22 How Can I Make The Coronation Court?
Outer Court – Nominations are made by the sponsor/teacher for each club/organization and subject area (Top Ten) Inner Court – Teacher & students can make nominations


24 Top Ten 8th Graders- Inner Court
Students that make the top ten will be able to run for Miss & Mister WMS Step 1: Teachers and Students will nominate the students that they would like to win Miss & Mister WMS Step 2: We will announce the Top 10 Boys/Girls Campaign for two days only (optional) Step 3: WMS Campaign Election Day Date TBA




28 To learn more about LIMBS International
Visit their web site at Teachers wishing to include this Service Experience into their Lesson Plans can find more information & Lessons for grades 1-8 with TEKS. Please Visit the Learning for LIMBS International Web Site: “Giving the World a Reason to Dance!”

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