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Improving the availability of research information by implementation of an integrated research information management system Daléne Pieterse Co-ordinator:

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Presentation on theme: "Improving the availability of research information by implementation of an integrated research information management system Daléne Pieterse Co-ordinator:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving the availability of research information by implementation of an integrated research information management system Daléne Pieterse Co-ordinator: Research Information Division for Research Development, Stellenbosch University September 2009

2 2 Background Increased need for reporting of research activities (R&D survey, etc) Research performance & incentive schemes linked to publications DoE policy framework Major types of outputs recognised Holistic approach; integrated research information management system

3 Research Administrator (RA) SQL server HR Personnel data Organisational structure Reporting to DoE Research Report (list of publications) Access database, linked directly to SQL server Via Excel Analises of research performance Info re publications, publication trends, etc Official institutional Research Statistics document Financial information re research funds Postgrad bursary info Research performance (subsidy units/full time equivalent NRF Ratings Data from: Finance system Excel spreadsheets Information cafeteria Current information systems & practices Once-off upload

4 Limitations of current system(s) Research not contained in one system Stored on variety of databases, spreadsheets, Analyzes time consuming, difficult Researcher’s perspective: Same data entered & maintained in more than one system Not able to track progress of projects, applications, etc

5 InfoEd – background & overview Grants and Contracts Human Studies Animal Studies Bio-Safety Intellectual Property Expertise Profiles Copyright 2007, InfoEd International, Inc.

6 RIMS Student Finance HR Dspace Scientific Data Management Systems (SDMS) Assets IAM (Identity and Access Management) Integration with other systems

7 Researcher Data entered once; flow of data between modules Information (individual) in one system Tracking of applications; e-mails directly from system Alerts; closing dates & additional info Funding opportunities; expertise; projects Showcase expertise Advantages of an integrated system

8 8 Advantages of an integrated system (cont) Research Managers Monitoring progress & research activities Access to pre-defined, standardised reports Institutional Automated reporting, statutory councils Platform – marketing expertise & focus areas Manage possible risks – ethics, contracts National Monitor research Access research areas & expertise

9 Challenges Consortium Multi-institutional; agreement by consortium on certain issues First time InfoEd is implemented an integrated system & not stand-alone modules SU internally Buy-in of end-users Needs driven, not IT driven Capacity in research office

10 Lessons learned & Steps taken Communication, communication, communication! Phased-in approach; central vs de-centralised InfoEd introduced as part of an umbrella-project; electronic services platform for researchers Only system when applying for funding; flow of info between modules Support from top management for project Ensure sufficient capacity – personnel & finance

11 Conclusion The configuration and implemenation of a project of this magnitude is a daunting task. We still have a year or more to go before we will be able to see the benefits of the system. However, once the whole system has been rolled out and implemented, the benefits of this will outweigh the tremendous amount of time and effort invested in this project. Questions?

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