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Shadows & Substance Colossians 2:16-17. Melchizedek A minor OT character Genesis 14:18-20A minor OT character Genesis 14:18-20 –King of righteousness.

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Presentation on theme: "Shadows & Substance Colossians 2:16-17. Melchizedek A minor OT character Genesis 14:18-20A minor OT character Genesis 14:18-20 –King of righteousness."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shadows & Substance Colossians 2:16-17

2 Melchizedek A minor OT character Genesis 14:18-20A minor OT character Genesis 14:18-20 –King of righteousness –King of Salem…King of peace –First person called a priest

3 Melchizedek A minor OT character Genesis 14:18-20A minor OT character Genesis 14:18-20 Prophecy about Melchizedek Psalm 110:1-4Prophecy about Melchizedek Psalm 110:1-4 Shadow of Jesus’ priesthoodShadow of Jesus’ priesthood –God declared Jesus to be priest Hebrews 5:5-7 –Melchizedek made like Son of God Hebrews 7:1-3 ConnectionsConnections –Not because of family lineage Hebrews 7:3 –A priest continually Hebrews 7:15-17 –King of peace and righteousness Romans 14:17 –A priest on the throne Hebrews 4:14-16

4 Joseph BetrayalBetrayal –Joseph betrayed by Judah Genesis 37:26-27 –Jesus betrayed by Judas Matthew 26:14-16

5 Joseph BetrayalBetrayal Falsely accused and wrongly imprisonedFalsely accused and wrongly imprisoned –Joseph by Potiphar’s wife Genesis 39:17-20 –Jesus by false witnesses Matthew 26:59-61

6 Joseph BetrayalBetrayal Falsely accused and wrongly imprisonedFalsely accused and wrongly imprisoned Miraculously rescuedMiraculously rescued –Joseph through interpreting dreams Genesis 41:14- 16 –Jesus through the resurrection Acts 2:23-24

7 Joseph BetrayalBetrayal Falsely accused and wrongly imprisonedFalsely accused and wrongly imprisoned Miraculously rescuedMiraculously rescued AuthorityAuthority –Joseph given all authority in Egypt Genesis 41:40-41 –Jesus given all authority in heaven & on earth Matthew 28:18; 1 Corinthians 15:27

8 Joseph BetrayalBetrayal Falsely accused and wrongly imprisonedFalsely accused and wrongly imprisoned Miraculously rescuedMiraculously rescued AuthorityAuthority Saved God’s peopleSaved God’s people –Joseph Genesis 45:7-8 –Jesus Acts 5:30-31

9 Joseph BetrayalBetrayal Falsely accused and wrongly imprisonedFalsely accused and wrongly imprisoned Miraculously rescuedMiraculously rescued AuthorityAuthority Saved God’s peopleSaved God’s people Appearing to ten then eleven John 20:24-26Appearing to ten then eleven John 20:24-26

10 From Passover to Pentecost The PassoverThe Passover –The OT Passover Exodus 12 Lamb without blemish killed Vs. 5-6Lamb without blemish killed Vs. 5-6 Blood sprinkled Vs. 7Blood sprinkled Vs. 7 God would pass over them Vs. 12-14God would pass over them Vs. 12-14 –The True Passover 1 Corinthian 5:7 Lamb without blemish John 1:29; 1 Peter 1:19Lamb without blemish John 1:29; 1 Peter 1:19 His blood was sprinkled Hebrews 12:24His blood was sprinkled Hebrews 12:24 Sins were passed over Romans 3:25Sins were passed over Romans 3:25 –Jesus killed during Passover Matthew 26:2

11 From Passover to Pentecost The PassoverThe Passover Feast of Firstfruits Leviticus 23:9-14Feast of Firstfruits Leviticus 23:9-14 –First day of the week following Passover –First sheaf of grain as a wave offering –Beginning of harvest & a sign of trust –Resurrection on this very day 1 Corinthians 15:20

12 From Passover to Pentecost The PassoverThe Passover Feast of Firstfruits Leviticus 23:9-14Feast of Firstfruits Leviticus 23:9-14 Pentecost Leviticus 23:15-22Pentecost Leviticus 23:15-22 –Fifty days after the Passover Sabbath –Tithe given to the priests –Day the church began Acts 2:1 –Early Christians called firstfruits James 1:1; 18


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