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Early Statehood Unit 5: Chapter 15

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1 Early Statehood Unit 5: Chapter 15
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2 Freedoms & Slavery in the Republic of TX
The establishment of the Republic of TX was based on freedoms most TXNS had when they lived in the U.S. This meant that they would not live under a dictatorship (political) and civil liberties (civil/religious) like speech, religion, press, and assembly would be protected under a constitution. Slavery was legalized and free slaves had to get an act of Congress to remain legal in Texas.

3 Missouri Compromise (1820)
3 Missouri Compromise (1820) Banned slavery north of the 36° parallel Set precedent that for every slave state, a free state must enter 36’30 Line Kept the balance of free & slave states

4 The TX Question Throughout the years of the Republic, most Texans still wanted Texas to join the U.S.A. By Houston’s second term, the “Texas Question” became an important issue in American politics. Some Americans were against annexing TX because it would benefit slave owners & might cause war with MEX.

5 Annexation Treaty of 1844 By April 1844, the U.S. and TX signed a treaty that would make TX a territory of the U.S. TX would also give all its public lands in exchange for the U.S. to pay all its debts. Most TXNS were surprised when the U.S. Senate rejected the treaty by a vote of 35 to 16. Most senators opposed it because TX would enter the U.S. as a slave state and give the South an advantage in the Senate (i.e. South > North).

6 Polk Wins the U.S. Election
In the U.S. presidential election of 1844, James K. Polk (Democratic Party) narrowly defeated Henry Clay (Whig Party). Polk heavily favored annexation of TX. Polk and most Americans believed the U.S. was destined to expand from the Atlantic coast to the Pacific coast—manifest destiny.

7 Mexico Offers Recognition
France and Great Britain preferred TX stay an independent nation, rather than joining the U.S. They tried to convince MEX to recognize TX so the annexation wouldn’t happen. In May 1845, MEX offered to recognize TX on 1 condition – TX must reject annexation by the U.S. TX rejected the proposal and voted to approve annexation by the U.S.

8 How did Texas become a State? (3 steps)
First, the U.S. Congress proposed that Texas be annexed by joint resolution, a resolution passed by both houses of Congress that has the force of law and a simple majority of each house (instead of two-thirds majority vote required by the Senate to approve a treaty). Congress passed this on February 28, 1845. The joint resolution provided for immediate statehood, bypassing the time Texas would be a territory.

9 How did Texas become a State? (3 steps…)
Second, Anson Jones, last president of TX in 1844, called a special session of the TX Congress to consider and vote for annexation. The TX congress approved annexation on October 13, 1845. They also wrote a new state constitution. Third, on December 29, 1845, U.S. President Polk signed the resolution that made TX a state.

10 “The Republic of Texas is No More!”
On February 19, 1846, Anson Jones, the last president of the Republic, turned the government over to J. Pinckney Henderson, the first governor of the state of TX. The Lone Star flag was lowered, and the Stars and Stripes flag was raised. Texas ceremonially became the 28th state in the U.S. Anson Jones

11 Texas Becomes a State

12 Democratic Political Party
By 1850s, political parties had become organized. The Democratic Party, strong in the South, represented farmers and laborers (small business owners). Very popular The party of Southern favorite, former U.S. president Andrew Jackson Later split into 2 groups: Northern and Southern Democrats

13 Whig & Republican Political Parties
Whig Party represented banking and large business (or commercial) interests Few TXNS supported it because it opposed expanding slavery to new territories and annexation of TX. Nobody liked the Whigs. So we have the creation of… Republican Party Anti-slavery and therefore had no support in TX nor the South.

14 American “Know Nothing” Political Party
Some TXNS joined the American Party, or Know-Nothings Tried to keep new immigrants and Catholics from voting or holding public office. Supported slavery Secretive politically Nativism—favoring interests of native-born American citizens

15 No Voice in Politics Women had no rights to vote or participate in politics Slaves & Native Americans had no rights Free African Americans were denied the right to vote and join political parties Filed petitions to remain free Went to court to protect their freedoms

16 Federal Aid for Reservations
To stop the conflicts b/w settlers and Native Americans, the U.S. govt placed many Natives on reservations— Unsuccessful, Natives… Not given enough land to survive Refused to move onto reservations Many settlers opposed reservation system b/c many raids were made by Natives living on reservations

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