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Chapter 4, Lesson Plan 12- Brittany Dorsey, Eric Jackson & April Morgan.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 4, Lesson Plan 12- Brittany Dorsey, Eric Jackson & April Morgan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 4, Lesson Plan 12- Brittany Dorsey, Eric Jackson & April Morgan

2 To begin…  Similar to Mike & Meghan’s lesson, you will need to have a teacher/class gmail account established.  After establishing a gmail account, you will need to set up a class blog at  Our blog for our scARTvenger Hunt is

3 The scARTvenger Hunt!!  We are bringing something revolutionary to our tech lesson plans… VIDEO!!!!  You’ll be working in groups:  four groups of 3 and one group of 2.  (Lin and David- you have to participate)  Each group should have one member with video capabilities on their cell phone.

4 The scARTvenger Hunt!!  To begin, each group will pick two slips of paper from the bucket.  The slips of paper will tell you what you’ll be looking for in our scARTvenger hunt!!!

5 The scARTvenger Hunt!!  After selecting your slips of paper, you have 10 minutes to walk through Goodpastor and record videos of objects that fit the description on the paper.  Some restrictions…  You cannot film anything in the Tech classroom  You have to film your found objects like THIS

6 Example Video  Description from paper: “Something fluffy”  Video example:

7 So just to be clear…  The object that fits the description on your paper slips should be a piece of something larger.  Start zoomed in on only the portion of the object that fits your description. (The object can be artwork, clothing, architecture, classroom equipment, etc.- BE CREATIVE!!!!)  Then, slowly zoom out so the viewer can try to guess what your object is.

8 One last example:  Description: “A Rectangle”

9 HOW CAN YOU USE VIDEO IN YOUR CLASSROOM??  Art- A similar scavenger hunt can be done in a museum. Students look for specific artists, artworks, elements and/or principles.  Music- Students can record themselves practicing or performing. Students can record other performances they see.  Social Studies- Create a video scavenger hunt for things students can find in D.C., St. Mary’s City, their local government, etc.  English- Students can record themselves reading a poem or acting out a scene from a play or book.  Math- Students can create step-by-step tutoring video. Or students could use props to solve a math problem/act out a word problem.  Science- Students can film their science experiments or create a scavenger hunt of things found in the surrounding landscape. THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS!!!!

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