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DESCRIPTION Susan Ely Fundamentals of College Writing.

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Presentation on theme: "DESCRIPTION Susan Ely Fundamentals of College Writing."— Presentation transcript:

1 DESCRIPTION Susan Ely Fundamentals of College Writing

2 Why be skilled in description?  Enhances readers’ understanding of your subject  Readers are drawn to description  Sustains interest  Helps reconstruct scenes in narratives  Makes action visual  Makes your story different than the rest

3 Good description….  Creates a dominant impression  Subjective vs. Objective  This is a skill expected in college

4 Good description….  Uses the 5 senses

5 Good description….  Uses Figurative Language—How do we describe something that defies language?  Metaphor/Simile  Personification main-area main-area

6 Good description….  Strong Verbs and Nouns

7 Good description….  Uses the element of surprise

8 Good description….  Indicates the writer’s attitude through  Word choice  The details you choose to include and describe

9 Add description to your Narratives  Include only relevant details  Keep the description focused  Make sure the description fits the essay’s tone and point of view

10 What can I describe?  Places  People  Emotions  Sights, sounds, tastes, touch  Weather  Actions

11 Ted Kooser   h/vod.html?moviename=kooser&width_high=480&h eight_high=360 h/vod.html?moviename=kooser&width_high=480&h eight_high=360

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