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DeepFishMan Case Study 4: North East Atlantic Oceanic redfish IMR: Benjamin Planque, Kjell Nedreaas, Daniel Howell MRI: Klara Jakobsdóttir, Thorsteinn.

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Presentation on theme: "DeepFishMan Case Study 4: North East Atlantic Oceanic redfish IMR: Benjamin Planque, Kjell Nedreaas, Daniel Howell MRI: Klara Jakobsdóttir, Thorsteinn."— Presentation transcript:

1 DeepFishMan Case Study 4: North East Atlantic Oceanic redfish IMR: Benjamin Planque, Kjell Nedreaas, Daniel Howell MRI: Klara Jakobsdóttir, Thorsteinn Sigurdsson,

2 Biological Background (1) ?

3 Biological Background (2) Slow growth, 50% mature at age 13, max age ~75

4 Biological Background (3) viviparous species, mating and larval extrusion take place in different time/areas, links between continental slope, Norwegian Sea and Barents Sea components are poorly known Maybe multiple stocks (Norwegian Sea, Barents Sea, Svalbard), but this is still largely unexplored

5 The Fisheries No directed trawl fishery Bycatch limits Pelagic fishery in international waters since 2004 Current landings around 10,000t Directed demersal and pelagic fishery Current landings around 16,000t (deep- sea) and 17,000t (oceanic)

6 some key issues S. mentella vs. S. marinus Stock identification of S. mentella connection between NEAtl & NWAtl stocks and fisheries Pelagic / Demersal components

7 Data: 1. Catch statistics Catch: Catch statistics available 1986-2008 (except 1988), Russian data available prior to 1986 Effort: Russian effort available 1975-2002 for 2 demersal trawler fleets (BMRT/PST), Norway effort needs to be collated, data available 1986-2008, Pelagic Fishery in Norwegian Sea (2006-), Standardised effort data (1988-) from Kaspersen (2008) Fleets: 2 Russian demersal fleets, Norway demersal factory trawler, international Pelagic fleet Catch/Effort/Landings in Iceland EEZ 1978-2008, logbook data by haul 1990-2008. Data prior to 1978 not split by species

8 Data: 2. Biology Life cycle: Data readily available (with the limitations mentionned earlier) Biol. param: readily available Stock structure: currently managed as one unit. Morphometric and otolith shape analysis provide (yet) equivocal evidence. Ecology: some information on predators & preys (needs to be collated), long failure in recruitment still unexplained

9 Data: 3. Biodiversity Bycatch: can be analysed from Pelagic fisheries logbooks and surveys since 2006, bycatch in the early stage of the Norwegian demersal fishery maybe extracted from Fiskeridirektoratet reports, Iceland logbook data (1990-2008) Benthos: see above VMEs: see above Fishing impact: ? Ecosystem function: ?

10 Data: 4. Economy Fish prices: 1988-2008 from Norwegian Seafood Export Council (Kaspersen, 2008) Fishing costs: 1988-2008 (Kaspersen, 2008, requires validation) Investment? All information for S. mentella and S. marinus combined.

11 Data: 5. Social Unknown

12 Data: 6. Assessment (1) Method used: no analytical assessment, XSA last tried in 2003. Current assessment is based in data from several surveys in the Barents Sea, Svalbard, and Norwegian slope and coast + recent data in the Norwegian Sea and catch statistics Length distribution: available Catch@age: available (ALK) CPUE: same as effort data

13 Data: 6. Assessment (2) Survey data: back to 1980 depending on the surveys Model planned: Gadget Possible bonus: Bayesian model (Aannes et al 2007), XSA, proto-moments, others, tested using Gadget as an operational model >> Aanes, S., Engen, S., Sæther, B.-E., Aanes, R., 2007. Estimation of the parameters of fish stock dynamics from catch-at-age data and indices of abundance: can natural and fishing mortality be separated? Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 64, 1130-1142.

14 Data: 7. Management Procedure: Assessment by ICES/AFWG, regulations set by Norwegian authorities in EEZ, by NEAFC in international waters. Regulation: Directed trawl fisheries for S. mentella is forbidden in EEZ north of 62  N and in the Svalbard area. Bycatches regulated (i.e. 3 juvenile redfish per 10 kg shrimp, 15% max bycatch in trawl fishery, both redfish species combined). Area closures. Pelagic fishery in international waters is managed by NEAFC since 2007 and an agreed TAC of 10,500 t was set in 2009

15 Deliverables Case study report Data transfer towards WP3, WP4, WP5, WP6, WP7 Gadget model development in WP4 Interaction with WP4-WP7 ICES links Benchmark assessment planned in AFWG in 2011 Monitoring recommendations to PGNEACS/PGRS


17 Overview surveys 1st quarter: –Joint Norw-Rus demersal (incl. Acoustics) winter survey Barents Sea (1986- ) 2nd quarter: –PGNAPES (2007- ) –Russian acoustic survey on spawning grounds-Kopytov area (1991-2000). Konstantin, incl. Those years covering Malang Bank-Spitbergen –Norw. trawl-acoustic survey 62N-70N on spawning grounds (1992, 2009), –Russian eggs- and larvae surveys, Lofoten-Kola, April-July (1959-1993), –Some years with Norw. postlarvae surveys (1985-1990) 3rd quarter: –Joint Norw-Rus Ecosystem survey (demersal incl. Acoustics) Barents Sea and Svalbard (2004- 2008), some years only Svalbard (1982-2002) –0-group (1965 -) –International Norwegian Sea pelagic acoustic survey (2007 -) 4th quarter: –Russian demersal survey Barents Sea and Svalbard (1982 -) –Norw. trawl-acoustic survey 62N-70N (2008)

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